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Paula Bee

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Everything posted by Paula Bee

  1. woah.. blush, blush, blush. I agree on the paper panties. I had no idea!
  2. Welcome to the forum, McCracken! We are glad to have you! Good luck to all of the new arrivals in bandland next week. I don't think you will need any luck, though, as the whole experience is great.
  3. You are right.. very cute! Thanks for the head's up!
  4. You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed. It actually makes her blood pressure rise and she has an anxiety attack. This does not make me terribly sad because I HATE exercise.. the sweat, the thighs chapping together, the people looking at me, (or who I fear or watching me.) Mmm.. don't leave for my fill til Tuesday.. maybe, just maybe, I can walk for 30 minutes for 3 days before I go. Anything else will be the cherry on top for me. Wait.. does rushing through the airport on layovers count as exercise? Woot.. make that 5 30 minute walks.
  5. Isn't life good! And the forum just makes it better. Welcome to your new life!
  6. How excellent! Nicki and I will be picked up at the airport for our fills at around 10:45. (She and I "met" here and are going to share the cost of the transportation.) My fill is at 3:00, and I don't know about Nicki, but I would love to meet you for supper. It sounds wonderful! I cannot wait to meet you! My email is paula_bee@comcast.net.
  7. I took 2 changes of clothes, loose waisted pants.. they were fine, personal items, phazyme, wore comfy shoes, money for shopping, book, powdered protein drink in ziplocks. There really isn't need for much more. I liked the broth at the Lucerna, too, so I was perfectly happy with that. Definitely, less is more.
  8. EVERYONE agrees that diet coke is bad for you. In fact, any kind of carbonated cola is bad for you. In my 6th grade class, we used to put a boiled egg in a cola, and in a few days, the shell was gone. Calcium eaten away. <Shakes my head.> Really freaked out the kids. In Dr. Miranda's postop instructions, I believe she said no carbonated anything for 6 months. When she was talking to us she said, "I know on a hot day you come home and want a cold beer, but NO... no bubblies for 6 months!" It cracked us up, because we don't drink beer, but the point was taken.
  9. I still don't think I found the link, but the one I did find had wonderful pictures of the band and how it works. I sent it to my son, who still doesn't quite a mental picture of the band.
  10. Dr. Ortiz and his staff treat you like it is their honor to be doing your surgery.. American doctors treat you like that doctor in Tallhassee... HUGE difference.
  11. Just in case, be sure to take your meds in the bottle you received from the pharmacy. I take about 12 different meds, so it is a pain, so I ask the pharmacist to print labels for smaller bottles so my whole bag isn't full of them. I have never had them checked, not even on my trip to Italy five years ago, but it never hurts to be safe when meds are involved.
  12. WOO WOO! When you're hot, you're hot! I can't wait to see next months pictures.
  13. Wow.. how many of us used to freeze a diet coke, wrap it in foil, and take it and an apple to school for lunch. I used to do that all the time. The crazy thing is, that in high school I weighted 166, and that is my goal weight now. I felt so fat...
  14. I will be there on the 6th... guess I will just miss all the commotion. Aie-yie-yie! (I think that is a good thing.)
  15. You won't even miss him.. you will be goofed up from the drugs from surgery, then you will be treated like a queen with popsicles and juice by the nursing staff. I felt the same way when my hubby was told to leave at 5:00, (a complete surprise for us,) but found it to be relaxing after he was gone and not hovering over me.
  16. Lots of people update the forum from the computer in the nurses' station.
  17. For me, (and my first fill is May 6th,) bread, pasta, and most wheat products get stuck. Last night I had broccoli stick..
  18. Thanks! I have been going there for 5 years now, and am afraid to change because they are just so good! Every time the cut is fresh, and a little updated, so it doesn't get boring. Same with the color. I only go about 5 times a year because that is all i can afford.
  19. YIPPEE! :lb21: How very encouraging! I cannot wait to feel what you are feeling. Congratulations!
  20. Thanks as always, Michelle Also, your online name cracks me up.. it implies that you are everyone's mother, but I am more than twice your age.. just an irony to me. However, you give good advice just like any mother does.. are you sure you aren't 60?
  21. That is about exactly what I pay. I had a complete makeover after I lost the last 100 pounds, about 5 years ago, and they had to strip the black, then update the cut, color, and highlights. I didn't tell them anything about what to do, and trusted that it would be beautiful, and it was. I am afraid to go anyplace else now, and save to make the sacrifice to do this. Many times I think my hair is the only thing I like about the way I look.
  22. Don't worry... Be happy! (Sorry, but I couldn't resist.) The surgery is as wonderful as it can be, and it will be good for you to have a little break from the routine at home... besides, you can sleep late! Your husband and baby will do fine without you, and you will come back a little sore, but looking forward to the rest of your life; more time to spend with your baby as she grows up. AND... your husband will have more time to love you because you will be healthy. Best of luck..
  23. Depends on what Dr. Miranda says. She put me on two protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, and a lean cuisine for supper.
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