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Everything posted by trulytangledgrl

  1. I have been working out 5 days a week and working with a personal trainer 1 day a week, and I have been hovering between 169 and 165 for like the past MONTH at least. I do not know WHAT to do!! I am doing cardio, switching things up not doing the same routine, I am doing strength training and getting my a** kicked by this personal trainer... I am SO friggen frustrated!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I can think of is that I am not eating enough calories. I have had a LOT of trouble getting most food down. I am drinking protein shakes, trying to eat other stuff with some protein (kashi brand granola bars have 6-7g protein), drinking lots of water... I am eating whatever foods I can get down, but I think I am only eating maybe 800 calories a day, maybe less some days. Any help that you guys can give would be great! I am at my witts end! Thank you
  2. I am going to second what MOST other people have said in this post. I do (sometimes, not always) miss not being able to eat more - - the thing is, its all mental. Even if I am not physically hungry, sometimes I will find myself staring into the pantry or refrigerator and I am just in a daze, then I snap back and I think to myself "whats going on, why am I telling myself I need to eat?" and I will think about what was just going on or if something upset me, made me mad, etc. Generally, something happened and I got upset or angry and I immediately ran to get 'comfort' from food. That part is REALLY hard because with this band, I am forced to face my emotions instead of shutting them up with food. There have been times that I broke down into tears because I couldn't eat and had to actually work out what was going on. I think that is the hardest thing about the band Also, as one other bandster said... some days I can eat anything, other days, that same food would make me throw up. I find that stress will cause restriction in my band (I have also heard others say that too) so I have to be VERY careful about that. Another thing that sucks is if you are out to eat, or dinner at someone's house, and they don't know about your band.... the comments people make are annoying (i.e. 'Wow no wonder you are losing weight you are starving yourself to death. Have some cake' or stupid sh** like that. That really pi**es me off).
  3. hey there!! i did a lot of research into personal training and found that average price runs 50$ - 60$ Per session. You should research and see what you can find but also meet with the trainer to make sure they will be a good fit for you. Its important to have a good rapport. :-) I'll do once a week with my trainer then later in the same week do the same workout on my own at the gym. I'll do that for 12 weeks. My trainer worked this out with me because i can only afford 12 sessions and he wanted to maximize our sessions. So instead of seeing him 2 times a week for 6 weeks I'll do once a week with him, and once on my own doing the same workout for 12 weeks. He'll have different workouts for me every week to keep things fresh and new. just make sure you ask lots of questions so you know what you are getting for your $
  4. I agree with what everyone here her said. When I decided to have surgery, my partner was supportive but said that she wasn't going with me to Tijuana for the surgery, and she said she didn't think that I needed it and that I should just lose weight by diet and exercise (you know, all the ways I have FAILED to lose weight, and keep it off, before... and not just once but MANY MANY times). I got so angry about that comment because our partners/spouses, etc... they KNOW that those methods haven't worked for us in the past - - even if we can lose the weight it comes back on because we are not FORCED to take an honest look at our eating habits and CHANGE them permanently (as we are with the band). Its hard to accept when food takes over your life and who you are, but we are strong people for realizing that its out of our control and for seeking the help that we so desperately need and deserve. Its just like an alcoholic or drug addict admitting their problem - - overweight people who cannot keep weight off have an addiction to food, bottom line. The band is not the easy way out and its not being 'lazy' by any means. In fact, I have worked harder with this band than with any other diet I have EVER been on. I have worked harder physically and mostly mentally/psychologically. I have had moments where I have broken down and felt like I couldn't do it anymore because I was so upset or angry and wanted to eat x, y, or z, but I physically COULDN'T. I, and other bandsters too, am forced on a daily basis to really think about and contemplate WHY I want that cake or ice cream or that piece of cheesecake or chips, etc. I can't just stuff it in my mouth and be 'better.' I think about and deal with my emotions instead of eating. Its a change worth going through, but what it is NOT, is an easy way out. Go forward with your surgery, with or without your husband's support. It will be difficult, but find support through other friends or family if you can. If he has an underlying fear of losing you, all you can do is be there to listen and let him know that if he wants to talk about it, that you're there. Do what you need to do for YOU. Stay strong!!
  5. Well, after careful thought and consideration.... and realizing that I am going to have to spend a TON of money, I decided to get a personal trainer. I don't want to spend the amount of money its going to cost, but I also know that its going to be 110% more beneficial than just going to the gym 4 days a week doing cardio and some strength training like I am doing now. I know how to do cardio and burn some fat, but as far as the weights and what specific exercises to do - - I have NO idea. I also find that I can't motivate myself to keep going until I can't go any more. This is where a trainer comes in. Someone to whoop my a** into gear and help me focus where I need to be to get the results I want. I am getting 12 sessions - - I am going to do 1 session a week with the trainer, then a repeat of the same session on my own at the gym. He will email me the routine and how many reps, what to do, etc so I can take it to the gym with me. Then the following week a different routine, and once at the gym on my own, etc. So it will be 3 months worth of training. I will see how I like it and I pray that I get my money worth with this cause otherwise I will be one very unhappy little camper lol. I will get before & after shots. I will keep you all updated.
  6. Hey Kim - - I feel ya on the frustration piece. That is for sure. You know, I think that it is normal to question ourselves from time to time especially because the path we have chosen is costing us or did cost us a lot of money and time, and we (or at least I do) worry what others will think or what will happen if it doesn't work out. We think 'did I make the right choice?' 'what if this doesn't work - - then what?' its very scary and challenging. I question myself ALL the time, and I quickly try to bring myself back to reality and realize 'hey, this IS the right thing - - its gotten me to 163 from 195 and this is the healthiest I have ever been.' It IS the right thing for you, too! Its hard but try to remember that. The more positive you try to stay, the better you will be able to lose weight and the more you will WANT to push on and continue on your journey. I know that right now I am at a plateau as for my weight loss. I am VERY frustrated - - I go from 163 to 166 to 167 back to 163 and so on and so forth. Its like a bouncy ball that I can't seem to keep ahold of lol. I know that in time I will eventually get over this hump. I am hoping that I get over it soon cause I see my fill dr in mid-feb and don't want to be the same weight as last month lol, but hey, what can ya do? Anyhow, know that there are others who share your frustrations. Also know that you WILL get past the slump you are in. You'll get to goal!! Get your next fill and see how you feel. You might also want to think about upping your workout to 3x a week if you can. Also maybe add in some strength-training if you don't already do that. I found that to be helpful for me - - mostly in toning and looking slimmer, not necessarily in helping to drop pounds. I hope this helps
  7. Hey there!! Don't be worried at all!! I, too, went alone for my surgery and it went so smoothly. I met some really nice people there and the staff at OCC took excellent care of me. Like some others said, the worst part was flying (as far as pain) especially after surgery, but even that is not too awful. I had really reeeeally long flights as I was coming from Philadelphia and I had extremely long layovers so that was a hassle, but otherwise it was not bad. The flight home will seem like forever, but only cause you'll be slightly uncomfortable. Have no worries - seriously, you will be very well taken care of at the OCC!
  8. Thanks everyone for the support/encouragement. I am def. going to stick with working out and strength training - - I will increase weight and reps and go until I can't go anymore. I will not give up. I KNOW that eventually I will be able to see the difference. One NSV that I will mention - - I am the maid of honor in my BF wedding. I went to get my dress... I was anticipating having to buy a size 16+ because those darn dresses tend to run very small. I got into a 12!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I couldn't. I took the dress off to make sure the girl really gave me a size 12. I almost cried. Yay.
  9. Amanda - - yep def. a PB. I have had several of those and also since having my 2nd, 3rd and 4th fills I have to be VERY careful what I eat and how well I chew, how big of bite I take etc... otherwise I will throw everything back up. Be very mindful, especially if feeling very restricted, what you choose to eat and pay attention to how big of a bite you take and how well you chew it. I cannot eat any bread products what-so-ever, have difficulty with anything 'gooey' or sticky, can't eat chicken very easily and red meat I have to chew extra long. this band is mighty tricky! lol
  10. Hey Amanda - Yeah I have lost weight since beginning my routine. I have also been able to increase number of reps and the amount of weight for my strength training routine. I began at doing only 1 to 2 reps depending on the machine. I also began with most machines at only 10 lbs of weight. So that has improved pretty drastically. Also, the other problem is that I don't think I am eating enough. I have periods of time where I am very restricted and find it difficult to eat much of anything other than liquids. Sometimes I am fine and can eat about 1000-1100 cal. per day. Yesterday, for example, I was only able to eat like 3 bites of oatmeal, a protein shake (2 scoops of powder - - 40 g protein/300 calories), half of a small salad, a few tortilla chips and a sugar-free pudding as a snack and 3 bites of a banana. I didn't even come close to 1000 calories and I know this is also having a major impact on my weight loss. I need to start finding ways to get in more calories even if I have to drink more protein shakes or soups, etc. Again, thanks for the input and advice - - its very helpful. oh and p.s. I have thyroid problems (hypo) and polycystic ovarian syndrom (PCOS) which is hormonal imbalance causing insulin resistance. SO... Both of those working against me. However, since losing weight have been able to go off of my peds for PCOS and my blood sugar levels are normal.
  11. Kudos Michelle! You look fantastic. Any pointers on routine (as others have asked)? Also, how do you get your abs so nice? I have all this fat I can't seem to get rid of on my stomach... its gross. Any suggestions? Thanks - - and again, awesome work!!
  12. Thanks everyone for your suggestions/imput. Generally, my routine consists of strength training for about 20-30 minutes. I do arms/back/shoulders on alternating days and legs/butt/abs on the opposite days. I do focus on my problem areas especially in my arms/back/abs/shoulders. What I mean is that I tend to use machines that strengthen certain parts of my arms, back, abs and then my shoulders are a concern for me. I use all nautilus machines, I don't tend to do free weights at the gym because I use exercise TV and do the Jillian Michaels sculpt workout which utilizes free weights. I work out 5 days a week I do bicepts 10 lbs 10x each 3 reps tricepts 10 lbs 10x each 3 reps upright rows 15 lbs 10x each 3 reps flys/rear delts 30 lbs 10x each 3 reps chest press 30 lbs 10x each 3 reps lat pull down 50 lbs 10x each 3 reps shoulders/delts 10 lbs 10x each 3 reps there are several other machines I do I can't remember the names of or what exactly they work: a machine that works your arms/back where you sit facing the machine and you pull towards you. I do 50 lbs 10x each 3 reps I do an ab machine where you sit crunched forward and you cross your arms over your chest and push back. It works your back muscles. I do 70 lbs 10x 3 reps I do another ab machine where you sit and there are handles you grip, you lean back and you push forward on the handles it works your mid/lower abs I do 50 lbs 10x 2 reps and 70 lbs 10x 2 reps I do another ab machine that works ALL parts of your abs - - especially obliques. You sit on it and there are pads between your knees. You start on one side and push your chest against the chest pad and hold onto the handles, and you begin twisting. The resistance begins and you have to use your stomach to push against resistance to get to the opposite side. Then you switch to the other side I do (on each side) 50 lbs 20x 3 reps I also do legs/butt - generally all of the machines in the gym. I don't focus as much on legs and butt because those aren't my huge problem areas Onto cardio... I do the ski machine.... you can adjust the incline and the resistance. you kind of swing your legs back and forth. Anyhow, I do that on the 'weight loss' program and it changes the resistance and incline every 3-4 minutes. So its easier and harder every couple of minutes. I also do the elliptical machine. I do the 'fat burning' program - - once again, it alternates between difficult and easy and I set the level generally to 5 or 6. I always maintain my target heart rate as best as I can. I do cardio sculpt on exercise TV with the other trainer from biggest loser. Bob something? Anyhow, you use free weights for this and its a cardio program where you do lunges, jumping jacks, push ups, jump rope and utilizing weights with this as well for increased intensity. Its a killer. I don't know... I guess my workouts aren't enough.
  13. I have been working out for some months now. I have just recently been going regularly as prior to this my schedule was so hectic that I barely had time to sleep or eat let alone work out. I cannot afford a personal trainer so I have been working out on my own but getting no results and I am extremely frustrated. I still look the same, I still have all this fat and flab on my stomach, legs, arms and back. It makes me sick to even look at it epecially knowing that I am going to the gym and doing cardio and weights. I do lower weight high reps which I have been told is perfect for building muscle/burning fat but not getting bulky. I don't know what else to do. I would love to have a personal trainer but I just can't afford it. Any suggestions anyone? ( I am ready to give up.
  14. I was dx with PCOS about 4 years ago and I have been very successful with the band. I was 195 on the day of surgery and am currently 165. My weight loss has been somewhat slow, but its coming off none-the-less. There has been no change in other stuff you mentioned (i.e. facial hair) - - I have been told by my endocrinologist that the metformin (or for me - fortamet) is supposed to alleviate those things, but personally, the fortamet never made a bit of difference for me. I actually had to stop taking my fortamet because the pills are HUGE and I was taking 2 a day, and I could NOT keep them down. I haven't noticed a huge difference to be honest. My periods come fairly regularly now since losing weight and I have been losing slow and steady. No worries - - go for it!
  15. Hey everyone. I was wondering if we can count our surgery expenses as a deduction on our taxes? I think I have seen a few people on here say that they did that, but I couldn't remember 100%. I know this is a bit off-topic for this forum but the other topics don't always get many viewers, so thought I would post here and hope someone can help me out. Thanks to anyone who can give me advice. Also, please check out my photo album!! I have photos from my surgery and updated photos also from about a week ago Your comments would be appreciated. I can't see any difference.
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