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Posts posted by tlag

  1. Hi Dawns,

    I am from Manhattan Kansas. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz in april 2008. I know of 2 places so far that does fills. The first one is Tallgrass in Topeka. They charge 250.00 your first visit, then 150.00 each visit after that. I went there for a fill, but due to a flipped port was unable to get it. I ended up going back to Mexico to have surgery again and a fill. The other place is Mercy Hospital in Manhattan. I think they charge 450.00 your first visit and 150.00 on future visits. Where in Kansas are you? My friends and I are going to mexico on the 10th of July to get a fill. The fill places in Kansas do not use fluroscopy and after the problems I have had, I chose to go back to Mexico one last time.

  2. It is very frustrating I know. I was at a stand still at 5 weeks post op and was hungry all the time. I went for my first fill, only to find my port was flipped. I had surgery again and a fill. I still don't have much restriction, never did. I can still eat bread and etc. I have lost about 9 pounds since my first fill on 5-21-08. I have had several people say it may take more than 1 fill to hit your sweet spot. I am going my for 2nd fill 7-9-08 and am looking forward to it. Don't give up!!! We have all been where you are at now and it will get better! Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself, the weight will come off.

  3. Hello Grace (pieninsky)

    congrats on your upcoming surgery. I started dieting in Oct when I reached 245 pounds. By the time I did the lap band, I had lost 38 on my own, but the lap band has been helpful. I can tell I am needing another fill and I do not seem to get full very easy.

    As far as lifting your suitcase, well........I think the limit is 20 or 25 pounds, if I am wrong, please someone correct me. I don't think I lifted anything more than 10 pounds as I was afraid of my port flipping. I had surgery on 4-3-08 (Thursday) and I was back to work on monday. I wish I would have taken a few more days off. I was still alittle tender, but figured the walking with my job would help.

    Words of advise.....take some broth soup packets with you to Mexico. You will have a coffee pot in your room that you can use for the hot water. It is alot cheaper than buying soup(broth). Also not a bad idea to take at least 1 box of gas X strips, they are very helpful. I had the gas in my chest and was unable to burp which hurt, but the strips really help.

    I think you will be very happy with your decision, I think it is the best decision I have ever made!!! Just remember the expense does not stop after the band. Fills will cost too, so make sure to budget that too. Best of luck, I will come back to see you if they let me and if you want me to.


    52 lbs already. i am scheduled for surgery on july 9th. how long has it been since your surgery? any words of advise? do i need to worry about being able to lift my suitcase back into my car after surgery? how long until you were back at work? anything you wish you'd known beforehand? i am excited about finally moving forward with this decision. nervous though. congrats on your progress thus far!


  4. sylvia,

    Ahhh too bad you are not going on July 9th. My friend and i both had lap band in April. We are flying out from KC to San Diego (Mexico) for our second fill. Maybe next time we can try to go together, it will be fun

    You are making the right decision. The lap band is wonderful, but still alot of work with the diet, but good things don't come easy. Best of luck to you

  5. 1.) I am coming back to TJ for another fill on 7-9-08. My friend and I have decided to take the trolly to TJ. Do the buses sit at the airport ready to take people to the trolley? Are they also covered under the 5 dollar pass?

    2.) Which trolley stop would I need to get off on to catch a bus to get back to the airport?

    3.) My flight does not leave until the following day at 6:45pm. Is there a bus or something that will go from the trolley station to the zoo or anything like that? What are some good things to do when a person has a day to spare?

  6. Hi Cathy,

    I was banded in TJ. It only took about 30-45 minutes I think. I too went shopping the next day on Revolution Avenue. I did not have any pain or discomfort except for the gas pains. Sometimes felt like I was having a heart attack. I was not hungry for the first couple of days, then it hit........... broth and pop cycles did not help, I felt like I was starving. I think the doctors in other places do take longer to do the surgery from what I have heard. Maybe Dr. Ortiz is just faster because he does at least 6-9 a day everyday. Who knows?!?

    I wish you the best with your band and welcome to the bandsters!

  7. OMG, you all are soooo funny. I needed a good laught and leave it to you all to do it. Thanks!!

    I told my finance that we had to wait 3 weeks this time (after the 2nd surgery--flipped port). I have a fluid filled sack still around the incision area, which I am afraid will cause problems like last time and I do not want to take any chances!!!

    Does anybody know, if my port was to flip again, would they do surgery again? or would I just be up the creek?

  8. I am so sorry to hear about all your stress with your mom and the fact of not losing weight. I know stress is so tough on you and everybody. I lost my dad 6 days before I got my band, so I understand how stressful it must be. I didn't have to move him and get rid of stuff, but I am the main survivor as my mom and sister have also passed on, so it put alot on my shoulders. I got thru it and I know you will get through your stressful time too. I was banded on 4-3-08. I got my first fill on 5-21-08. Since surgery I have only lost 12 pounds, so I feel th frustration also. I got 1.5 cc, and I too have no restriction. The doctor here in my state will only do .5 or 1 cc fill at a time. I am trying to figure out how to afford going back to TJ for my fill and I do not trust the doctors here. The flight tickets with summer being here are CRAZY!!

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you that all goes well. I wish you the best of luck with your mom and your fill. NEVER feel like a failure, because you are not. You took the first step to get the band and are trying, so give yourself some credit and be proud of yourself!!

    Best of Luck

  9. I do not know what they, (the mexican doctors) charge for band slippage, but...........I DO know that if your port flips, they will fix it for free. My flipped, which I found out at my first fill in the US. The US wanted 3000 dollars to fix it and DR. Martinez did it for free. They are all really good doctors there and it is a very clean spot. They really care about their patients and are concerned about germs. They will not allow anybody to walk on the floors in the surgical area or patient rooms in their street shoes. I think they are very careful, however sometimes infection can happen. It is always a risk when you have any type of surgery. I agree you should heal completely before considering any other surgery, so your body does not have to concentrate on more than one area. Plus, the way the mexican doctors are, they probably would not want to take any chances until you are completely healed. I wish you the best in the healing process, I hope all heals well. Good luck with your decision if you wish to proceed with the surgery, but know,.............the mexican doctors are AWESOME!!!

  10. Oh Yea, I forgot to tell Denise good luck on your surgery. I am sure you will be very pleased, They are all wonderful, caring people there at OCC. Just make sure if you take a taxi that you have the price decided before you get in. Some will try to rip you off. The going rate is 5 bucks, i got stuck paying 7-8 dollars a few times, still not too bad. The taxi drivers are crazy, or at least their driving is crazy, but they always get ya where you are going.

  11. thank you denise, audry and kimra. The recovery is going to be fine. I am being even more careful, if that is even possible. The surgeon here in Kansas wanted $3000 to do the surgery. I also found out from Dr. Martinez, the doctor here in the states that tried to do my first fill (the time I found that my port was flipped) that she stuck me in the wrong spot and could have damaged my tubing. Dr. Martinez said he checked the tubing about 5-6 times to make sure it did not leak, what a sweety. He STRONGLY encouraged me to come back to Mexico the next time I need a fill. I called several places here that do lap bands and none of them do it under fluroscopy. I'm sure I will be going back to Mexico in about 3 months or sooner for my next fill, don't trust the doctors here as much as the doctors in Mexico.

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