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Posts posted by GirlBarb

  1. I have been hearing so much about the health benifits of this program, does anyone know anything about it? Three people that take it swear that they feel so much younger in many ways. I was told it was a drink that you have 1 or 2 times a day and some other items you can purchas like cleans or waffers for appitatite control? No I do not sell it or have I bought it yet, I think that it is sold sort of like a piramid business.


  2. Hi Trina, Can I ask you a question? What does it feel like when you know you are full? Another ? Do you ever slime?

    I stopped losing in Aug. Going for a fill today at 3 pm I have about 1.5-1.7 in my band. All I think about is eating. when I was losing weight and inches, it kept me motivated, but I am going back to wanting to lean on food for everything.


  3. Barb ~ don't be depressed babe! It is natural to be on a plateau sometimes. Did you try to change your menu around to give it a 'kick start'? Another good one is too trick your body by having a high caloric meal once a week ~ to jar your system and then go back to your own diet plan. I am choosing a Saturday night dinner so that I can be with my family and we can go out to eat and not worry too much of what I eat as long as I don't go over my 3/4 cup of food for the meal.

    Are you measuring your foods EVERY meal? It is easy to creep up extra forkfull of food and then next thing you know you are adding more to your meals. Stay within the food guideline we are taught to: 2-3 oz of meat/poultry/fish, 1/4 cup veggie/fruit and 1/4 cup of grain/starches, per meal, 3 times a day and no more than 1200 calories a day. If you are doing a regular exercise routine daily, then increase your calories to 1500.

    Also, another way to 'kick start' your day is on the first of the month, 'pretend' to be a new bandster and skip the clear liquid stage and start with the 'creamy soup' stage for a few days and then graduatlly go in soft foods.

    Just some suggestions to help you out. Hang in there Barb ~ YOU CAN DO IT!

    Thanks for the kind words, I have been going through a bad patch and not measuring, the whole band thing was (fun and exciting) at first. Now that I am not changing weight or sizes, it's feels like a diet once more. I need ot get the band around my brain. I am so sorry if this sounds negative...I am in a funk It may even be my hormones, I am waiting to get results from what was drawn on Monday. Barb

  4. Hi Trina, Can I ask you a question? What does it feel like when you know you are full? Another ? Do you ever slime?

    I stopped losing in Aug. Going for a fill today at 3 pm I have about 1.5-1.7 in my band. All I think about is eating. when I was losing weight and inches, it kept me motivated, but I am going back to wanting to lean on food for everything.


  5. I too could use OA, I am having serious issues with emotional hunger. I feel like I failed because I still want to eat all the time. I lost over thirty pounds between June and Aust...it got me to my half way point, and since then, I not only haven't lost, but have acctually gained five back. I am not liking myself at all and that only makes it harder to what I need to do and get the rest of the weight off.

    I am going for a fill today and wonder if that is what I really need or if I am asking too much of the band?

    Thanks for listening to my problems, depressed Barb

  6. Hi Alexandra,

    I am so sorry to hear that you got sick and needed medical attention. But I am glad that you are taking care of yourself.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us all, we can watch out for too much restriction if we get sick.

    You are a beautiful, sweet lady and I wish you would share your before and after pictures with the group, the transformation is amazing!!!! I was looking at our pictures from the OCC just yesterday and the changes are remarkable.

    Hugs, your girlfriend, Barbara

  7. I get mine done locally with a bariatric doctor, it is less that an hour and only costs 50. He offers a nutritionist and phsycologist for free. They will fill with numbing or without, I like without, the numbing needle hurts more than the fill LOL

    That is what works for me. It's what you are comfortable with.


  8. Lisa,

    I did the same thing, got rid of all the clothes as they got too loose to wear. I loved doing that, in the past when I went on diets, I would keep the clothes, just in case...and just in case would always happen!

    I too am forced to get the inches down, I gained about 5 pounds over the last 3 months, even though 5 pounds isn't a lot, is is a lot of inches when you stop exercising too.

    Happily I am back on track and exercising (started today already) and scedualed my next fill for 12-10-08.

    I am in 12's now (some snug 10's stretch jeans) but look forward to being in single digets by the springtime.

    I was a 16 but stuffed myself in tight stretch 14's when I had my surgery in 6-6-8

    My first fill with restriction was about 6 weeks ago. So odd that that is when I stopped loosing and even gained?


  9. Lisa,

    I can't imagion being able to say those words. Too thin.

    Well, all I can say is that by the pictures and the "work" you have talked about having is that you look so beautiful.

    Congradulations, take it slow girlfriend, I would like to hear how you manage to gain a few back without gaining too much back.


  10. This is a time of healing, please keep up your proteins to help the surgery heal. Do not focus on the weight for now, you are going to a lifetime to learn to work the band. Have faith that when you get your fills at the right amount for you, the weight will come off.

    I bet you have lost some inches???

    Be kind and patient with you, it is going to happen.


  11. I wish I could say what I do today...I am not loosing weight.

    What I did and need to get back to that lost me 35 pounds:

    Breakfast: I would cook fresh spinage in a small pan, drop of water and cover, when very soft I would add a couple of scrambled eggs and toss lightly...when soft cooked, I add a bit of strong, hard cheese. Remove from the heat and top with salsa. Lots of vitamins and protein in this meal.

    Lunch: tuna with greens and any vegatables and mayonase (I love mayo, but it's not so good) OR a cooked soft fish like flounder and steamed vegatables. OR a frozen dinner in the microwave.

    Dinner: chicken and vegi's

    I did real well with that, I also added things like yougart and nuts, or non sugared fruits (berries are the best for weight loss)

    I am not doing this now, I added junk food, like ice cream, etc... went on vactation for a few weeks and I'm up five pounds in the last 3 months.

    I also need a fill, and that is in two weeks, so I am starting to curve to my habbits back to the good ones. The fill will help. I also used the treadmill 3-6 times a week for close to an hour each time. When I get back to all the right things I did, I will get this weight off (including the inches) that I did by eating around the band.

    I wish us both luck, Barb Make that I wish us ALL luck in working the band.

  12. Yep, its horrible and it doesn't go away. (Comes up at the most inappropriate situations).

    I thought when I had part of my fill removed it would at least lesson a bit, it doesn’t….

    But I’d take that over being obese any day!

    Why did you have some of your fill removed, if you don't mind sharing?? Barb

  13. Interesting observations...thanks for sharing!

    How is the cost of the fill determined ?and what are the costs for fills at OCC?

    It varies, some USA doctors include fills and all follow visits for a determinded amount of time.

    OCC in Mexico will do fills for free and you pay 100 for the fluro machine

    I pay 50 each fill to my local bariatric doctor and the PA's do the fills.

  14. Stormy,

    When I started with the band, it was amazing the amount of inches that I lost vs the pounds on the scale. The inches came off so much faster, when I started to focus on the pounds, I got discouraged...that was dumb on my part because I was not feeling gratful for the inches lost but felt terrible that the pounds didn't come off. Of course that got me off my program!

    I have been gaining 5 pounds (but many more inches) over the last three months and will be going for a fill in a couple of weeks. I just posted a topic from a doctor about fills, it is good and light hearted but informative, if you get a chance, read it. It has helped to put me back on track mentally.

    Let's keep at the process of using our bands, we all have slips (and I'm not just talking about the ice cream that goes right through) and if we keep working it...it will work for us. We are the boss over our bands!!!

    Good luck to you and your husband, I love it that you guys got banded together!!! Barb

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