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Everything posted by trulytangledgrl

  1. well i am so thrilled to report that i FINNALLY hit 179!!! I am so friggen happy. I need to get some new pictures posted... i'll do that this weekend hopefully
  2. I have all of my fills done by Dr. Christine Ren at NYU program for surgical weight loss in NYC and only pay a $20 copay each visit. Dr. Ren is highly experienced and has done thousands of fills. I have never once had any doubts about seeing her, even though she does not use fluro. As some others here have mentioned, if there are ever any doubts in your Dr's mind, they will generally order an esophogram (barium swallow) so that they can double check to see that the band/port are both okay and nothing is amiss. The first time I saw Dr. Ren, I had an esophogram done and she was able to pull it up on the computer and show me that everything was normal. She showed me my stomach with the completely intact band, the line leading from my band to the port, and I saw the port too and was able to feel much better knowing that it was normal and not tilted or flipped. Dr. Ren has devised a simple list of questions that she asks to determine how much of a fill you need. She has a chart with yellow, green, and red - the goal is to be in the green! Yellow is when you are feeling hungry between meals, able to get down more than 3/4 cup of food, able to easily eat white meat chicken, easily able to eat bread/starchy foods. Green is optimal for weight loss - in the green you are feeling restricted, but not overly restricted. You are not able to eat more than 3/4 - 1 cup of food, you are not easily able to eat any starchy foods or white meat chicken/steak, etc. Red is the total opposite of this. Red means you are over filled- not able to keep down solids and some liquids, frewuently PBing/sliming or even regurgitating. SO... As you can see, her method is very sound, and so far I have been THRILLED with her and am so happy I have such an experienced/knowledgable Dr. available to me. Its really a matter of personal choice - I have peace of mind knowing that if I ever want to, I can have the esophogram done and Dr. Ren can check to make sure everything is okay with my band. At the same time, I don't have to pay the outrageous fees that other Dr's charge for fluro/office visits/etc... while I would LOVE to go back to TJ, I just can't afford it. Its an extremely long flight coming from the eastern USA, I have to take days off of work, flights are outrageous, hotel fees, etc...
  3. Thank you both for your support! I appreciate it very much. I called my fill Dr. and I was advised to go in as soon as possible so that I can get some of my fill taken out. I am going to try to go tomorrow - its difficult for me because I have to take the train all the way to NYC, but I have to. I cannot go on anymore not being able to get down solid foods. Thanks again to both of you - jessica and kitty
  4. Welcome to lapbandforum! I hope that your experience here is helpful and informative for you as you are on this journey to a happier life To get the weight loss tracker, you can go to a website like google and look up weight loss trackers. When you fill in all of the necessary info and choose what tracker you want, you will get a code. You then put that code in your signature and it will appear after all of your posts on the forum.
  5. Hey everyone! I got my second fill over a week ago with Dr. Ren in NYC, and I am still not able to keep any solid foods down, and even some liquids are coming back up. I am really struggling because I am not able to get in even close to 1000 calories per day, and in addition to that I am not able to make a huge amount of time for exercise. I know I probably shouldn't be exercising if I can't eat, though, so I guess thats not a big deal at this point. I am up to 2 cc fill, and I am thinking I will have to call my Dr. to see what she thinks - I might be over filled. Also, I am STILL stuck at 180. STILL! I have been stuck at 180 since probably July or even before. I am SO damn sick of this!!! I mean geez louise, I am basically starving over here and I am still friggen 180. Its so disheartening and frustrating. I am beginning to think that I wasted my money and that I am destined to be 180 or fatter for the rest of my god forsaken life. ( :lb12:
  6. Thank you ALL for your responses to my post. The Dr. told me its very common, especially for the first fill, but I still had to come here to ask all of you gals and guys about your experiences I like to hear that I am not alone. Thank you all again!
  7. I went to have my second fill today in NYC with the amazing Dr. Ren at NYU school of medicine. When she took out the liquid from my first fill (2 cc), there was only 1.5 cc left. Dr. Ren said that since my last fill was my first, that probably what happened was that there was still some air in my band, and with the liquid from the fill being pushed in, it pushed the left over air out making it seem as though there was 2 cc but really only 1.5. I guess this makes sense?? She said not to worry that it doesn't autimatically mean there is a leak. I AM worried though lol. I can't help it!! Has anyone else experienced this? If I have a leak will I have to get surgery again? I am stressed out now! On a good note, I lost 8 lbs since my last fill a little less than a month ago, and Dr. Ren said that is REALLY good! I am so proud of myself I am not sure if anyone else that chats here on the forums is close to NYC, but if you are, I highly suggest NYU center for surgical weight loss at their school of medicine. I only pay a $20 copay to get my fills and Dr. Ren is fabulous. I've heard great things about the other Dr.'s there also! They do not use fluroscopy, but at the first visit you get an esohpogram (which is basically the same thing - - it shows the Dr. how quickly/easily fluid passes through the band), and Dr. Ren has personally developed a simple questionnaire to determine the amount of fill you need to get into what she calls 'the green zone'. So, just a tid bit for those of you who are in the NYC area...
  8. Wow! That is truly amazing and inspiring! You were losing over 10 lbs a month...thats so fast! I bet that your exercise routine was so helpful in increasing the amount of weight loss you were able to reach per week. I wish that I was as strict with exercising as you are lol! I am stuck at 180 lbs and it seems as though I will be stuck here forever. I know that I will get over this hurdle eventually. Great job, keep up the hard work!
  9. Stormy - Don't fret! You can lose a few more pounds before you go in for your surgery, I am sure of it!! Also, keep in mind that stress causes our bodies to hold onto that weight, so try very hard to keep yourself busy and keep your mind off of how much weight you should be losing before surgery. You will do it! Even if you don't lose ALL of the weight Dr. Miranda advised, she will know you tried as long as you've lost some, and I HIGHLY doubt that they will tell you that you can't have surgery. You should maybe email Dr. Miranda and tell her that you're following the pre op diet but that you are having some difficulties and ask for some more suggestions. It might make you feel better, too, if you talk to her about it. Try to stay relaxed and just stick to the pre op diet!! You can do this, girlfriend!!
  10. Wow! That must be horrible to go through and terribly painful. I am really suprised at the number of GBP patients who have complications - it seems like quite a few of us on this forum know at least someone who has had it and had complications from it. Lisa is right - at least we bandsters have the choice to adjust our 'tool' if need be Sure, our weightloss might be much slower, but as many people on here have said, it seems like the GBP patients frequently gain their weight back because they start eating more and more until their stomachs stretch out. Then all they have is another big stomach on top of the old big stomach thats left inside their body. Blah - NO THANKS! I'll take my band over GBP ANY DAY!
  11. This is a very interesting topic - thank you for bringing it up! I, too, am feeling extremely tight/restricted recently... after having my fill almost a month ago, so I didn't go near as long as you did before I noticed more restriction, but still very odd. I got my fill in August on the 20th, and I felt restriction, but I could eat small amounts of food if I chewed very very well. A few weeks ago, I began having problems eating much of anything at all, and I was lucky to get down 600-700 calories per day. The other night, I tried chicken noodle soup, and it got stuck and I have never experienced so much pain in my life. I was in tears and actually began having a panic attack. After about 45 minutes of this... and sliming to go along with the panic attack, I threw up all of the chicken noodle soup I had eaten (maybe 5-8 bites). I definitely felt better, but its not good to only eat 600-700 calories per day. I can understand your frustration completely! I definitely agree with everyone here about the stress factor playing a huge role. I began having issues when school started back. I am in my last year of a masters degree program - so I have 40 hours of my normal job, 24 hours per week in my field placement (doing individual therapy), 15 hours of class, about 10 hours of reading/outside class work and the other non-important stuff like sleeping and eating SO, I am extremely stressed out as this is my third year of school all year round. I need to start meditating on a regular basis again like I was doing last year. I found that meditation (along with very relaxing music), art therapy type activities, exercising, writing and reading my favorite books were the most helpful things to get me to relax a bit. Just some suggestions for all of you. Oh, and if you are interested in some EXTREMELY relaxing music look up 'brainwave symphony' by Dr. Jeffery Thompson. There are several different CDs - Dr. Thompson developed a technique for embedding brainwave audio processes into musical soundtracks. After listening for a few minutes, your own brainwaves naturally lock onto these audio pulses and help you to relax/meditate/sleep/whatever soundwave is on the CD is intended for. I.E. Delta waves help you fall asleep and relax. SO... I suggest these CDs and you can purchase them at barnes and noble or on amazon.
  12. Kim - I am sorry to hear you are struggling. I can definitely relate to you (and Michelle too)!! Just like everyone else said, though, you look FABULOUS and have done such a great job so far!! As frustrating as it may be, just try to hang in there and maybe switch up your exercise routine, or try switching up your foods. Sometimes changing the routine helps a lot. Best of luck sweetie
  13. So glad that so many of you found my post helpful, and also thank you all for your words of wisdom I know that we ALL struggle with these issues on a day to day basis, and I know this is why I need to continue utilizing this forum - for support and encouragement even when I think I am failing miserably. Lisa, you bring up a great point about thinking yourself thin. Thoughts are powerful. I believe its called the law of attraction? I know that thinking I am thin and beautiful can help me tremendously - I just have to get into that habit and catch myself when I am thinking negative thoughts. That is sometimes difficult, though, as you are probably well aware. Thanks again everyone!!
  14. Thank you all so much for responding to my post. I knew that coming on here would make me feel so much better!! I know that my fills are SO important. Now that I finally got one and know what restriction feels like I am confident that I can eventually lose this weight - I just have to realize that it might not be as quickly as I want to, and that I will most likely have some weeks where I don't lose anything. I can't let that discourage me and cause me to stress eat or be so emotional that I shove my face full of food. I need to also continue coming here to the forum to talk to all of you for support. I am so glad to be back - its vital that I continue coming here to share with all of you how I feel and what I am struggling with, and I also want to be here for all of you when and if you need help as well. Thank you all again - so so much!! >
  15. Hey everyone! I have been MIA for a long long time.... I cannot remember the last time I was on the forum. There are many reasons why, but I will not get into it because honestly they are all excuses and what matters is that I am here now! I have been really embarrased/ashamed because my weight loss has been SOOO slooooowwww. I just got my first fill in August (I was banded in May) so I know that was a major cause for my lack of weight loss. I went 2 1/2 months without a fill and boy was that rough. The day I got my fill I was only a pound lighter than the day of my surgery How embarrasing!! I was really disappointed and upset, BUT... after talking to the Dr. I felt better. Also I have had excellent restriction! My Dr. didn't play around either - she gave me 2 cc right away. Let me tell you, I CANNOT eat the way I was eating before getting my fill. I am still having trouble getting the weight off, though. I am not going to give up - I have invested TOO MUCH money into this to let it fail. I just needed to come and vent and get all my thoughts and feelings out. I know I need to shape up and start doing this right. I CAN and WILL do this. How are all of you doing? I see that many of you have been doing FABULOUS with your weight loss journeys! Keep it up
  16. Vix - I have not yet had a chance to reply to your original message, but I just wanted to say that I think you are VERY brave for doing this! It takes a lot of strength and courage to do something this HUGE all on your own and not knowing for sure that you will have the support of your significant other. I was in a similar situation - my partner told me that if I just 'limited my intake and exercised more' that I would be fine. She said that she supported my decision but that she, under no circumstances, would accompany me to the OCC. So, I said 'fine, I will do it by myself' and I did. She told me all along what a mistake I was making and that it was a horrible idea to go to Mexico, especially Tijuana, blah blah blah. I ignored her. I just said positive things in response to her negativity... I always had solid facts in my mind to rebutt her negativity. She eventually shut up and just stopped even trying to deter me from having the surgery. Now I have her full support because she sees that I am so much happier (even though I am almost 3 months out without a fill and STRUGGLING big time - - on that note, please know that the band does not STOP you from eating too much. Like some of the other bandsters have pointed out, it is a tool to assist you, but it will not completely stop you from eating stuff you shouldn't. You do need to prepare yourself for that, and prepare yourself to do 95% of the work on your own). In any case, I just wanted to say that you are so strong and brave for doing this, and that you will NOT be disappointed. I know that I am not. I am struggling now with my eating cause I have NO restriction at all and am ravenous... but have a fill scheduled for about 1.5 weeks from now (YAY! ). Despite my recent horrible eating habits, I have not gained but maybe 3 lbs back whereas in the past I would have gained like 10! lol! SO, trust me when I say that this is the best investment that you can make for yourself and that Dr. Ortiz is THE BEST there is out there. You will be in capable caring hands without a doubt! Good luck and keep us updated
  17. I AM ON THERE! WOOT WOOT! Look me up - Carrie Miller clmiller@mail.widener.edu
  18. I am a compulsive overeater - no doubt about that. I will say that the band has helped a lot, but I have not yet had a fill (at almost 3 months postop) so I am reallllllyyyy struggling right now and currently not losing any weight. I am in fact gaining some, then losing, then gaining, losing, etc. I can eat anything I want, as much as I want. Regardless of how much restriction the band provides, it doesn't change the fact that I obsess over food, like many of the other individuals who come to this forum. The band can definitely help you control your intake amount, but like everyone else has said, is up to you to figure out the underlying issue which is causing the obesessive-compulsive behaviors surrounding food. I recommend the Emotional Eating Toolbox by Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. I purchased it and it is excellent. I wish you all the best in your journey and I hope that you make a decision that is best for yourself.
  19. THANK YOU - - EVERYONE.... Everyone who replied to my message. There were so many of you that came to my rescue and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. You are all so right - I have done pretty good considering that I am almost 2 months out and have still managed to come this far without a fill. I just get so down on myself because I think 'I could be in the 170's if I hadn't had so much ice cream' or whatever else I shouldn't have had in excess. It is like a vicious circle and it is the root of my problem in the first place. I get upset when I see the scale stop moving, I think to myself 'well, this isnt going to work either. might as well eat whatever I want', I eat - - whatever I want, gain more weight, get upset, eat, gain, upset, eat, gain... you see the pattern. I NEED TO STOP right now! I need to work my band. Its a damn expensive tool and I need to properly utilize it. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and motivation - - that was JUST what I needed to hear to get me back in the right mindset. Thank you thank you thank you! SO much! <' /> Tanya, same for you, by the way. If you EVER need to talk, vent, etc... clmiller@mail.widener.edu That goes for everyone here too.
  20. Hey all - - haven't been on in a while due to the fact that I am ashamed and embarassed. I think I am doomed to be fat forever. I can't believe myself - I was down to 180, had a little bit of a gain and was holding steady at like 182... and I got so agitated that I began getting out of control with my eating. Just like my old habits that got me fat in the first place. Now I am at 184. :lb12: I am almost 2 months post op and have not had a fill yet, so I am ravenous at times. Other times, though I feel like I am extremely full. Please someone tell me that once I get a fill this will get better?!?! I am so embarrased that I am not losing any more weight I feel like a complete failure. I am really depressed.
  21. I am not feeling much restriction either. I can't eat AS MUCH as I used to, but I can definitely tell that my restriction has started to slowly fade and slowly I feel myself being able to eat more and more. I am about a month and a half out of surgery, so I guess that is pretty great that I still have even a little bit of restriction after this long. I am just at a point now where my weight is NOT budging!! I am getting royally pi**ed to say the least. I just keep thinking to myself ... 'Did I just waste over $2000 for surgery to only get half way to my goal?!?!?' I know that I need to add more exercise, that is one thing I can do more of... and I need to be better about drinking water. I have made a conscious effort the past week or so but weight still hasn't moved an ounce. Grrrrrr I will be getting my first fill on Aug 20 by Dr. Ren at NYU weight loss center... I have heard marvelous things about her so I am really pleased that I was able to get an appointment. Fills there are only $100 too!
  22. You look really great - that dress is going to be totally zipped up in no time flat!! That dress is so cute by the way - I love the colors, its perfect for summer time!
  23. You look FABULOUS, Anita!! WOW! Keep up the great work girlfriend! You're one sexy mama! hehehe
  24. UGH! Kim I totally feel you girlfriend! I have been hovering at like 185 - 182 FOREVER!! I got down to 180 even like a week or so ago, and this week back up cause of my monthly. Monthly is done, and now back to 182 but can't get below that and I am totally feeling your frustration. I have been trying protein shakes for the past week and a half. I am doing 1% milk and 2 scoops of GNC brand protein powder chocolate caramel (yummy). I think alltogether its 40g of protein and total of like 350 calories. It fills me up and keeps me full until around lunchtime, so hunger isn't the problem its just that I don't know how else to get protein in the am because I do not have time to cook breakfast usually. I got turkey bacon, but the only way that tastes good is to cook on the stove, and that is too time consuming. If you try somethin that works please let everyone in on the info Keep trying, stay determined Kim!! YOU CAN DO IT! WE CAN DO IT!! >
  25. I am so frustrated right now that I could scream! I was down to 180 even - so close to 179.... so so close. The past 2 weeks or so, my weight is back up to 183-184 and it will not budge! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I did get my monthly - it should be done this weekend I hope. I have felt very bloated, so maybe once my monthly is done then I will have a drop, but this is so aggravating. I have my first fill scheduled with Dr. Ren in NYC - she gets rave reviews on the lapbandtalk forum. I still feel quite a bit of restriction even after 7 weeks, but I do notice that its not near as much as I felt maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I don't know what to do at this point. I am having a protein shake for breakfast, a solid lunch (I try to have protein like chicken or turkey burger, and then a salad or some type of veggie), and a solid dinner with protein and veggies (and fruit if I am still hungry). Some nights I have an 80 calorie water ice or an 80 calorie skinny cow ice cream. That isn't every night, though, and its always 2+ hours before I go to bed. Maybe I am not drinking enough water? I am not drinking liquids with my solid meals. I don't know I am so frustrated I could cry. I feel like I am never going to get out of the 180's! ( I am discouraged to the point that some days I just want to throw in the towel.
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