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Posts posted by mom12

  1. Thanks Jena those are all great ideas. I think I am going to start a list because whenever I get ready to do it I can't think of what to prepare. Unfortunately tortilla, eggs and sandwiches are things I can't have right now. I still can't figure out why boiled eggs won't go down for me. With other things I have little or no restriction but boy do I have it with eggs, bread and tortillas.

  2. Lisa,

    You have mentioned several times that you keep food chopped up and ready in the frig. What types of things do you do with this. I have thought about doing it but am at a loss to what types of things to prepare. If anyone else has ideas that would be great, I am not the most creative eater. In the past it has been whatever happened to be in front of me but I want to be more deliberate with my eating now.


  3. I go for my 1st fill on 7/4/08 and so confused on how much of a fill I should actually get or what I would want. I have a 10.0 cm band. Can someone explain? :training1:

    10cm means you have a 4cc band. I was confused by that also. ARe you going to TJ. If so they usually give between 1.2 and 1.8 from what I have been researching for the last few months on the board.


  4. lisa good to hear from you. I just listen to my body. When I am truly hunger and not just craving something I eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs. I eat really slowly, don't drink while eating and chew well. Then when I am just satisfied not stuffed I stop because I know that I will give myself permission to eat again as soon as I am truly hungry. It does mean I may eat more than 3 times on certain days but then most days I just do protein water for breakfast because I am not truly hungry but I know I need to get my metabolism moving.

  5. My hubby leaves for Japan tomorrow for seven months :((

    Just wanted to ask you guys to say a prayer for his safety, and for him to have a safe trip there and back home in 7 months!

    Hopefully I will be a new woman by time he gets back home! :P

    Definitely will pray and expect him back safe and sound and what a fun opportunity for you to make a big (smaller) impression on him when he returns.

  6. I love boiled eggs too but they didn't agree with my band and that is the only thing to this time that I PB on so chew very very carefully. My first breakfast was I egg over easy, 1/4 pc. toast with tiny amount of Peanut Butter and I was stuffed. My first Lunch was a turkey slice, a small pc. of avacado, a couple of ritz crackers and a couple bites of carrot (chewed to death). My first dinner was 1/8 beef frank, 1/8 brat, about 1 oz. steak all done on the grill, 3 small bites of baked beans and 3 small bites of grilled potatoes and I felt like I have just eaten a huge feast. I do still PB is I eat to fast or don't chew really well. Believe me you don't want to PB, it is horrible!!!!

  7. I am really careful with solid, solid food and nothing but solid food but the only time I feel any restriction at all is if I don't chew something well or I eat to fast otherwise I could probably eat all day. I chose instead to limit my portions and not eat again until I am truly hungry.

  8. I am in Colorado Springs and will be making a decision about using it after I go back to TJ for my first fill. I want them to make sure everything is ok after the surgery but then hopefully Thornton will be my destination instead. My concern is that I have posted several times about Thornton and can't find anyone who uses them.

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