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Posts posted by Blazn

  1. I know exactly how you feel. When I found out how much I was going to be paying for my first fill I just about died.....not really but you know. I live in GA, so my plane ticket would be $250....transportation to OCC approximately $100....$100 for fluoro.....and then I would have to spend the night because there would not be a flight home in the same day plus who wants to fly 12 hours in one day. So I am looking at approximately $550 (at least) to return to the OCC. So.....I decided to use Fill Centers USA. As utahmom previously stated Fill Centers charges $349 initial fee and where I am going the NP charges $200 for fluoro (only for the first time). So I am still looking at $550. All subsequent visits will be a little cheaper as the Fill Centers appt. will decrease to $165 (its $85 if you do not get a fill and are just there for an office visit) and the fluoro charge decreases to $120 - making the total visit $285. Am I rich.....absolutely not, I am a nurse who only works 2 days a week because of nurse practitioner school but I am dedicated to this weight loss journey. So I won't buy those shoes I don't need.....nor will we go to the movies every weekend. I must save my money to pay for my fills. But keep in mind that some people only need 1 or 2 fills and some need more. I haven't even had my first fill yet so I don't know if I will be one of those fortunate ones to have 1 or 2 or one to have more.

    But just like Michelle posted you will be amazingly suprised at how much you are going to save on food. I cannot believe how much I used to eat that my body did not need. I can already see where I am saving on groceries. I think snowbird posted a good suggestion about the other forum that will give you an idea about what is in your area and what your options are. Keep us posted on what you find and what you decide to do. But really, we understand. Fills can be pricey and no one wants to pay 2-3Grand after paying 8 for the surgery.

  2. Of course it is going to vary by person. As Mackenzie said it does has a lot to do with what you put into it/activity/etc. Also a lot of it is pre-surgical weight. The more the person has to lose (usually) the faster it comes off if he/she is sticking to the diet. For example it is harder for someone who only weighs 170 to lose 5lbs. than it is for a person weighing 300lbs. to lose 5 lbs. I lost 8lbs. in the first (clear liquids) week and have lost 2lbs every week since then and that is with little/no restriction (but lots of will power). My first fill is scheduled for May 3rd.....and I can't wait.

  3. If the total package is $299 that sounds like a good deal. I do know fluoro is $100 and round trip transportation is $130.....so that leaves what....$69 for a night at the lucerna. Thats not bad. I am using Fill Centers USA for my first fill due to flight costs, travel time, etc and I am paying $550. But it would cost me $650 for flight and fill package at the OCC and I would eventually have to use the Fill Centers anyway.....so I am going there from the get go. I have requested my medical records from the OCC and will take them with me when I go.

  4. Hey Jena, I was banded on March 17th. Things are very good here! I lost 6lbs. pre-op and 13lbs since the surgery - 19lbs total. My swelling has went down so I don't have much restriction - but I do think my "real" stomach shrank some during the liquid phase. I lost 8lbs in the first week and have lost 2 lbs per week since. I am able to eat about 1/3-1/2 of what I ate before. Most of the time only 1/3. Tonight I went out to eat though and ate 1/2 of a turkey burger and I am miserable....physically and mentally. I am scheduled for my first fill on May 3rd. I can't wait. I am having to use a lot of self dicipline right now.....but I have much more will power now than before the band. I just bought me lots of lean cuisine type meals and eat those religiously. Never been big on the protein shakes. Only complaint - is when I eat too much I still have left shoulder pain......for more info see the post regarding left shoulder pain. But that is so bearable and that is my own fault for eating too much. I am very happy I am banded and would not change a thing if I had the chance. Good luck on your journey...You are in good hands with OCC.

  5. Lots of people like to go back to the OCC just to make sure everything is okay, but I am going to use Fill Centers USA due to the cost of travel. Dr. Ortiz is on the advisory board there and they are very familiar with his patients. I have requested my medical records so that my aftercare provider will know exactly what, when, who, where, and why everything is like it is. I am very comfortable going there, although I would love to go back to OCC just to see everyone again. Anyway, hope all works out for you. Keep us posted.

  6. Nebsmom, hey I am a nurse and I had surgery on 3/17. I only work part-time but I went back to work 1 week later. I probably could have went back sooner but with you working in the ER I would not chance it. That is a very fast-paced unit and you never know what kind of day you will have. Good luck on your surgery and keep us posted.

  7. Hey Gina, I too am a nurse and was almost ashamed at how I treat my patients after being cared for at OCC. Did you feel that way? Not that I am mean to my patients or anything....I am a pediatric nurse....how can you be mean to kids....but those nurses and staff at OCC just took such good care of me. I was also the same way with all of the docs. I had so many questions and honestly spent at least 10-15 minutes with Dr. Martinez asking questions. Now I just love the panty idea. I so wish I had thought of that. That is absolutely the coolest. Yes, Dr. Ortiz was h-h-hot!! And I completely agree about the smile....he should be forbidden. :D Well great post of your experience. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care!

  8. Wow - do they really advise waiting 2 years before getting pregnant? I was hoping to have enough weight off by next summer to start trying. But I won't if it's not in good interest. I don't want to damage the band for sure. I did read on another forum that a woman got pregnant 3 months after receiving the band and she done fine....she only gained 4 lbs. her whole pregnancy and had a 7lb. healthy baby boy. But I am sure she was not trying to get pregnant.

  9. Hi all

    I was wondering if anyone ended up wearing their wedding rings. My husband is going with me and could keep it with him while I am in surgery. But is it not safe to wear "out and about". What about taking a purse? Just leave it at the hotel? I feel so unprepared! What other paper work do I need to bring.....I have numbers for Rene etc, the original check, but what else..

    Love to hear from you soon!

    Brook :huh:

    Hey, I did wear my rings most of the time. I, of course, did not wear them during surgery - my husband kept them, nor did I wear them when shopping. But I did wear them the rest of the time. I also took a purse. I have a purse that I travel with all the time. It is small and can be wrapped around my neck and shoulder and across my back so no one can grab it - it fits like a beauty contestants shaw would fit. I also took it with me to the OCC. I just took a small duffle bag with a change of clothes, my purse, toothbrush, etc. Everything was in the duffle the whole time though. My husband was in my room with the bag while I was in surgery so it was safe. You also need to take your original paperwork that you faxed to the OCC. They will want the hard copy. Also do not forget your method of payment if you did not wire the money. To come back into the US you will need your driver's license or other government approved ID and your certified birth certificate (not the pretty one with the gold seal). Take a camera. You will want pics. That about sums it up. Just don't overpack. There is no need. Good luck on your journey. Keep us posted on your experience.

  10. Hey I was banded on March 17th - and I am still not sure about the water. At the Lucerna you have bottled water waiting on you in your room and when housekeeping cleans the room daily they leave two new bottles. I also ordered water with a meal and they brought me bottled water so I probably would not drink out of the faucet. Anyway - As far as how they scrub in....I do remember seeing Dr. Martinez scrubbing in in a room beside the OR. The suits look like the one's our surgeons use and the nurse's tied the back just like they do where I work (so that their hands remain sterile). Please do not worry about stuff like that. Being a nurse, I was so skeptical.....but you will see when you get there that everything is so clean and legit. I was taken very, very good care of. What part of GA are you from and when are you being banded?

  11. Hey - that is too funny about the basket. I was banded on March 17th (Monday) - well the next Sunday was Easter (which was hard enough - I love boiled eggs!) But when I got to work the next day - there it was - a beautiful easter basket from my secret pal full of tootsie rolls, chocolate, candy corn, etc. It was so depressing.....until I got on the scale and had realized I lost 8lbs. in one week. I put the basket up (after getting the sugar free gum out of it), brought it home to my husband and let him dig in.

    Sorry about the hematoma. Hope you are feeling better. The bruise is normal after a hematoma and will probably look worse before it looks better. It will turn brown then this ugly green-yellow. But that is normal and it will go away shortly after that.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  12. HI - i am getting a fill on 5/1 by Dr. ortiz. i don't have any restriction. Am curious to see how the fill changes this as i am losing hope.

    how are you doing? my incisions are healing and i don't have any pain.

    goodluck with your fill!

    I am doing fine. No restriction here either. But I do have SOME will power. I lacked that before the band. I just got back from the grocery store and bought lots of lean cuisine type meals and low cal. snacks. I am scared I will gain back the weight I lost before my fill but maybe not. My incisions are great - There are a couple that are a little tender but I am sure that will pass with time. Not much other pain though. My left should still hurts occasionally if I eat/drink too fast. But that is getting much better by the day. Well keep me posted.

  13. Michelle, Is this the first time you have had chicken since the band? If not, I would probably bet on the wine. If so, then maybe it was the chicken but that just does not sound likely since you only ate 3/4 of 1 chicken tender. How did you feel after the wine? Any head spinning or anything like that? Who knows maybe it was the combination of the two.

    I hope you are feeling better this morning. I bet the vomiting scared you. I am terrified of gettting a virus or getting sick....esp. since I am a nurse and am around so much sickness. I have just read so much about people getting sick/vomiting and their band slipping - even after 1 or 2 years post op. But anyway - keep us posted.

  14. Wendy, It is completely normal to be nervous. I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. :lol: You will be fine though. From the time Franscisco picks you up from the airport to the time he drops you off everything and everyone is top notch. You'll see and all your worries will be laid to rest. Thoughts and prayers with you!

  15. Thanks for posting your experience Annie Lou. I am so sorry for your complication. I too was concerned about complications that would require an open procedure. Thank God everything went well with me though and Thank God you were taken such good care of. Although you were part of the 1% for your physician that does not mean that he was inexperienced or incompetent. Even Dr. Ortiz has those 1% complications. Someone has to fall in that category. I am so sorry it was you. Please keep us posted on your progress and recovery. You will be in my prayers.

  16. Oh thanks so much!

    My Mom actually makes me a huge pot of homemade creamy potato soup once a week and I eat it all week. LOL It tastes like a rib-eye. Haha

    OK Kimmie - I'll take that recipe also if your mom is willing to part with it.

  17. OK Jacklyn, Just go ahead and post that cheese soup recipe. That does sound great. I also love Tomato soup. Which is kinda crazy because I do not like tomatoes. :lol: But one night I cooked my husband spagetti and it look oh so good. So I took a little oregano, garlic salt, and parsley and added to my tomato soup and it honestly tasted like spagetti sauce. It was great!

  18. Well hello, I am Misty and I am a foodaholic also. But I am on the road to recovery. I am about to finish my 3 weeks of liquids and although I am getting pretty hungry I am surviving. I can tell my restriction/swelling has went away - at first after a cup of jello I thought I would burst but it goes through just fine now. I can't wait for my first fill. I like the full feeling!

  19. Sadly many people may need 3-4 fills in their first year before hitting that "sweet spot" of perfect restriction.. The best thing you can do is try no to let it get you down or start thinking "this band will never work for me" and neglect getting another fill, I have read so many stories on other boards about people just giving up, for some of them it takes a year of kicking themselves in the behind before they take the steps to tweak their tool!

    MamaMichelle, Just wanted to let you know I checked out your blog webpage and I love it. You are wonderful for this forum. I just love the way you are displaying your weight loss in the dress you want to wear for your husband's party. I wish I'd have thought of that. I have got this pretty pink dress I want to wear to my cousin's wedding in May - but it is a 14 and I am a 16 right now. Maybe I need to try it on and see how far I am away. Thanks for all your comments.

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