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Posts posted by Jann

  1. 10 Fitness Myths Unmasked

    By Joe Wilkes

    Can you turn fat into muscle? Is the morning the best time to exercise? Will you get cramps if you drink too much water when you exercise? Can those ab machines on TV get rid of your pot belly? Spend time surfing the Internet for fitness information and, pretty soon, your head will explode from reading all the contradictions and misinformation about the best strategies to get fit.

    Here are some of the more popular myths and old wives' tales that have been propagated over the years.

    1. You can turn fat into muscle.

    This is completely false. Muscle and fat are two entirely different substances. Muscle is a fibrous, contractible tissue that can only be built through exercise—via a break-down-and-rebuild process. Fat is adipose tissue that can be converted into energy in the service of building muscle, but the tissue itself can't be transformed into muscle tissue. So if you are an out-of-shape 200 pounds, you're not going to look like a young Schwarzenegger just by lifting weights. You'll have to do a lot of Turbo Jam®-style cardio to burn the fat off before anyone can see how ripped you've gotten. Which leads us to . . .

    2. You can turn a pot belly into a six-pack just by doing crunches.

    Any insomniac has seen those late-night commercials that guarantee miracles with rollers, chairs, crunchers, and various other contraptions. They all promise a Brad Pitt six-pack in just minutes a day. But if you're starting with a Homer Simpson beer gut, it's going to take more than rocking back and forth a few minutes in a modified lawn chair every day to see any results. No matter how steely your ab muscles are, if they're covered in inches of fat, no one is going to be able to appreciate them. If you don't burn the fat, you'll never see the muscle.

    3. You can lose weight just by dieting.

    This is technically true. If you don't eat or eat less, you will lose weight—initially. But you will plateau quickly, and your body will readjust its metabolism to survive on fewer calories, making it even more difficult to lose weight. If you really want to move the needle on the bathroom scale in a meaningful way, it's going to take diet and exercise. Even light to moderate levels of exercise on a regular basis help a lot. Physical activity not only burns calories, it also helps build muscle and increase your metabolism, both of which turn your body into a more efficient calorie-burning machine, even while at rest. Plus, there are numerous other health benefits, from cardiovascular improvement to mood elevation. And in-shape people look a lot hotter than sallow, starved people do.

    4. If you don't exercise every day, you might as well not exercise at all.

    This comes from the same flawed, excuse-driven logic dieters use when they decide that because they cheated at lunch, they might as well order a pizza for dinner. While some form of daily exercise is ideal, studies have shown tremendous benefits even with as little exercise as a 30-minute brisk walk three times a week. Even if you fall off the wagon, put in that video or walk around the block a few times. Before too long, you'll be craving exercise more than that burrito you thought you wanted.

    5. No pain, no gain.

    This is a popular one uttered by almost every high school gym teacher and coach that I've ever met. And it's not only utterly wrong, it's potentially dangerous. This may seem obvious, but when you feel physical pain, it's your body's way of telling you, "Hey, you're hurting me!" And instead of trying to push through the pain, you should take a step back and see what kind of damage you're doing to your body. It's natural to feel fatigue during and after a workout, but if you're feeling actual physical pain, you're doing something wrong, and you could potentially permanently damage yourself. Maybe it would be better to say, "No exercise, no gain." But exercise and pain should never go hand in hand.

    6. More sweat, more weight loss.

    Most good workouts will make you sweat, but the amount you sweat isn't necessarily the test of a good workout. Everyone sweats differently. And all sweat does is cool your body off with water. What you get from sweating isn't fat dripping off your body. If it were, you'd be leaving a big oil stain on the floor after you worked out. Sweating just causes you to lose water weight. It's the activity itself that causes your body to burn stored fat for energy.

    7. Drinking water during exercise can cause cramping.

    In fact, the opposite is true. You're much more likely to cramp if you're underhydrated, so for the best results when exercising, it's a good idea to drink water before you start your workout so you're beginning your workout with a full tank. As you work out, you should keep a bottle of water handy, particularly if it's a long or especially rigorous workout. After working out, you should treat your body to a big glass of water to replenish your fluids.

    8. The best time to exercise is in the morning.

    A lot of people find that they prefer getting their workout out of the way first thing in the morning, and often feel that it gives them an energy boost for the rest of the day. But a good workout any time of day is just as good for you, although you may not get the best results if you're overly tired. So if you're someone who likes to burn the midnight oil, you can burn fat just as effectively then as you can at sunrise.

    9. Lifting weights will create bulky muscles.

    This is a half-truth. Lifting heavy weights can create large, bulky muscles, but lifting light weights will self-regulate their ability to grow and, therefore, will create a leaner look. So if you want the Vin Diesel look, with your guns pumped, you can lift heavier weights with fewer reps. But if you want a more slender look (for example, many women don't believe that Vin Diesel's arms perfectly accessorize a Chanel cocktail dress), you can do more reps with lighter weights or resistance bands to get that slender, toned "swimmer's" build. And speaking of swimming . . .

    10. Swimming is effective for weight loss.

    This is another half-truth. Swimming is great for building lean muscle and increasing cardiovascular endurance, which do lead to weight loss. But because the water supports so much of your body weight, swimming has been found to be less effective than land-based aerobic activity for weight loss, since the effort it takes to haul your carcass around does a lot more for fat burning. Swimming's still a great thing to add to your fitness regimen though.


  2. University of Calgary law professor Linda McKay-Panos says she was ridiculed and bruised during one flying experience.

    Dean Bicknell, Calgary Herald

    Air Canada and WestJet failed in their pitch to quash a decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency, which gave them one year to bring in a policy known as "one person, one fare" to allow disabled passengers a second seat for a travelling companion. Obese people can also qualify if they are too large to fit in a single seat. "Now I know I can fly with dignity," said McKay-Panos, 51, who was born with a hormonal disorder. "I'll be able to phone up the airline and be treated with respect and have my disability accommodated without making it so I can't afford to fly."

    Air Canada and WestJet said Thursday they intend to fully comply with the federal order, although the carriers aren't sure what kind of screening process will be used to assess who is eligible for an extra ticket.

    Canada is so far the only country in the world to require its airlines to follow such a policy, said WestJet spokesman Richard Bartrem. "The big work for us now is understanding what sort of guidelines to put in place that are fair and consistent," he said.

    In its ruling, the agency said the free fares need not be provided to obese people who are merely uncomfortable in their seats or are not disabled by their size.

    The airlines also do not have to make allowances for disabled people who prefer to travel with a companion for personal reasons or those who require care on the ground but not in the air.

    Calgary civil liberties lawyer Stephen Jenuth considers the federal decision a wake-up call for a number of industries that may have to rethink the traditional definition of disabled.

    "It is an important battle; it really speaks to the kind of accommodations businesses have to make to allow disabled people to use their services," he said.

    According to Canadian Transportation Agency figures, the new rules will add about 77 cents to each ticket sold by Air Canada and 44 cents to every WestJet fare.

    The cost of flying probably will increase to some degree for all travellers come January, said WestJet's Bartrem. "Ultimately anytime we take revenue seats off of an aircraft and essentially replace them with guests that are flying for free, there's going to be a financial impact," he said.

    McKay-Panos, a University of Calgary professor and the executive director of the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre, says the right for morbidly obese people to fly with the same degree of accessibility as the average traveller is a victory for all disabled people.

    After more than a decade of battling the airlines, she's looking forward to flying again. "Many obese persons are following this situation . . . and are grateful I was willing to put myself forward," said McKay-Panos. "As you can imagine, I get ridicule as well as praise."


  3. WELCOME to Bandland!

    I wouldn't think you would be charged extra as this time you are still under their care and so new of a patient.

    For your shoulder pain, you need to do a lot of several mini walks as often as you can! Sip your drinks and keep fluids in you to prevent dehydration.

    I am wondering also what is your issue and how it happened and what they did to help you. Keep us posted...

    I would also roll my shoulders, both of them in tandem. Ten times forward, big movements, ten times back, big movements. Then in rotation, left front, right back, right front, left back, big movements. See how you feel and repeat as necessary without hurting yourself.


  4. Well, I'm finally banded!! Everthing was great the the OCC and the hotel is very nice. I met Selena and a few others, but dont think I got names because of being so groggy.

    OMG, just as I was writing this I started having a LOT of saliva in my mouth and dry heaved twice. Any time I swallow anything I can feel it making its way through like a STRONG hunger pang sensation.

    I called the clinic and they said if it doesn't improve by this afternoon they will want to do a barium swallow.

    I have a question. If they have to do anything further like a swallow, do they charge for this? Not that it would make a difference I"m just wondering.

    All in all I'm very happy with the experience, I'm just hoping that this might be a little swelling causing the tightness. It feels like I'm swallowing watermellons every time I sip. And I'm still having shoulder pain.

    Sorry to ramble.

    Well, I'm off to try and make my botox appt. I'd probably go on a stretcher if I had to.....LOL.

    I would think that OCC wouldn't charge as you are so fresh out of surgery and I've never heard of anyone having those symptoms. Let us know how you are and why that happened.

    Hope you are better since you posted.


  5. My best friend is from Canada and she has the same ideas of Americans as some of you. We are all the same. We are selfish and only care about the material things. She thinks I am the only exception. I am not. I REALLY hate politics so I will not get into them BUT, please be careful of the way you group "Americans" together. THe media has misrepresented most of us and it very bothersome, and a bit insulting. Thanks

    Perhaps because I view all North Americans as Americans I didn't perceive it as anything other than a general statement. Alberta happens to be the most US inclined of all of the provinces following much of the US's business models.

    Wait a sec, Kensgirl resides in TEXAS. Isn't that in the USA?

    Just saying...


  6. I agree with everything you are saying. It is the small business owner who will be hit and that equals businesses going out of business and people losing jobs. Corporations won't suffer, they don't pay taxes anyway. The "corporate taxes" they pay are just passed on to the consumers.

    I am enjoying the gas prices too! I filled up for $1.71 the other day. It cost me $16.50 to fill up!! A few weeks ago I was paying over $40 to fill up. HUGE difference!


    Are you serious, Jena?? What do you drive? I drive a 2008 Impala and it cost me just short of $70.00 to fill up three days ago and that is with the lowered gas price. Ironically we are an oil and gas producing province no less! Never let it be said there are advantages close to home!


  7. Americans need to get back to the basics. Stop using credit to keep up with the Jones, stop eating all your meals out, remember that it's okay for our children to want for something, it makes them appreciate it more when the finally get it. Stop and smell smell the roses, don't over-schedule your kids, take time to be a family....like the good old days.

    Were you happier without all this technology....I was

    Remeber when we could go on vacation and be "away"

    Remeber when Sunday meant family time....not shopping day

    Look at the bright side.....maybe this will get everyone back on the right track.

    You go girl! It entirely makes sense that it's come full circle although frighteningly so. The last eight years have been an absolute gong show and the war effort has completely eroded the economic stability of the participating countries in my humble opinion. The fact that the war was based on a lie is completely unforgiveable but this thread is based in politics so I'm guessing it's a fair statement to make whether you are pro or con!

    Change unfortunately usually means people suffer but for every bust there is a boom and vice versa. I know that's small comfort to those who are suffering and I get that but it is what it is and the average person has to be proactive and smart in their approach through the next however long it takes to end the negative cycle.


  8. Ok, I know so many of you are DYING to leave Twosville, BUT It has been a LONG time since I have been here. (Like over 5 YEARS!)

    I got on the scale last night and was SO HAPPY when it read 299.8! It is a still a lot higher than I want it to be, BUT it means I am down over 55 pounds since my decision to be banded AND the THREE will NEVER be at the start of my weight again.

    I went for a small fill yesterday and I had a friend ask me (incredulous) "BEFORE Thanksgiving????!!!" and I asked her back if there was a better time. I plan to LOSE over the holidays and I thought a fill this week would help that along.

    So, I am happy to say today...I AM IN TWOSVILLE, I AM IN TWOSVILLE, I AM IN TWOSVILLE!!!!!

    YAY for you! Excellent work! WOOT!



  9. Hey Guys!

    I have a couple of questions. First of all I am on day 8 and today I can start Liquid yogurt. I have had a hard time drinking my liquids, I just seem sooo full. I am not hungry at all. I think I still have alot of gas and swelling, not sure. Anyway my question on this is, do I have 1/2 cup per day or per setting of the Liquid Yogurt? Also when I start adding 30 grams of protein, what is the best way to do this. I know myself and I am not going to be able to drink 30 grams of protien a day, I HATE the protien shakes.. :angry: .lol, Is there anything else that I can do beside drinking protein. Also when should I start adding my fiber and how much should I add per day?

    Thanks for everyones help!



    I'm not a huge fan of the pre-made shakes myself but I do make one of these every morning before I do my workout and I have another about seven at night to help heal my poor workout muscles. They went from basically atrophied to a workout every day and trust me when I tell you they are moaning!


  10. The economy is so fickle. If anything it puts things into perspective-- What is important in life, what to hold on to and what to let go. I had to let go of vacation plans and a home purchase. I am holding on to staying home with my kids instead of going out and letting society entertain them. Instead of taking them to a movie, we sit at home and play chinese checkers or UNO. They seem to love that even more than going out. Not only am I saving money but I am saving and cherishing memories. My husband(seperated) and I own our own business and have found that we definately have a crunch. We relied heavily on credit for continued growth. Since we can no longer work on growing our business we have worked on what we already have to make it better. So when the crises is over we will begin to grow again and this time we will have a stronger, better foundation to work from. During this thanksgiving season we need to sit down and be thankful for what we do have. No, not the big juicy turkey with all the fixins, but the people around us that the economy cannot lay off from our lives. Sometimes it takes us being uncomfortable to sit down and realize that life is so much more. Cling to those you love, control what you can and understand that there are things that just are not able to be controlled. time will tell, until then live life and be happy that there are things in your life that are beautiful. Things that money can never buy.

    What an awesome attitude and proactive way to manage through these tough times! GOOD FOR YOU! Thanks for the perspective check!


  11. Jillian Michael's Tip of the Day

    Release the Past

    I don't care if you were the fat kid in high school, or the black sheep of the family, or the lazy teenager who hated exercise. Forget it — let it all go! Those old identities are not serving you in the present, and they certainly aren't going to help you achieve your goals for the future. If you let go of old conceptions of yourself, you can maintain an open mind and be open to all possibilities. It is imperative that you let go of the past in order to re-create yourself in the present.


    The Right Attitude

    Do you have what it takes to reach your weight-loss goals? If you think it's all about diet and exercise, you're wrong. It sounds crazy, I know. Exercise and a proper diet are crucial to any weight-loss and fitness program. But, to reach any long term goal — especially one that requires major lifestyle change — you'll need to improve your attitude, too. You can have all the external support in the world, but if your self-esteem is in the toilet, you'll never have long-term success.

    Having the right attitude is so important because thought is behavior. The power of the mind is total — the way you think about yourself manifests as your reality. We all know how easily negative thoughts can lead to lack of confidence, hopelessness, and depression. You've heard about self-fulfilling prophecy, right? Well, if you tell yourself that you'll always be fat or never find happiness, chances are you'll end up fat and unhappy. Hey, it makes sense.

    Okay, let's turn that scenario around. Tell yourself that you can get fit and you will be happy. It's that simple. You can master your own fate with positive thinking!


  12. Living by the Numbers

    There's a lot more to restructuring your body than numbers, but knowing the very basics will help you on your path to fitness, especially in the beginning while your habits are changing. Committing these facts to memory will serve you well:

    For example, a candy bar that has 10 grams of protein (40 calories), 60 grams of carbs (240 calories), and 25 grams of fat (225 calories) provides 505 calories. If you were eating one per day, that's 3,535 calories per week. By simply cutting out your candy bar you'll lose a pound per week without by changing anything else.

    * 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories

    * 1 gram of protein = 4 calories

    * 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

    * 1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories

    * 3,500 calories = 1 pound of body weight


  13. Hi Donna! So glad to hear from you! Oh, I am so jealous ~ a massage! Glad to see it worked wonders for you. Still, you need to continue to WALK, WALK, WALK! I can't stress enough of this exercise.

    THROW THAT DARN SCALE AWAY! I don't have it in my house any more - I keep wanting to go on it and it was starting to be an obsessing! I had my hubby get rid of it and it is in the truck of our new car! So, if I want to weigh myself, I would need to do it in front of him and the neighbors! Besides, go by your body built and watch the inches melt away! I started thinking this and lost 2 pants size and (blushing)...down 2 sizes panties! HOO RAH!

    I can't wait to hear of your success with your journey too! Keep us posted as you venture on!

    WTG and Good Luck!

    You just have to love those NSVs!!!!! Congratulations! Tee Hee!


  14. By far the worst (non) fill story I've heard. Maybe I'm just dumb but why would they even have you come in if they knew all along they weren't going to fill you? Absolutely despicable! I can't believe they would treat people like that.

    So sorry you had to go through that. It's wrong on so many levels I'm speechless!


  15. What a whirlwind it has been. I was truly hoping for the surgery the day we arrived and I got it. Everyone has been exceptional. I just feel like I have done a bazillion sit ups and my lower back hurts from laying down all day. I am currently at the hotel awaiting my massage, mani and pedi.

    It was a pleasure meeting Kimberly and her hubby. Such nice and wonderful people.

    I ended up bringing too much stuff so my bag is heavy. Should be an interesting walk across the boarder.

    Thanks for everyone's kindness and support on this forum.

    OMG YAY!!!! The first day of the rest of your life! I'm excited for ya! Oh, and jealous of the whole massage, mani/pedi thing of course! hehe


  16. Who isn't affected by today's economy? We all are...just have to adjust and adapt to the best we can right now. I am a firm believer that things happens for a reason and therefore go forward in a positive way. Yes, we each will have some issues to deal with it...but be positive and smile. Utilize your old things, recycle, don't go overboard, be alert at your job, use the things you have at home to make unique gifts, choose wisely when you buy things, get together with family togetherness for a card game or charades, the list goes on and on...

    Things will get better soon...and who knows, the change will do some good!

    Awesome post. So positive and practical. Loved that!


  17. I started smoking here and there when I was in my teens. Then I must have smoked until early 40's. Do you know? I don't even know when I quit? It was about 7 yrs ago. I just cut back, didn't think about it much, and then when I was around it ie: a bar or something, I would reek of the smell, and I just decided to try. Well, I'm happy to say, that I was just totally turned off from then. And I'm so much better for it. I can't stand the smell of smoke, or the after effects of it.

    You will be so much better off. Try not to dwell on it. I know that's hard. Especially trying to diet and other issues you have shared with us.

    I'm so glad I did quit, I look at women my age that do smoke. I'm 51. OMG their skin is aged! You will feel better, you will smell so much better. Your kids won't get second hand smoke.

    DO IT!!!! Look at Jann....she can be your example. (Sorry Jann to throw you in there) ;)

    I'm here for you!!


    hehe, no worries, Tara! But my ideology and this one may be very different. I'm not a religious person and I don't give up my personal power. I believe you have to take your own ownership and change because you've identified that whatever you are doing whether it's WL, drinking, smoking, whatever, is patently unhealthy medically, physically, emotionally, erodes your quality of life and has great risk to lower your life expectancy. You have inherent power within to say, "I'm not going to do this anymore" and you absolutely have to mean it. The early days of sustained change are black and white, period. There are no shades of grey. It took me 48 years to figure out something so simple!

    I got up one morning and decided to put my smokes on the top of the fridge for the day. I smoked from the time I was 12 to this year. Do the math. I learned that I didn't want the taste of the smoke, I wanted the behaviours around it. Phone rang, reach for a smoke. Lull in one of my interviews, reach for a smoke. Contentious phone call, reach for a smoke. Bored, reach for a smoke. It goes on and on. Once my hands figured out it was okay for them to be empty it became second nature.

    Like WL it's a process but I have not smoked a day since and my husband smokes ALL the time around me. In fact, for Xmas this year we're going to my family's in Ontario. I'm flying and he's driving (a four day drive) because he refuses to limit his smoking to one an hour in a crowded car. Our dog doesn't like to fly. The one thing that WLS taught me absolutely was if I could survive the pre-op on a Lean Cuisine and shakes for three weeks and a full liquid diet for 21 days I could pretty much change anything. I just apply the same strength and the same principles. Psychologically speaking, for the most part, repeating a behaviour for 21 days in a row creates a new habit!

    Newton's first law of motion:

    An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

    Keep moving forward and don't look back!


  18. From: gaffja <andrew.gaffney@shaw.ca>

    Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:10 pm

    Subject: [CalgaryLapBanders] Fills for Calgary Lapbanders

    To: calgarylapbanders@yahoogroups.com

    > I dont post here very often, but I wanted to give the group an

    > update

    > on fills in the Calgary area.


    > Some of you may know me from Medical Edge Weight Loss Group, and

    > some

    > of you are our clients.


    > I am in the process of bringing a nurse to Calgary, perhaps

    > before

    > Christmas to do fills for people who need them.


    > The price of the fills would be unknown, as they would be done

    > on a

    > cost recovery basis for the nurse and her transportation. The

    > more

    > people there are the cheaper the cost, but we are hoping to keep

    > the

    > cost under $200.


    > In order to see if there is enough interest to make this go

    > ahead,

    > people who are interested can email me directly at

    > andrew@medicaledge.ca

    > Perhaps we could even turn this into an group event or get

    > together.


    > Take care,


    > Andrew


  19. Shana-Lee,

    I understand your feelings. I feel like I've been so depressed the past two weeks. I keep telling myself that it is because I'm sick, but I know that it's more than that. I'm having surgery on December 4. I'm leaving at 4 o'clock in the morning on December 3 to drive myself 1 - 1.5 hours to an airport in a different state. I'm making the trip on my own. And, flying back to drive myself home. I'm 33. Not married, but have the most adorable little puppy in the world. I have only shared my surgery decision with three people; two of my sisters and my supervisor at work. And, let me tell you... I am the youngest of 8 children --- I have a lot of family. I guess it is normal. For me, I have always been a "big girl." I have always felt left out. And, I guess it is scary going to a place that will accept me for who I am. And, I feel like I'm fitting in here at the forum. I've been judged all of my life. It's scary venturing out into the unknown. But the bottom line is, you need to do what is best for you. And, for your health. This forum has been a wealth of information for me.


    I also went by myself, arrived late the night before surgery and wasn't able to meet anybody prior. I was entirely alone and no one but hubby knew I was there. Trust me when I tell you, you won't be alone long. I met Denise (Shrty) and her mom and made an awesome sister-friend. I'm dead smack middle (am a twin) of eight children and none of them know. Get your strength in a healthy place and don't allow people's biases to upset you. You've got it figured out pretty clearly, you DO need to do what is best for YOU. The rest will all come together in it's proper time.

    Take care!


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