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Posts posted by HunnyB

  1. Darlene,

    Since we both get in on Monday and leave on the 27th, I am sure we will see each other. I am bringing my sister, who lives in MN, I told her if she came with me I would pay for her roundtrip to my house in Austin,Tx and her roundtrip from Austin to SanDiego. She was all for a mini vacation that she didnt have to pay for. If I can figure out how to add my picture to my screen name, then you will know who to look for.


  2. [Darlene,

    Its so funny that you said about eating the things you like, cause I bought a 1lb. bag of redvines today. I too feel like this is going to be the only way I will ever lose weight and keep it off. I only have about 50lbs to lose and was greatful for Dr Ortiz agreeing to do my surgery. I used to weigh 240 but my brother was just diagnosed with diabetes and both parents have it and 1 sister. So mine is more of preventing what my later come to me. I found as I got older it was harder & harder to get he weight off. And no matter what I do, it wont budge. I think that is the only reason my hubby is agreeing to this surgery. He doesnt want me to get any illness's and he see's how I struggle with my weight. I cant wait. I wish I could get it done today :)

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