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Paula Bee

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Everything posted by Paula Bee

  1. Unless they tell you otherwise, you have a private room. Also, the paper panties are a HOOT. As a fattie, I have never worn a thong, and this was my chance. I laughed so hard. Many of our forum got an extra pair and had the doctor sign them as a souvenier. Go with the flow.. the whole thing is facinating.
  2. You don't have to worry about your hotel accomodations... they take care of it all. I think you send your flight itinerary to the secretary.. can't think of her name, but I also sent one to the transportation dept, and later called transportation to double check, making sure they had everything right.
  3. Laughing.... you are so normal.... once the decision to have the surgery is made, it becomes a date obsession until it finally arrives. Funny how we count our lives by events.. first the surgery, and then the fill.
  4. ACK! So that means that if I weigh 257 I am supposed to eat 257 x 10 = 2570 a day? OMG.. :lb20:
  5. I have done both vinegar and Sea Breeze, at the recommendation of my Stylist. I couldn't stand the smell of the vinegar, (triggered my asthma,) but I LOVE the way Sea Breeze makes my scalp feel. I have never heard of baking soda to get rid of product buildup, but I will certainly try it, as the farther away I get from my cut and needing a new one, the more product I have to use. Congratulations on taking the jump for something new and fresh. It is a terrific step to remind you that you are changing every day. Also, looking good increases your self-esteem so much. Hooray for such an exciting step.
  6. Ohhhh .. I cannot wait to see the next "update."
  7. I talked to her, and the insurance is the problem. She can get the vgb surgery for her 250 deductable. I would stop and think about that, too, but I have researched everything and would still choose the lapband for me. Her fills would be the other problem. She switched jobs so she could get insurance for the surgery, and as a new employee, taking time to get the fills would be uncomfortable for her. (I told her that fills would be separated by a reasonable amount of time, but she was still uncomfortable with it. I do understand her feelings there, as when my husband had prostate cancer, he had to go in late every time he had radiation, and get off early when he had his assorted doctors' appointment. Still, I think the decision is unfortunate, but I will just be as supportive as I have been and be happy that she can afford ANY type weight loss surgery. Thank you all for your suggestions... I tried them all
  8. I drink water with the Special K powder twice a day to add the protein to my diet, since I don't feel like I am getting enough. The lemonade is my favorite.
  9. Well, Dr. Miranda called it "pre-barfing." It reminds me of a cat coughing up a hairball. It happens when you eat too fast, take too big of bites, don't chew well, or eat something that just "sticks" when you swallow. (White bread/flour products do it to me.) The food doesn't reach your stomach, so you are not throwing up stomach acid and salivia. It sort of "hangs" in your throat, causing pain until you cough or barf it up. It really hurts, which certainly discourages me from repeating whatever behavior that caused it. Yay for the lapband for doing its job!
  10. I walked today.. I hated it, sweated, kinda bitched and moaned about waiting til noon to walk, but I did it. The funny thing is that my pomeranian hates walking, too. He can be wagging, happy, playing, and when he hears the word "walk" he slunks close to the floor, his tail droops behind him, and he heads under the bed as fast as he can. Ironically, I have started taking little "foodies" to reward him with as we walk. I am hoping that he will begin to associate the leash with rewards and then I can slowly wean him off of them. I hate exercise so much that you couldn't bribe me with a lobster dinner or good chocolate to do it. BUT.. I did it.. I did have to take the expected pain pill this afternoon, and will need another at bedtime, but it is nice not to hurt so badly from the walk. I am thankful for pain medicine that I don't like to take to help with a walk I don't want to take either. Like me, all mixed up.
  11. That is EXACTLY what happened to me... exactly.. hurt for about 3 hours afterwards. :lb20:
  12. Yep.. I hate to be gross, but it reminds me of a cat coughing up a hairball.
  13. That is a very good question that I have not heard addressed before in the forum. Any of our nurses have any imput?
  14. Wow, Michelle! You are a doll for looking that up. I tried, but couldn't find any picture that made me understand better. Yours are perfect. I will tactfully try to get her to change back to lapband, but one reason she loves me is that I am so supportive of her. Seems to be a breach of her trust almost. Well, at least I am better informed now, but I cannot figure out why anyone would do that instead of lapband. Thanks for all opinions.. you guys are why I log on here.
  15. I seem to be dominating the board this morning, but I noticed something today that I hadn't noticed before. I have a bra extension where my bra hooks in the back, and today when I put it on, I had to hook it two loops closer. One more loop, and I won't need the extention anymore. That is one of my "I can't wait til..." items.. to fasten my bra with no bra extention. I haven't lost a pound in about 10 days, but this is just as exciting. Sometimes body mass decreases even without weight loss. HOORAY!
  16. Thank you so much for sharing... I hope I will be as successful a year from now. You are an inspiration.
  17. I have a friend that was scheduled to have lapband surgery on May 9th. She has great insurance, so she is having it done in her home city. She has had to go to all the meetings required by that dr. and last night she attended the one with the dieticion and one of the doctor's assistants. Today she went for her appointment with her surgeon, and decided to change to the VGB surgery. She said it involved some stitches in the stomach and then a mesh ring that didn't require fills. I am aghast, but I am not really sure what vgb is... It cannot be as safe as the lapband. She is so happy for her upcoming procedure that I don't want to discourage her... she has 165 pounds to lose. Anyone know what to do?
  18. Yep.. if you have the "big" pain pills, exercise anyway. He said if I was hurting BEFORE I walk, to take it about an hour before, then take another one later in the afternoon if I am in too much pain to nap or rest. He told me that 2 percoset a day wasn't going to make anyone an addict. Everyone in my situation, take your meds and get to walking. If you don't have big pain meds and you are hurting, go talk to your doctor or work your way into a pain management doctor.
  19. Welcome to our group! I am glad you finally got on!
  20. I am 5 weeks post-op and barely feel any restriction at all, but that is not the point in this stage. Just healing.. I get my first fill on May 6th and then I will worry about restriction.
  21. WOOT! We are all proud of your for beating the smoking issue and now taking the next step in your positive lifestyle. :lb13:
  22. I agree that there is healthy and unhealthy, and my doctor views this as unhealthy. One other thing mentioned was the pride in completing the post-op diet. I think pride in accomplishment is as important as weight loss for those of us with terrible self-esteem. One thing I noticed on Biggest Loser (which I don't have access to,) is that every time the contestants completed one of the terribly difficult challenges, (and they all completed all of them,) they had a TREMENDOUS self-esteem boost in doing something they didn't believe possible. I have to believe that completing the 3 weeks post-op really did the same for me.. I was PROUD of myself. I hope you feel the same pride in yourself after your three weeks are over.
  23. I will be praying for you. Try to think of it positively.. he will find the issue tonight, you can deal with it, then it will be past. Thinking good thoughts for you...
  24. YAY! YAY! YAY! Finally! This is encouraging to everyone facing their first fill! Relieved! :lb16:
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