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Posts posted by Blazn

  1. hey im karmin im 18 and i just had the band 4/9. im so hungry.my problem now. what would happen if i cheated?

    Karmin, don't risk it!! You have come to far to mess things up now. You never know what would happen if you cheated. Your band could slip, you could obstruct....who knows. Always fear the worse. Just make it through today - you can add creamy soups tomorrow (no chunks) and I promise you will feel much better. Just drink, drink, drink. If your stomach is full of fluids you won't be hungry. We all know how you feel. Those of us that are already banded have been through what you are going through. Good luck and keep us posted. :lb11:

  2. Momonamission, You are in the right place talking to the right people. We know exactly what you are and have been going through. Every single one of us had doubts of going to Mexico for surgery. Everybody!! We all freaked out over the "what ifs...". But.....go to the testimonial and experiences link - read them....Very, and I mean very, rarely will you find a bad experience. I did not even know this forum existed before I was banded. Had I have known I would not have struggled with my decision so much nor would I have spent so much time trying to convince my husband...I would have just read him the testimonials. Please keep us posted and good luck. We are here for you!!!!!!!

  3. I don't even own a scale at home. When I moved 4 years ago into our new house mine broke.....I started to buy another one but it depressed me everytime I got on the dawg-gone thing so I said - well I just won't replace it. So when I started the banding process, I started weighing at work. They have these really huge digital scales for the patients and they are very accurate. So, since I only work 2 days a week I usually only weigh then - but just one of those 2 days. I am working tomorrow and have not weighed since last Thursday. I am so dreading it....I feel like I have gained a couple of pounds. But....only 2.5weeks until my first fill.

    To those of you getting your first fill this week - please post your experience ASAP....we can't wait to find out how it goes.

  4. Denise, I, too, had shoulder pain. At first it was very severe - to the point to where I only had to drink 1 swallow of water and it felt like a knife stabbing me. But.....I must say that it is significantly better. Now the only time it hurts is when I overeat or eat too fast. It also seems to hurt worse if I drive just after eating. But it is so bearable. I am sorry you are still having trouble. This is a link I posted previously about shoulder pain post-op lap band...http://www.core.monash.org/assets/documents/research-papers/2005-52.pdf I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  5. Twigs, Wow - your first colonoscopy...how exciting :cheerleader: JK. I am a nurse and part of me wants to tell you to inform your MD of all surgeries but I also understand why you don't want to disclose the fact about banding. I too come from a small town. With that in mind, since a colonscopy is a view from the bottom end so to speak, the scope will not come anywhere near the band. Therefore, I do not think you not telling him will put you or your band in danger. But....I am really good friends with the gastroenterologist where I live and I will see him later this week.....how about I just ask him for you so that you can be completely sure. It may also be a good idea to ask your primary care doc if he thinks you should disclose the info. I will let you know when I find out something.

  6. I know exactly how you feel! I think that would be okay. Those shakes are not just empty calories. You would take in less calories eating those than eating like a horse. I think you are right about the shakes after fills. I have been living by lean cuisine type meals. Smart Ones even makes a ham, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich. It's delicious. Just try to make healthy food choices when you do eat. But don't be discouraged if you gain some of your weight back between now and your fill. Lots of people gain wait while waiting on their fill. Keep us posted.

  7. Hey, I have found different things on different websites about how long to wait after being banded to try to get pregnant and I found this.....

    Can I get pregnant after surgery?

    It is strongly recommended that women wait at least one year after the surgery before a pregnancy. Approximately one year post-operatively, your body will be fairly stable (from a weight and nutrition standpoint) and you should be able to carry a normally nourished fetus. During the first year you are losing weight rapidly and that environment represents special risks for a growing fetus. You should consult your surgeon as you plan for pregnancy.

    This came from a website at Memorial Health - a huge & reputable hospital in Savannah, GA, they have their own bariatric center. I will post the link in case anyone else wants to check it out.


  8. Brook, I think tonight you could consider yourself 4 days post op and proceed to the next phase of the post op diet. I am not sure about the vegetable juice, though. You should email Dr. Miranda. She is very good about responding in a timely manner. Keep us posted!

  9. Gosh Mackenzie, I think that is great. I am so very excited. I am 4 weeks post op and hardly even feel like I have a band. I do have a little restriction but I honestly think it is where my real stomach shrunk from the liquid phase post op. My fill is scheduled for May 3rd. I can't wait. Yes...of course you need to eat. Good job on what you ate last night. That was a good idea to eat the meat first. That is what Dr. Miranda stressed. The protein is what we need most so if you are going to fill up that fast then the protein is what you should eat first. Just keep in mind that although the Slim Fast shakes have lots of proteins and other vitamins, they go right through the band. Item #10 on Dr. Miranda's post op diet states "Eat three meals a day - SOLIDS (NO PROTEIN SHAKES)". But I guess if you are not eating hardly anything then you need the shakes for a source of nutrition, but you probably need to try to eat solid food. Also make sure to take some chewable vitamins. I just love the gummie bear vitamins. Just make sure you take double what a child should take. Please keep us posted on your progress. =D>

  10. Hey, I actually paid with a cashier's check, I am not sure how to pay with a credit card. I am sure there is a machine at the OCC. But I am pretty sure you have to pay like an extra $300 if you pay with a credit card. Does anyone know if you can get a cashier's check at the bank by charging the money to a credit card? Thay way you would not have to pay the extra fees. Or maybe you could get a cash advance from your credit card. I know my credit card sends me blank checks once in a while. You could deposit the money into your account and then get a cashiers check out of your account. When you get your surgery confirmation letter (you don't usually get this until like 1 week before your surgery date) there will be specific info about their banking information if you wish to wire the money. Then you would just take that info to your bank and wire the money. You would not have to pay the extra fees with that option either. I think you only have to pay the extra money with credit cards and financing.

  11. Evan, Kudos for realizing that WE can't do everything. So many people say those that have lap band are cheating.....but those people don't understand and don't listen to them. Only you know what you have been through. As far as talking to your parents about it.....your mom's friend sounds like a real asset to you. Has she talked to your mom about you having lap band or just you. If not, maybe you two could talk to her together. But keep in mind....you are an adult now. This is not like asking mom for a tattoo. This is a procedure that could improve your quality of life and in fact may save your life. You must beat that into their heads if at first they object. When I mentioned it to my husband I can't describe to you the rejection I got from him. He was stern in his "no" decision. But he has never been overweight and has never had to diet. I started showing him Internet videos about how obesity is one of the leading causes of death (indirectly) in people today. Most of us on this forum were banded by Dr. Ariel Ortiz in Tijuana, Mexico. On his website (you can click home in the upper left hand corner of this forum) is www.obesitycontrolcenter.com and he has posted videos about the procedure and a video about a study performed in Australia, I believe, on diabetes being cured after lap band. Wherever you decide to go...do your research on your surgeon. Of course I would recommend Dr. Ortiz. You can read his credentials on his website but please read testimonials on this forum.....the patients will speak for him, his staff, and his facility. He charges $7,950 (which includes transportation from and to San Diego Airport, 2 nights stay at a beautiful hotel, and the procedure, plus fills are free - you just have to pay $100 for fluoroscopy - they will explain aftercare to you if you decide to go with Dr. Ortiz)....as where most US surgeons charge $14-22 thousand. I even read a forum post somewhere that in Penn. they charge like $40-44G. That is absolutely ridiculous. Also check with your insurance. They may cover weight loss surgery. It is a very long approval process but it would be worth it if they would pay. Also when you do decide to tell your mom.....use this forum. Show her how happy we are. Show her our concerns. She will see that the good outweighs the bad by a mile. Good luck. Keep us posted.

  12. Maytee, yes I do still get left shoulder pain. At first it was very severe - to the point to where I only had to drink 1 swallow of water and it felt like a knife stabbing me. But.....I must say that it is significantly better. Now the only time it hurts is when I overeat or eat too fast. It also seems to hurt worse if I drive just after eating. But it is so bearable. I am sorry you are still having trouble. This is a link I posted previously about shoulder pain post-op lap band...http://www.core.monash.org/assets/documents/research-papers/2005-52.pdf I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  13. Wow, way to go. I know how you feel. I have jeans that I call that I "bought in passing". That means I bought them in passing from one size to the next....on my way up. I am now back in some of those passing jeans and I am so excited. I have lost and gained so much over the last few years that I think I have an outfit that should fit for the next few months of weight loss. I have a dress that I wore at easter several years ago and would love to wear it to my cousin's wedding in May....that is my goal. I will keep you guys posted.

  14. Wow Kimmie, You're looking slim and trim.....as far as the gallery goes - Click on your My Controls link at the top. Then under Invision Gallery - click on your album...then click create album....then it will walk you through the process of creating an album. Just keep in mind after you upload pics they have to be approved by the administrator so they will not show up to us until after that...but you will be able to see them. Also....this is a problem I was having....if you get a message that there was an error and to contact the administrator.....your photos are probably too large. Re-size and re-upload. I hope this helps...and great job on your weight loss.

  15. I am considering the Lab Band procedure and I decided to do a report for a research project for an English class (WSU) using this procedure in the hope of solving two issues at once--do I want the procedure and can I complete a satisfactory report for a class.

    I would appreciate any and all responses.

    I am 41 and aprox 170 pounds overweight.

    My main questions are:

    What do you wish you had know BEFORE the procedure?

    The main thing I have noticed about Lap Band patients is that they did A LOT of research before making their decision. Is there any information missing or not available?

    Any regrets?

    Again, anything you have to share would be greatly appreciated.


    I, too, did a lot of research so there is probably nothing I wished I'd have know before the procedure. Only regret.....not asking Dr. Ortiz to sign my paper panties...LOL..other than that...I haven't lost a huge amount of weight but I already feel wonderful!!!!

  16. Hi,

    Where did you fly out of in Florida? We live in Lake County and are flying out of Orlando and the least expensive flight I could find was 350 including taxes and airport charges. We fly out in the a.m. and my hubby and the procedure on Monday the 14th, but for his first fill I would really like him to go back to TJ.



    Hey Renee', I flew out of Jacksonville, FL and the cost was $315 (for my original surgery) but when I was thinking about going back for my fill the dates I picked...it was only $250. Not sure when you need to go..but you may want to check with JAX.

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