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Posts posted by BandDiva

  1. :D Three cheers for us girls of German heritage, big bones and apple cheeks! When I was at my thinnest, 130 lbs., I was a size 8 for the most part. I’m 5’6”. So yes, everyone is different. I just wanted to get my 2 cents in on the HCG topic. I will be getting banded on July 21st and the reason I want to do this is because I’m tired of chasing the “miracles” out there. I’ve tried them all, like PhenFen, appetite suppressants and a multitude of products that promise to be “the one”. Yes, they work for awhile, but not long term. For once I just want to lose the weight by eating right and exercising. For me the lap band is part of that triangle. Lap band/nutrition/exercise. I don’t want to try anymore temporary products. I do like the idea suggested of posting what you’ve been eating for the last 5 days (as Lindsay suggested) to see if anyone can give some sound advice on what to change that may be beneficial. That will be very helpful when I hit my first plateau, which I’m sure I’ will hit at some point after being banded. This site has really helped me prepare mentally for what is going to be happening to me over the next several months. Thank you all who participate. It really is so informative.

    I totally agree with you, that is why I had the lapband. I was tired of dieting & gaining weight. It was a cycle. I can do any diet. I am not gaining weight any longer and I lost at a fast pace at the begining. But, get ready you can hit a plateau for MONTHS! Some of us have really struggled. For me it has been since January. I am working out like a crazy woman, eating very well and STUCK!!! So, just be prepared if it happens not to lose sight of the prize. I read posts for months before my surgery and I never thought I would have plateaued like I have. I thought people were lying about what they were eating and NOT exercising. I now know what it means to be at a stand still for a LONG time. It can be frustrating when you are so tight and can't eat till the afternoon. I know LisaLaw and I have experienced a lot of the same things & it is NOT because we are bad bandsters. We are thinking that maybe the HCG will get the scale to move. It is hard to gain weight with your band. Unless you are just a pig. LOL If I can get it moving again, I would feel really good. Also, Me and LisaLaw were banded way before Lindsay, I have posted my diet before & nothing has changed. So, I am not really looking for a person here to tell me what I am doing wrong, when I have a Dr., trainer, and nutritionist assisting me on my journey. Good luck on your journey!

  2. Lindsay--im not wanting to argue either, but several of us had said we got results. I start my day with 40 minutes on my elliptical. I do A LOT of exercising & doing heavt weight circut training. I have a trainer assisting me. While you can do your research and find negatives you can also find positives on HCG. Many of us are at stand stills, many of us have talked to our doctors and even they don't understand.

  3. Lindsay:

    How could you continue to say it is not in the US when I sent a link of a clinic using it in OKLAHOMA?? lol That is the clinic my family went to. I would think someone who had used hcg could better say how it works. I will be in Tulsa on Tuesday, I think I will go see them again.

    Far from snake oil. I have been on hundreds of low cal diets and never got the results I got from HCG, nor did my 2 aunts, mom and cousin. We have all used it! Not sure where you are getting your info. but it is in the US & it does work.

  4. I can't get any tighter!! Tonight I choked on a benadryl! Do you realize how stinking tiny that is? Lol I also do tons of cardio, water aerobics, elliptical, jogging. I think I am going to do this again$


    Oh...and just to add to what Dana said...I am currently at 3.9 cc' I cans in a 4.0 band

    I have bee

    n as


    as a 4.3 and could not swallow spit...so I also am not interested in getting tweaked again when I am already tight until 4 pm




    Hey Pammie-

    I havent done the injections since being banded. But, I am stuck and seriously think I might try it. (didnt even think about it) I am at 3 CC's and there is NO WAY I can handle any more.

    It makes sense that it could help, I totally understand why they would have it in a fill clinic. I will let yall know what happens. I will also ask them if they know of other places who do it. The place I went to have been using it since the 80's in their Weight Loss clinic.

  6. HCG is not a steroid, but a naturally occurring peptide hormone, produced by the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy and later by the trophoblast (part of the placenta) to help control a pregnant woman´s hormones.

    It's clinically used to induce ovulation and treat ovarian disorders in women, as well stimulate the testes hypogonadal (underproduction of testosterone) men. It is also used in the treatment of undescended testicles in young males. HCG offers no potential performance enhancement in female athletes, but does prove to be very useful in male athletes especially those that use AAS (which is where I've heard it being used ..)

    The only thing small doses of HCG may be useful (sublingually) for is reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

    Yeah, that´s right, you can probably reduce some symptoms of an enlarged prostate with the use of small doses of HCG, but I`m guessing that`s not what you`re been promised!

    Since the powder of HCG is similar to the powder of somatropin often cheaper HCG is sold and marketed as the more expensive HGH (human growth hormone) on the black market.

    So. In otherwords, it won`t do anything for your `pleateau`.

    If nurses are selling it as a weight loss tool, that`s pretty much your freakin`red flag!

    IT'S BEEN BANNED FROM THE USA. Where are they importing it from? My guess - THAILAND.


    HCG Worthless as Weight-Loss Aid


    Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Ca...ht-Loss-/927641


    And it's not even readily available. Where are those 'nurses' buying it from?! THAILAND!!!

    Tweak your diet.

    Adjust your w/o's.

    That will help you with your weight loss hump ...

    TOTALLY NOT TRUE!!! IT WORKS!!! And it has not been banned.

    I did HCG Injections 3 years ago and lost 30 lbs, my Aunt did it and lost 60---and has kept the weight off. My Mom lost 30--kept it off. HCG burns fat....you are to eat low fat taking HCG.

    Let's talk on Facebook! I had not thought about this, but it may be what I need to get out of this funk I have been in.

    This is from the office my family used.... http://www.transformationsmedicalweightloss.com/program.html

    We have available a natural hormone called hCG*, which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin*. hCG* is believed to break down your abnormal body fat, causing you to lose inches. At the same time, it protects your body's good fat (endogenous) and muscle from depleting. That means that you can go on a low calorie food plan and lose weight without the typical problems such as muscle loss and sagging skin. We do have prescription appetite suppressants available that have been used to assist with weight loss for over 40 years. These give you great will-power by curbing your appetite, making it easier to eat the right food in the correct proportions for successful weight loss. We also have natural alternatives and enhancers. These products can jumpstart your metabolism, burn more calories, reduce body fat, and block carbohydrates from being stored as fat. We also offer products to help with carbohydrate sensitivity, insulin resistance, PMS, hot flashes, and arthritic issues, just to name a few. Transformations’ products are made of top quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients. The staff, our patients and we use them with great results.

  7. I don’t do the Vit, I forget. I’m trying hard to remember the fiber and kinda get it in @ lest once a day, and I did start back with that chromium I didn’t realize I should use it after being band- I thought it was just for before

    Chromium and fiber help with your hunger pangs. Make sure you take your vitamins consisitenly, over time you will feel like crap. I use bariatric advantage in mixed berry (chewables). They were designed for WLS patients. Love them!

  8. Syntha 6 Powders are the BEST! I have tried them all! Cookies and Cream is my fav. I dont have these all the time because they are a little higher in calorie. But, it is so wonderful!

    Muscle Milk Light premades are my fav. Chocolate Milk flavor is by far my fav.

    I also us the Muscle Milk Light powder, it is the lowest in calorie like 90.

    I have to have a protein shake everyday!

  9. Yes it is......

    I agree with alot of things that Lisa and the others have said, but I think it depends on YOUR body. In my experience when I eat only when I am hungry, I do not seem to loose weight. I am more on the line with Dana. I HAVE to have the protein in the morning or I feel like crap as well and if I dont eat HIGH protien and drink alot of water, I seem to hold on to my weight. Right NOW at this moment..lol (I change so much) I am back to counting my calories, trying to hit 1200 a day (do a high and low day every other day) and get a high intake of PROTEIN. Good Luck!



    This is exactly what I am doing. lol I am the same way, High protein and lots of water or my weight doesnt budge. I am talking atleast 80 grams of protein a day. I am also going back to counting my calories

  10. Carrie - First I have to say 60 LBS!!! WOW! Congrats! I am hoping the day will come, when I feel tired of eating, or the day when I forget to eat. Those are foreign to me. I will say there have been a few times when I have felt like all this chewing is just to much work. So I am hoping the same chore of eating will evolve with me as well when I have restriction!

    Oh, and on a side note...I have caught myself being a totally piggy poo when eating my new smaller size portions and bites. LOL I will cut my meat into near pea size bites and catch myself stabbing more than one piece on my fork. (Slow down!) The reason this came to my attention was when I got the ohh feeling in my chest. Like the put the fork down and wait now because you just took 3 bites in one ya dork!

    I love the changes this band has already made in my life. I am doing the suggested see how much you can get away with not eating. Yesterday, I didn't eat enough for supper and was hungry before bed, which sucked but it is a learing curve for me.

    Definitely a learning experience.

  11. I'll let you all know on Thursday...hopefully they won't want to do an unfill. I don't think it's necessary because I'm having no problems eating or drinking, but we'll see. I just want to be under 200 lbs.! Why are these last 3 lbs. tormenting me so? I'm busting my butt at the gym 5x a week and I know I'm probably eating about 1400-1500 calories a day because I've been so hungry over the last 3 weeks.

    It is frustrating. I am having a fill on this Saturday. Somedays I can eat too much. I feel like I need a little tweak myself! Cant wait to hear!

  12. I will tell you this, I stopped my protein shakes because people on here said once you start eating you dont need the empty calories of a shake. Let me tell you, I have felt like CRAP for a week! My normal routine was to have one in the mornings to make sure I start my day with PROTEIN. Even after my morning coffe, and I am NOT hungry but I would still have a shake. I decided I would do what everyone said to do, elimate my protein shakes. Everything that was happening to me during the liquid phase has happened AGAIN doing it this way. Headaches (extreme), dizzyness & nausea. I tried everything, more water, less gatorade, more gatorade and it wasnt until I increased my protein the symptoms stopped--per Dr. Miranda. (after we tried vitamins, water, gatorade etc.)

    So, I thought now that I am eating normal (what I think is normal) maybe dont need the extra protein. WRONG!!!! I found I do need it or I feel like total crap. So, I am going back to having my shakes even if I am NOT hungry. Some of what we do now is to stay healthy and not pass out since we are eating smaller portions.

    I eat many times when I am not hungry because I know I need something to sustain myself through the day. (I dont pig out) I think everyone will be different and you have to learn what your body requires.

  13. The fact that you can't find anything negative should speak volumes!!! Dr. Ortiz as well as the ENTIRE staff are top notch. I am more than thankful I chose the OCC. The patient care coordinators can give you a list of Dr's in your area to do your fills. The Dr. I chose is Dr. Jay in Dallas. When I first saw him and told him Dr. O did my surgery, he knew exactly who he was and had nothing bad to say. Dr. Ortiz had good things to say about him as well. I feel very safe here at home with Dr. Jay. I go for a fill every 3 months & If I dont need a fill I still have the peace of mind knowing my band is still in the proper place etc.

    Also, if you talk to people banded in the states, many of them are in surgery for an hour or longer. Dr. Ortiz did my surgery in 19 minutes & he repaired my hiatel hernia! From what I have heard, recovery time is better when you aren't under for too long. I believe this is another reason we heal so well. I was shopping the morning after my surgery.

  14. Stormy--

    If we are talking about the same person, she didnt do it herself but a paramedic (friend) of hers did. He obviously had practice with needles. He got it in the first stick and she was relieved. Again, you might be talking about someone else who personally did it. Not sure.

    Regardless, I dont think I would ever do it. My husband has volunteered though! haha I think I will keep seeing Dr. Jay for my fills!

  15. Thanks for your responses!

    To be honest, there are two reasons I want the lift - vanity and that annoying yeast infection I have been getting under them since I was 12. I typically only get that in the winter, but it has decided to show up this year for the summer as well. As for the reduction, all my doctors and my mom think I should have one, but I am still struggling with it, I mean those and my big toes are pretty much the only things that still look like the old me. I'm not saying I am missing the old me, but a lot has changed in the past 16 months and I am still getting used to it.

    I have been lurking on a plastic surgery forum and after reading their stories and hearing about BandDiva's GGG's, my DD's don't seem so bad. I could definitely see where I might really need/want the reduction in a few years and just figured if I could get both the lift and reduction with a thigh lift thrown in to evenly distribute the pain that I might as well start thinking about and researching it now.

    Thanks Again!


    LOL!! I got em honest, Grandma was BIG chested! :)

  16. I had a reduction when I was 16 (21 years ago) and it was covered. I'm certain I could get another one covered by my medical insurance but I'm not sure if it would give me the results I want- I don't want smaller, I want "perkier".

    I don't really know the difference between the reduction and lift. I'm going to go back and see what the doctor says.

    Shrty, sorry to hear about the butchered B cups. That's my biggest fear- they take off way too much. On the other hand, I'm shying away from implants cause I don't want to end up with "stripper boobs", lol!


    Sabrina! LOL "Stripper boobs". That has been my fear, to end up with a caved in chest and grapefruits. Have you seen Tori Spelling? YUCK!! I had a reduction in 98, went from a GGG to a D. It was awesome! :) They did the lift too, and my insurance paid for everything. I had indentions from my bra strap, sited back pain. A friend of mine had a boob job last year by a Dr. in Tulsa Oklahoma. Her's are gorgeous! If I ever have to have one, I might consider him!

  17. Wow! I thought he was the poster-boy for Allegran?! Hmmmm. Interesting. He's a good doctor but an even better businessman so I'm sure J&J made it very worth his while to switch. If it makes you feel any better, I know lots of people who have been successful with both types of bands.


    Here are some facts from www.mylapbandsurgery.com I am certain both bands are fine.

    Inamed vs Realize Banding

    Written by Administrator

    Monday, 14 July 2008

    There are new bands coming into the market of the Bariatric Industry. Johnson & Johnson has come out with what's called the "Realize Band".

    The cost is unclear. But we have gathered some information that we thought might be helpful to you readers and researchers that are considering getting Bariatric Surgery.

    Differences between REALIZE and ALLERGAN bands:

    Clinical outcomes (slip rate, erosion rate, weight loss, etc) are very similar between the two bands.

    The Allergan band is the original band (Allergan bought the Inamed band company which bought Bioenterics company -

    these are the old names of the same band)

    Surgically, there are subtle differences such as:

    **The Allergan band comes in many sizes,

    REALIZE band has ONLY one size.

    Allergan has two port sizes;


    Allergan ports are stitched to the muscle fascia (the tough white stuff on the outside of the muscle);

    REALIZE port has neat technology that attaches itself to the muscle fascia and may have slightly less

    port pain the first few days after surgery.

    The REALIZE ports have a neat tool that places the port and secures it with a handheld instrument making it really easy on the surgeon.

    Allergan band tubing has little arrows printed on it pointing the surgeon to the tab end of the tubing which is a nice feature in the operating room.

    Allergan ports are smaller around (circumference) and taller - perhaps EASIER to palpate for FILLS!

    REALIZE ports are bigger around and less prominent.

    Think small stack of silver dollars versus taller stack of quarters to create the mental image.

    Allergan tubing is closer to the septum (the area that you aim for with the needle for adjustments/fills)

    and perhaps more susceptible to needle sticks requiring port replacement.

    REALIZE ports have the septum farther away from the tubing - the tubing is a little more protected.

    Both bands are now easier to unbuckle in the event a surgeon has to reposition the band.

    The REALIZE band comes with a instrument that helps to pass the band around the upper stomach.

    The Allergan AP bands have "pillows" in the inflatable portion of the inner balloon that prevents balloon-to-balloon contact.

    The REALIZE band does have balloon-to-balloon contact. Some people think that this contact may cause issues years later long-term . Because studies have

    **NOT BEEN DONE LONG-TERM** The data is not available for the Realize Band because this product is still very much a new to determined if there are any problems that might occur.

    MYLBS has always made it known that they use the "Inamed" Brand ONLY. Until there is long-term case studies done in part for the Realize band MYBLS Won't use this product for their clients.

  18. Wow Dana! Your face has totally changed. I did not recognize you! You look great! :)

    Thanks! You look great too!!! It is not easy, weight loss is going slow. BUT, everyone I know always says something. I currently have no pants (except jeans) that fit. lol Feeling it in your clothes is always a good feeling!

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