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Posts posted by bubs

  1. I was banded on Monday 7/21 and now that I am no longer queasy or gassy my stomach is growling all the time. I've started on the liquid yogurt and it helps for about an hour then I'm hungry again. Is it going to be like this for the next few weeks? Will the cream soups help that I start in a few days? Everyone else post they aren't hungry and I'm starving. I was tempted to thin some mashed potatoes and drink them...but didn't. It wasn't on the list of things we should drink. Any ideas hoe to make the hunger go away and stay on track?


  2. Hello, I had my lapband put in @ OCC 11/05. I lost 65 pounds. My lowest weight was 141 @ 5'2". In the last 18 months I have had massive changes in my life. I got a divorce after 30 years, retired from teaching for 30 years and moved into my own place for the first time ever. Also had glaucoma surgery.

    I have regained 20 pounds. I am much happier but I haven't been eating and exercising as I should. My band does still work but not as well. I have found ways around it, waiting for a while to eat more, liquids, and a nasty sugar addiction.

    Have I ruined my lapband? Would a fill help? I've only had one since its placement.

    I need help to get back on track. Anyone out there have some hope for me?


    Hi, only one fill since 05...wow. I would call OCC and see what they think. Plus to get back on track you could go back on the pre op diet of 2 slimfast and a lean cusine each day. With all you've been through it's no wonder you back slid a little. Call OCC and see about a fill or what they think you should do. Tomorrow is the start of a new day.


  3. I am so glad to be home from my mom's house. There has been alot of heartache since she was forced to move from her house of 30 years. On top of that, right after I got home from the trip to Mom's, my brother's wife half-emptied the house and took their two daughters while he was helping Mom. There is a bipolar issue with the wife, and she is divorcing my brother against his wishes. I had to go back there, as we are very close, and I am the one who can soothe him and talk him down from his depressions. He is permanantly disabled with multiple back fractures, and the pain he goes through daily is one of the reasons his wife left.

    I am emotionally drained, having been gone for a total of 9 weeks of the last 12. My diet has suffered as a consequence, and I am just exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically.

    My internet connection there was very iffy, so the times I was able to get on were a blessing. I am home again until he has to appear in court for the divorce hearing.

    I am "sucking up your strength" until I can get balanced again.

    Hugs to you all.

    I can't believe you went through all that. You are a very loving and strong woman and don't you dare be down on yourself for anything. 44 pounds lost is awesome. Your family is lucky to have you , not all family's have such a giving person. Treat yourself to something special this weekend, such as a movie, pedicure, spa treatment, or just a long bubble bath with a good book. You need to restore your strength.


  4. Hey ya'll! sorry i havent posted in awhile.. been totally busy!!! omgosh im happy! i got on them scales the other day an guess what?!?!? im down to 158!!! ive been really excited.... ima keep doin what im doin, im so thankful i got the band.

    God Bless!

    Hooray for you! Keep doing what you are doing....and give yourself a pat on the back...you've earned it.


  5. I am ecstatic...The scale finally said 189.4 today!!! YEAH ME!!!!

    Hi, I wish 160 would be a size 8 for me. I'm 5' 7" also and when I was married I weighed about 135 and was a size 12...and I was 5' 9" then...31 years ago. I'm a pear shape...all the weight in my thighs...small chest and waist with thunder thighs. I will be happy to be a size 14-16 and shop in regular stores and catalogs.



  6. Remember last weekend they thought her port was infected but then her surgeon said no, just an intestinal infection? Well, the intense pain came back so bad, she couldn't move so she has been back there for tests and now they admitted her. All I know is that they are going to go in through her stomach and look around because they think something is twisted around something else. I'll be going up there later to see whats going on, but I a liitle worried since she has had ultrasound cat scan mri and no-one knows anything!

    Tell her she is in our prayers. Please keep us informed and try not make yourself sick with worry. Easy to say I know but still true.


  7. Yesterday evening I went wild on the grill... Everything from the main course to dessert. The main course was Grilled pork chops marinated with a light jerk sauce... grilled peppers, potatoes and onions on skewers, and of course grilled garlic butter French bread. For dessert, fruit skewers with a honey lime glaze that was AWESOME.

    I ate about 5 bites and was full :(

    But there are lots of leftovers for lunch today!! :)

    The only redeeming moment was this morning's conversation with my bathroom scale. It told me I was .5 pounds lighter than yesterday.

    I want your scale....mine keeps telling me I'm gaining on about 100 calories a day. Go figure!

  8. So sorry you are all feeling poorly gals, but it will get better, I promise!

    Do not worry about calories or weight at this time. You absolutely MUST get fluid in you somehow. Some people do better with warm liquids so try that if the cold is not helping. Dehydration makes your whole body feel awful and if you don't get some fluid in you, you won't feel better. Gatorade is best, although I hate that myself. But try diluted apple juice too. Anything that will work at this point give it a try.

    I had horrible vomitting because of dehydration and you don't want that, so get sipping!!!

    And feel better and please let us kn mow how you do overnight, ok? Both of you gals!!

    Hi, I am feeling better today...still not getting enough fluids in but more than yesterday I hope. Even was able to go for a walk around the block and will take another one later. Right now I am drinking a vitamin+fiber water that has lots of calories because I wasn't even getting a hundred a day for the last 4. No wonder I was weak. Do you know if the liquid yogurt 4 ounces is total per day? I want to have some later today. I also emailed Dr M about skim milk...it isn't mentioned at all. Thanks for caring and the support from everyone.


  9. Hi everyone, I could use some advice. I was banded five days ago. I was having true physical hunger pains as early as the first day post-op. I held out as long as possible, and on the fourth day post op I had one scrambled egg, tiny, tiny bites, chewed until virtually liquid. The protein helped my hunger and I thought it was ok. But OCC has told me NO! Stick to liquids only. My question is about this physical pain I have, as I think the only people who can really answer me are people who have been banded. I have two types of intermittent pain. One is occasional waves of a tightness feeling in the middle of my chest. The other is sharp, brief pain around my left collarbone. Both pains seem random to me and definitely not related (time-wise) to drinking anything, or eating the egg. I get either of these pains pretty frequently, especially the tightness one. From what I'm describing, does this tightness sound like the band? And has anyone else had these really sharp pains around the collarbone area? It's a bit scary. I'm not worried about any other health issues as the cause. And do you guys think it was so damaging about the eggs? They kind of freaked me out... What have other people (honestly) done post-op? Dr. Miranda said she has had patients who've slipped because they ate cottage cheese!

    Hi, I was banded Monday and also have shoulder pain. Hubby has been rubbing pain reliver cream into it and it helps a lot. I just figured they moved me in some awkward position to do their job. I also have a sore lump in my right lower calf and an extra bruise on my lower stomach. Figured they were all caused by moving a large lady around to do the banding.


  10. peppermint tea with some sugar was my best friend for the first couple of days until the gas and bloating subsided. its very soothing and a great anti-nausea :D

    Why didn't I think of that...I used to give it to my kids...and ginger worked also. Thanks for the reminder....my mind doesn't work when I'm sick...just when the kids or grandkids are.


  11. Thanks for the idea...I just made some hot herbal peach tea and will add a little honey to it. So far today 24 ounces (3 glasses) water/juice & water/Gatorade and 2 Popsicles. That's in 12 hours...how much more should I try for? I'll be up about 4 more hours.


  12. Hey! I am a horrible speller and typer! Is there a way to spell check my posts? I use Fire Fox. It normally checks spelling for me, but for some reason it does not work on this forum. Please help!

    I downloaded and use the goggle tool bar which has spell check. I also see to the right of sizes and A on this post a spell check icon. That should do it.


  13. 1. Chester, my 5 yr old male rat terrier

    2. Lady, the neighbor's dog who lives with us. She is a dalmation outside dog.

    3. Daisy, the new Chihuahua puppy

    4. Jinx, my fat special needs cat

    5. Turtis and Turtellini, my two red eared slider turtles

    I would have a whole farm if I could afford it!

    We live in a pet restricted senior park so all we have right now are Candy our 8-10 year old Schipperke rescue who thinks she is people and runs the house or tries to except Riley our 5 year old rescued black cat has other opinions who runs the house. Our job is to feed pet and love and worship. Before we moved to CA we worked with greyhound rescue and had 4 greyhounds and 4 Bengal cats. Plus we fostered greyhounds which is how we ended up with 4...hard to part with. As soon as the market bounces back I'm selling this place we are buying a home without a HOA. Another long story. Thank god for pets...they keep us sane.

  14. That is totally normal...try to get as much fluids in as you can, anytime of day. Don't worry about only eating three meals, drink broth, water, eat jello and popcicles as much as you can. No calorie counting during healing. The gas is normal as well.

    The scale is reflecting water retention and swelling from surgery...I gained 7 lbs...lost it in a few days.

    Until you are past your post-op diet, which is the healing time...get as much fluids in as you can...calorie counting comes later!

    Take care

    Thanks so much....my neighbor just went for juice for me. I just posted how much everyone's help and support has meant to me...I couldn't of done it without this group. Bless you all.


  15. Yeah it's kind of normal for some. You're body is also probably suffering from low blood sugar and you need calories. At this point get them through liquids. Use juices like grape and/or pineapple which are higher calories and sugar. Unless you are a diabetic of course. You MUST just sip, sip, sip ALL day on the gatorade at this point. Dehydration does feel awful so start working on this with whatever you can tolerate. All the things Cathy mentioned you should at least try to get to feeling better.

    Keep us posted.

    Thanks for advice and support...at 63 I'm to old to be whining like this....it's just that I can deal with pain...have been for over 20 years but nausea gets me every time. In 6 hours I've managed to keep down 12 ounces of Gatorade/water combo and a popsicle...then I realized it was a sugar free fruit popsicle and not a flavored sugar water type ....is this a no no because it's made from fruit puree? Good news is I am not or even close to being diabetic. My neighbor just went to the store and bought the recommended juices...will try some cut with water next. Thank you all so much....you are the reason I did this and I can't begin to think of how I would get through this without all your support. Hopefully when I feel better I will be able to do the same for others.


  16. Banded Monday and felt pretty good till Tuesday evening..I'm feeling worse...feel sick to my stomach all the time...not getting enough fluid in me...feel very week and the two times I tried broth it almost killed me...gut ripping belches. My scale says I've gained....not more than a hundred calories a day since Sunday and gained 8 pounds...think I'll shoot the scale. It's 70 degrees in my house and I'm freezing. I need to keep fluids down...any ideas? I know I'm getting dehydrated.


  17. I'm in Tijuana now, gearing myself up for the 7:15am pick up by Ernesto. I get my tests / bloodwork done in the morning, and go from there :)

    I just want to thank all of you guys for being so encouraging and positive the past few weeks.

    It's because of that I'm not a nervous wreck right now. I'm here by myself, but I don't feel like I am because I have so many good friends that I've met through here (Heidi, Dawnie, Denise, and of course Bill :) )

    Honestly -- thank you all! I'll be sure to keep you posted on the action :)

    ps... I love the zebra donkeys!!! :)


    I'll see you there this evening. I'm so glad someone else is getting banded with me tomorrow.


  18. Don't forget sunscreen, And I locked my rings in the hotel safe, Don't think you can leave

    them on. but not 100% sure. Good Luck!

    Good morning, Thanks. I always forget something when I travel...that's why I make list..and still forget something. Just added my cell phone charger. It's around 7-8 hour drive to San Diego and my phone and bluetooth will need recharged for the drive home. Wish me luck....... I am so ready for this. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


  19. I am a wreck I will forget something...I leave in the morning 7/20 to drive to San Diego and pick my daughter up along the way. I have my license and birth certificate, chewable vitamins, water, broth, Gatorade, fiber water, prescriptions, cashiers check, paperwork , gas medicine, some chewable Imodium. Comfortable clothes and shoes, toothbrush, etc. Is there anything you can think of I forgot? They say leave your jewelry home...is it OK to keep my wedding band on?


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