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Posts posted by Jann

  1. Ingredients:

    3 large baking potatoes

    3 stalks broccoli

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon quality extra-virgin olive oil

    1-2 tablespoons rice milk or soy milk

    2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese


    1. Scrub the potatoes and make shallow cuts around their middles to make it easier to cut them in half after baking. Bake the potatoes at 400 degrees until soft, usually 1 hour, depending on size of potatoes.

    2. Meanwhile, cut the ends from the stalks of broccoli and peel some of the outer skin off to make the stems more edible. Steam the broccoli until crunchy-tender and bright green. Drain and chop fine.

    3. Cut potatoes in half and scoop out the insides into a bowl. Add the salt, olive oil and just enough rice or soy milk to allow you to mash the potatoes into a smooth paste. Add the Parmesan cheese and the chopped broccoli and mix well.

    4. Pile the mixture back into the potato shells, arrange on a baking dish and heat them to desired temperature.

    Nutritional Information:

    Per serving:

    136 calories

    4 g total fat (1 g sat)

    2 mg cholesterol

    24 g carbohydrate

    5 g protein

    4 g fiber

    250 mg sodium

    Yum, am grilling some steaks tonight for supper, this will be a good addition. Thanks Cara!


  2. Francisco the driver picked my husband & I up at the Car rental company at exactly 9:00.

    We left there and picked up Donna at the train station. After a short ride we were dropped off at the OCC for our Pre-op tests.The facility is very nice and clean. They took a photo of me to make a card so I can get child's prices at restaurants. They weighed and measured my height. I talked to Dr. Miranda, who was very nice. I had lost all my pre-op weight, so we had a nice chat. She wants me to lose down to somewhere in the 150-160 range due to my body build. She said I have a muscular frame.

    I then met with the cardiologist where he did 2 tests. 1 where you blow into a tube for 6 seconds, and then Iwas hooked up to a heart monitor.

    They had an opening so they went ahead and operated on me & Donna today.

    It seems like it only took them about 1 hour from beginning to ready me for surgery and the time surgery was actually over.

    I am doing great.

    I slept a lot this afternoon, and I am in very little pain.

    I am very pleased with my experience so far.


    YAY for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and welcome to the other side!


  3. Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories

    Find out how metabolism burns calories, how it affects your weight and ways you can burn more calories for greater weight loss

    You likely know your metabolism is linked to your weight. But do you know how? Common belief holds that a slim person's metabolism is high and an overweight person's metabolism is low. But this isn't usually the case. Weight isn't necessarily directly linked to metabolism.

    Instead, weight is dependent on the balance of total calories consumed versus total calories burned. Take in more calories than your body needs, and you gain weight. Take in less and you lose weight. Metabolism, then, is the engine that burns these calories.

    Metabolism: Converting food into energy

    Stated simply, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories — from carbohydrates, fats and proteins — are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.

    The number of calories your body burns each day is called your total energy expenditure. The following three factors make up your total energy expenditure:

    1. Basic needs. Even when your body is at rest, it requires energy for the basics, such as fuel for organs, breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, plus growing and repairing cells. Calories expended to cover these basic functions are your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Typically, a person's BMR is the largest portion of energy use, representing two-thirds to three-quarters of the calories used each day. Energy needs for these basic functions stay fairly consistent and aren't easily changed.
    2. Food processing. Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing the food you consume also takes calories. This accounts for about 10 percent of the calories used each day. For the most part, your body's energy requirement to process food stays relatively steady and isn't easily changed.
    3. Physical activity. Physical activity — such as playing tennis, walking to the store, chasing after the dog and any other movement — accounts for the remainder of calories used. You control the number of calories burned depending on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities.

    Metabolism and your weight

    It may seem logical to think that significant weight gain or being overweight is related to a low metabolism or possibly even a condition such as underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). In reality, it's very uncommon for excess weight to be related to a low metabolism. And most people who are overweight don't have an underlying condition, such as hypothyroidism. However, a medical evaluation can determine whether a medical condition could be influencing your weight.

    Weight gain is more likely due to an energy imbalance — consuming more calories than your body burns. To lose weight, then, you need to create an energy deficit by eating fewer calories, increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity, or preferably both.

    Influences on your calorie needs

    If you and everyone else were physically and functionally identical, it would be easy to determine the standard energy needs. But many factors influence calorie requirements, including body size and composition, age, and sex.

    1. Body size and composition. To function properly, a bigger body mass requires more energy (more calories) than does a smaller body mass. Also, muscle burns more calories than fat does. So the more muscle you have in relation to fat, the higher your basal metabolic rate.
    2. Age. As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease and fat accounts for more of your weight. Metabolism also slows naturally with age. Together these changes reduce your calorie needs.
    3. Sex. Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight. This is why men generally have a higher basal metabolic rate and burn more calories than women do.

    Burning more calories

    Your ability to change your basal metabolism is limited. However, you can increase daily exercise and activity to build muscle tissue and burn more calories.

    Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking daily for 30 minutes or more, is an excellent way to burn calories. Strength training exercises, such as weight training, also are important because they help counteract muscle loss associated with aging. And since muscle tissue burns more calories, muscle mass is a key factor in weight loss.

    Even though regularly scheduled aerobic exercise is best for weight loss, any extra movement helps burn calories. Look for ways to walk and move around a few minutes more each day. Lifestyle activities, such as gardening, washing your car and even housework, burn calories and contribute to weight loss. Taking the stairs more often and parking farther away at the store also are simple ways to burn more calories.

    Don't look to dietary supplements for help in burning calories. Products that claim to speed up your metabolism are likely to offer minimal benefit and may produce undesirable or even dangerous side effects. Dietary supplement manufacturers aren't required by the Food and Drug Administration to prove their products are safe or effective, so view these products with caution and skepticism.

    Though your metabolism influences your energy needs, it's your food intake and physical activity that ultimately determine your weight.


  4. You have no idea on how great you are. It took me two hours to type and get up the nerve to post and i waited..... It seemed like hours, but was only mear seconds for some one to reply. Maybe i am so happy that my computer is not broken or maybe it is because i do not feel so alone right now. I am not worried about MX and feel that the posts people have been writing in this forum have given me a clear understanding of what to expect. I was worried that my post would remain unanswered.... Alone.... GOD i know it sounds silly and childish, but it is valid and very much a feeling i have.

    Over the last four weeks i have fought and defended to family, friends and doctors about my choices. Although i feel that in this emotional game there are really no winners, in the long run i have lost relationships and professional trust. How can people be so harsh and ignorant. I guess i had a lot to learn. My mind wonders to the things family and friends wanted most, that no matter what i felt about their choices was there for them. Maybe this is the time in my life that i must grow up. That my life is not all disney and sometimes this is not the happiest place on earth... Maybe i over analyze everything because of my career? Or maybe i am just a little down right now that that i need to remember that this journey is not just about losing weight.

    Thank you so much for caring enough to reply,,, I am feeling a little bit taller today.


    To me your answer is simple. Stop defending. There's nothing to defend. You've made your decision. Repeat after me -- "After me you come first" -- put it to memory as it is your new personal mantra. This is a life changing decision and nothing or nobody should stand in your way. You will be a better person for the journey and as you shrink so shall you grow!


  5. Excerpt from: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsourc...tory/index.html (It is worth reading this article in it's entirety)

    What Is Protein?

    Protein is found throughout the body—in muscle, bone, skin, hair, and virtually every other body part or tissue. It makes up the enzymes that power many chemical reactions and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood. At least 10,000 different proteins make you what you are and keep you that way.

    Twenty or so basic building blocks, called amino acids, provide the raw material for all proteins. Following genetic instructions, the body strings together amino acids. Some genes call for short chains of amino acids, others are blueprints for long chains that fold, origami-like, into intricate, three-dimensional structures.

    Because the body doesn't store amino acids, as it does fats or carbohydrates, it needs a daily supply of amino acids to make new protein.

    A 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak is a great source of complete protein—38 grams worth. But it also delivers 44 grams of fat, 16 of them saturated. (2) That's almost three-fourths of the recommended daily intake for saturated fat. The same amount of salmon gives you 34 grams of protein and 18 grams of fat, 4 of them saturated. (2) A cup of cooked lentils has 18 grams of protein, but under 1 gram of fat. (2)

    The bottom line is that it's important to pay attention to what comes along with the protein in your food choices. Vegetable sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains, are excellent choices, and they offer healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals; nuts are also a great source of healthy fat. The best animal protein choices are fish and poultry. If you are partial to red meat, such as beef, pork, or lamb, stick with the leanest cuts, choose moderate portion sizes, and make it only an occasional part of your diet: A major report on cancer prevention recommends consuming less than 18 ounces a week of red meat and avoiding processed meats (such as hot dogs, bacon, or ham) to lower the risk of colon cancer.


  6. Stay Hydrated When Exercising

    Welcome to Sweating 101.

    During one hour of vigorous exercise, how much does the average person sweat? One quart!

    As you can see, exercise saps a lot of water from our bodies. Start paying attention to your fluid intake 2-3 hours before you are going to exercise. Drink 2-3 cups of water during that time, and then drink another cup immediately before you start exercising.

    Without this extra water, your muscles will become dehydrated. Muscle movement depends on how hydrated you are, so if they are dry, they will not work as well. As a result, your workout will not be as productive as you would like.

    Once you start exercising, keep drinking water frequently. A good rule of thumb is to drink one cup every 15-20 minutes. Keep a water bottle with you. Take breaks to head to the water cooler. Do what it takes you keep yourself hydrated.

    Even when you are done exercising, you need to keep replenishing your fluid levels. It's recommended you drink another 2-3 cups within two hours after you have finished. Then drink water regularly afterwards.

    Do your body a favor and replenish that quart of fluids your body is losing while you work out. Your muscles will thank you later.

    Exercise Extra: Staying properly hydrated helps make your workouts more productive.


  7. I am getting banded in a week with my husband. Don't get me wrong i am very excited and scared. Reading peoples blogs i have come to the conclusion that we all feel about the same when we are this close to the procedure. This site has gotten me through the education, pre-diet, transportation , what to expect and what is the hotel like? I would like to thank all of you that were honest and up front.

    The thing is, that although i am having the procedure with my husband i still feel a sense of being alone. Most of my family and friends do not support me and those who do question the decision about doing it in TJ. I told everyone that if they could find something seriously wrong with what i am doing then i would not go. This was over 4 weeks ago and i am still scheduled. So here i am with no one... Now it is hard to believe that i currently work in a career that spends 100% of my time helping out of people to believe in themselves and of of course the power of therapy ( with out that no job) This only makes me feel worse since i cannot preform therapy on myself. My therapist talked me into going this forum to help with the mixed feeling i have. I waited and watched this forum and then was the time was right and i felt as it i was a part of a group i responded. Nothing. I even wrote in the Nov fills and surgeries hoping to find someone that will be there during the time i am. Nothing. if you notice i am the last entry.... Still alone. I am not asking for anyone to reply, really i do not need it .... WHAT THE HELL , WHO AM I KIDDING. I NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!! In my world no one wants to talk about it and if they do it starts with " are you excited and ends with you could DIE" My doctor said "you could get a infection in that country." My friends " have you seen the news you could be killed or kidnapped. with that one comes my answer of ahhhha! big woman do not get kidnapped. My other friends questioned why i was not going to stay in Nevada and pay 8-10,000 more to be safe. I questioned her logic, she has not even looked at the web site talked to other people or forget that Mexico does have running water and also bathrooms, but she felt she was right. For me to have the procedure in Nevada comes a lot more than the total cost of surgery. My insurance would not pay because they questioned how long i had a weight problem and my BMI may not fit into their category, The other is that since my medication cost over $5000 and without the insurance, i would never be able to afford this. So what are my options? gain more weight to meet the BMI, fight the insurance company over why i think i am fat and they do not. But if everyone must know

    the truth is that i did not choose TJ this was my husband, who i must say i thought was flipping nuts at first. I said he was crazy and he said that he was going with or without me. He was tired of being fat and wanted to change his life. I spent many weeks doing my homework I did not want my husband to die in mexico at a quack doctor. However, I could not find anything neg/ with it. After all that researching even me with all my medical issues i felt safe and secure in my decision, i know this seems funny but this is my chance and i want to take it. I am not worried about the procedure one bit, what i am worried about is entering this surgery alone. Yes i know i did not forget about the husband( some women would agree it is still alone ) I mean without the great support that i see that others have in this forum. Everyday i see " Good Luck" WTG, call me selfish but i want that too. I know what some of you are thinking ( u did not apply yourself enough you only posted two times and it works both ways." Yes this is true, but the way i am feeling it is just getting plumb worse. I am sorry if this offends anyone, This was only to get someone to say GOOD LUCK, WTG and I know how you feel!. I know that i am rambling and making a fool out of myself ( maybe) or maybe others feels just a little of what i am feeling now and they are too afraid to post. Me too! My friends and family have all but stopped calling and my husband says it does not matter, but to me it does. After re-reading this post suddenly feel somewhat better,,,, Last night I dreamed that i was screaming and no words came out. It was at this moment that i realized that although the posts were not directed to me they gave me strength to use my voice. That the WTG and Good Luck, i must believe were somehow directed to everyone. Just at this very moment i realized that all the people that i have read about in this forum have given me strength to do this entry without even Knowing it. For that i say Thanks .......

    Wow! That's a pretty powerful post. You certainly aren't alone and you must see that from spending time on this forum. We've all gone through the same process in banding whether it's the beginning days, "OMG, am I doing the right thing in the right place?" the early days, "OMG what have I done?" all the way through to the learning part of the process where you just know it was the right thing to do and the right way to do it.

    It's so sad that you feel so alone. Don't be so hard on yourself. We're here, we'll listen and/or advise. Just take a deep breath and from me to you WTG on your decision and WTG on the bravery and honesty of your post. Feel free to ask questions, jump into threads, start new threads and be a part of the community. That is, after all, what it is here for!

    Welcome Shanalee! Know that you are never alone!


  8. Really??? It's high in protein, I usually only eat half or take the fish off the bun and scrape off the tartar sauce...I would have thought it would be better than a greasy burger??

    Filet of Fish: cals 380 - fat 18 - saturated fat 3.5 - cholesterol 40 - sodium 640 - carbs 38 - fiber 2 - protein 15

    The cheeseburger would have been the better caloric choice believe it or not and with the exact same protein count! Shocking, isn't it!

    Cheeseburger: cals 300 - fat 12 - saturated fat 6 - cholesterol 40 - sodium 750 - carbs 33 - fiber 2 - protein 15


  9. Ok, so it is cold in Florida this week. I realized I don't have any cold weather clothes that fit me anymore and am freaking out because I don't want to buy anything. I was freaking out last night because it was going to be 20 degrees this morning and I have to walk to get to my building at work and I knew I would be cold. My husband reminded me about a coat that was hanging in a spare closet in his office that I had forgotten about. It is a wool coat that I had when I lived in NY 17 years ago. I told him there was no way it would fit me because it was from when I was in college and I was a size 10 / 12 in college. He kept insisting that it would fit because it looked big to him. Well, I went and pulled it out to prove him wrong and LO AND BEHOLD...... IT FIT! :) I was so happy! It is a size 14 (I always bought big coats when I lived in NY so I could layer sweaters, etc), but still. I am still just busting because it is a classicly styled wool coat to the knee. Now I won't have to buy a coat this winter knowing I won't be able to keep it.

    I know it is silly but it made me realize that I have lost a lot and changed my body shape. It was a huge NSV for me... :)

    YAY for you! Congratulations! Don't you just love it?! I'm shopping in my closets too at this point. You know how you bought something because you were sure it would fit, got it home and it was like, OMG it's five sizes too small? It's like Christmas every day! (an exaggeration but you know what I mean!)


  10. See. I knew it. Awesome news! Now don't let McDonalds marketing and advertising find out. They will spin it some how... I can see it now...

    "Eat Filet o'fish and lose weight. From our healthy alternative menu".


    Strangely, Filet of fish is the absolute worst thing you can order at MacDonald's. Who would think fish would be the poor choice in a burger place?


  11. More Than 879,000 Pounds of Frozen Chicken Meals May Contain Bits of Plastic

    By Miranda Hitti

    WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDNov. 18, 2008 -- Nestle Prepared Foods Company is recalling 879,565 pounds of frozen Lean Cuisine chicken meals that may contain small pieces of hard blue plastic.

    Nestle issued the recall after getting seven consumer complaints, including one report of a minor gum injury that did not require medical attention, Nestle Prepared Foods Company spokeswoman Roz O'Hearn tells WebMD.

    The following Lean Cuisine products are being recalled:

    9.5-ounce packages of "LEAN CUISINE PESTO CHICKEN WITH BOW TIE PASTA" brand frozen meals. Printed on each side of each package is a production code of "8280595912" as well as a use-by date of "Best Before MAY 2010."

    10.5-ounce packages of "LEAN CUISINE CHICKEN MEDITERRANEAN" brand frozen meals. Printed on the side of each package is a production code of "8231595912" or "8241595912" as well as a use-by date of "Best before SEP 2010"; a production code of "8263595912," "8269595911," or "8274595912," as well as a use-by date of "Best before OCT 2010"; or a production code of "8291595912" or "8301595912" as well as a use-by date of "Best before NOV 2010."

    12.5-ounce packages of "LEAN CUISINE CHICKEN TUSCAN" brand frozen meals. Printed on the side of each package is a production code of "8234595911" and a use-by date of "Best before SEP 2009"; a production code of "8253595911" or "8269595912" as well as a use-by date of "Best before OCT 2009"; or a production code of "8292595911" or "8296595911" as well as a use-by date of "Best before NOV 2009."

    Each package also bears the USDA mark of inspection as well as the establishment number "EST P-9018." The frozen chicken meals were produced on Aug. 18, Aug. 21, Aug. 28, Sept. 9, Sept. 19, Sept. 25, Sept. 30, Oct. 6, Oct. 17-18, Oct. 22, and Oct. 27, 2008, and were distributed to retail establishments nationwide, according to the USDA.

    Consumers with questions about the recall should call 800-227-6188.

    Where did the plastic come from? "We determined that the plastic entered our facility in a single lot of an incoming raw ingredient," O'Hearn says. "We're trying to figure out how to prevent this from happening in the future. But we went into action very quickly on a very small number of complaints."

  12. Hi I think it may have been my post....I use the Muscle milk light in chocolate with a bananna and peanut butter. I use water to make the shake and I've calculated the calories to be almost 400 calories with the peanut butter and bannana. I don't have it every day and it certainly helps with the chocolate cravings. It does keep me full. I order it from bodybuilding.com My husband is into bodybuilding so when I order his stuff I get my vitamins ad this froom there but you can get it at GNC or any of thpse stores.

    It was your post I saw for sure! I did a search after I started the thread and found it. Thanks very much for this!


  13. Mexican Soup

    1 1/2 LB Ground Meat or Turkey

    1 can diced tomatoes (or Rotel if you like spicey)

    1 can corn

    1 can black beans

    1 can red beans

    Shredded Cheddar (or chz of choice)

    1 pkg taco seasoning

    1 pkg Hidden Valley Ranch mix

    5 cans of water

    pepper to taste!

    1. Brown your meat, set aside

    2. Pour in all ingredients to soup pot, or if you have plenty of time....throw it in a Crock Pot!

    3. Add taco seasoning, and Ranch powder mix

    4. Stir up & Heat up!

    Serve as a Soup with cheese on top, or serve over Fritos with Shredded Cheese!!! This is so easy, full of protein and your family will enjoy it too! :)

    Am eating this as I type! YUM! Thanks for the recipe!


  14. I read your fill date as July -- the Canadian form of your shortcut not November. We do it differently here. It's not unusual a week after a fill to have these experiences. Reintroduce protein to your diet and learn what works and what doesn't work for you. Some can eat bread, some can't, some can eat chicken, some can't, etc. You have to learn what works for you. If you are concerned that you can't swallow, eat any form of solids other than carbs, etc., my original advice stands. Speak to your fill doctor. As I said, your body HAS to be able to process SOLID proteins. If you are not able to you are too tight.


  15. I tried muscle milk lite and I think it was some sort of chocolate and I couldn't gag it down. Very sweet with a sort of artificial coconut aftertaste. For me it only took a few sips and I realized it was not for me.

    OooooOo I'm not a sweets kinda girl. Even at my worst eating it was never sweets based. It was pizza, cheeseburgers, pasta -- you get the idea. I won't do well with this if it leaves a sugary aftertaste. I haven't been able to get over there yet today but I'm just gonna buy one and test it. I'll let you know how it goes.


  16. I had lap band surgery on 1/8/08 and just recently had my fourth fill on 11/7/08. The last fill was 1cc and brought me to a total of 4cc. The reason I had the fill was because I was basically able to get anything and everything down. I was back to eating huge meals and my weight was up 5#. Now that I had this last fill I am having a hard time getting certain things down. I tried to eat shredded chicken just keeps causing me to vomit. However I can get toast and crackers down. Does it sound like my band is too tight? I am trying to stay away from the carbs but its getting to the point I need something.

    Yes, and incredibly unhealthy but forced food choices as well. I would go back and get an unfill and re-fill with an amount that is healthier. Your body HAS to be able to process SOLID proteins. If you are not able to you are too tight.


  17. Woudn't go far enough to say I have a six-pack going on but definetly starting to see some definition in my abs. YAAAAAYYYY!

    I am using the "bender ball" from some infomerial, for my ab workouts.


    OMG Kimmy! YAY for you and congrats!!!! I was just happy to feel mine, hehe -- I'm SO happy for you!


  18. Jann,

    I have not tried the muscle milk, but the guys in my office RAVE about it. The guys/boys on my son's football team RAVe about it. I guess it tastes AWESOME!! They even have a cake batter flavor. Let me know if you order it and what you think of the taste... I am really picky about the taste of protein shakes.

    Will do, Kimmy!

  19. Shelby

    i provided links in the first portion of this chain for both EAS Myoplex Lite and the Protein Bullets off of wholesale supplement store .com


    you will find ALL your stuff SO much cheaper here than GNC...and they have it to your door in 2-3 days!

    I did have a wistful look and it is definitely without a doubt cheaper with exception of custom charges, our dollar differences, Canadian taxes and shipping across the border. So sad isn't it? But for the south side of the border those prices definitely rock!

    Thanks for that though, I appreciate the thought for sure!


  20. I read in a post somewhere about Muscle Milk and I think it was in this forum. If you are out there can you tell me what you think of it?

    I went to meet with a personal trainer and I noticed it on his shelf. He said I can order it in by the case but I'd like to hear what peeps think first.



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