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Posts posted by BandDiva

  1. Well it is that TOM, so I haven't weighed. But, I feel great after 2 days on liquids so far. I am planning to do the same thing everyday, here is my menu.

    B:Muscle Milk Premade Protein Drink

    L: Beef of Chicken broth

    S:Another Muscle Milk Premade

    D:Cream of Chicken or Tomato Soup & G2 gatordade with 1/2 protein bullet

    S:Sugar free Jello Pudding

    How is everyone feeling? :D

  2. I wanted to share my recipe for Greek Lemon Soup

    I "think" it is appropriate for both the clear and the creamy soup phase of the liquid diet. I'll need someone to confirm.

    This is good with simple chicken broth or cream of chicken soup.

    2 c. chicken broth (clear liquids) or cream of chicken soup (liquids)

    1.5 tbsp. lemon juice

    Makes 2 servings.

    I used to make this all of the time in the early 90's. I've only seen it on a restaurant menu once, but I loved it so much I worked out something near dead on at home. It's a recipe I forgot about to be honest, but today it came to mind. I prefer the creamy but if you like the taste of lemon the chicken broth works well too.

    I'll make it tomorrow.

    That sounds yummy! I might do this today! The fat free cream of chicken is kinda of blah! lol Thanks for sharing! :o)

  3. Hey everyone! What did you eat today?

    B:Protein Shake

    S:Beef Broth

    L:Protein Shake

    D:Cream of Chicken soup (low sodium)

    Dessert: Sugar free Jello Pudding

    I just got back from my first workout with my trainer! It was fantastic! Now, I am heading to my elliptical!

    I hope you are all having a successful day!


  4. (((((((((((Dana)))))))))))

    Great idea. That will help me stick to my pre op. I'm flying to Dallas in a couple days, attending a wedding and then having the surgery the moment I get home. This will help motivate me to stay on track. And my friend has already purchased isopure for me so I don't have to worry about finding it when I land.


    AWESOME! Glad I can be apart of your pre-op journey! WOOHOO! We can do this! ((BIG HUGS)) I live in Dallas! Have a great time!

  5. Hey Dana,

    Question, are we going to do liquids including full liquids or just clear?


    Hey Carrie,

    Full Liquids!

    So far today I have had My Protein Shake for Breakfast, lots of water, Beef Broth & For Dinner I think I will have low sodium Cream of Chicken. When I get hungry, I am going to make broth. I am limiting my self to 1 small can of soup a day. But, everyone needs to do what they feel they can do! Really no set rules! Just set your program and comitt to it! ((BIG HUGS))

  6. It sounds like a great idea! But I'm just wondering: what is it about a liquid diet that boosts weight loss? I mean, don't you still have to be getting in a certain amt of calories anyways?

    Thanks, and good luck!


    I totally agree with Mona, in that anything that is a shock to your system to change things up is good. I have been stuck for 6 weeks & prior to that I was on a ROLL! When I was on the 3 weeks of liquids after surgery, I did great & never gained any of that weight loss. Right now, I feel I am so new as a Bandster in learning how to eat. Some days I am so tight I can't eat, and other days I eat like a horse. lol So, I wonder if I have irritated my band. I just thought this would be good. I go for a fill one week from today and I am hoping to be down. :)

    Good luck everyone! Here is to shedding some pounds this week!!

  7. The weirdest thing happened. All of the sudden this weekend, I lost all of my soft stop warning signs. I usually get a slight tightness in my throat, then a little sliming....so I know when I'm full. This weekend, I seemd to eat eat eat with no warning signs and no feeling of fullness. I would AMAZED at the amount of food that went down. And I wasn't even having to chew very good. What could be up? I wonder if it will tighten back up or do I need another fill?

    What are the signs of a stretched pouch? I wonder if I've been eating too much and it stretched it out to the point where now there is not restriction. BTW, I enjoyed the food I ate tremendously! I know I know, that's not good, but it was very nice to be able to eat normally again.

    Any advice or has this happened to anyone else?


    Hey Cindy,

    My restriction has been very strange. I have days like you describe and then days where I can hardly eat anything. So, I scheduled a fill for Monday. I think overall I am eating too much too. Weird thing, some days I can't eat till 2:00 or 3:00 because I am so tight. So, when I sit down to dinner I feel like my dinner is just huge. For instance, I could eat Half a taco salad no problem! Or half a steak with veggies. That is a lot of food compared to how tight I was right after my fill. So, I would say yours has loosened up. It doesn't mean it has stretched necessarily. I would give it some time and see how you eat the next few days, if you are able to eat like you did this weekend, I would get a fill scheduled right away. I haven't lost weight in 6 weeks and in fact it has been going up and down 3 lbs. Very frustrating!

  8. Ok, so here I am 2 days from now I will be flying out to Tijuana for my first fill. I know I need on cause the last few days I have been able to EAT. I just finished dinner and I feel as though I have eaten to much. I don't feel stuffed but I am full. I had two pieces of toast, a piece of salmon about the size of a deck of cards, and a spinach salad, about 1.5 cups or so. Not to bad but why did I eat the toast I didn't need it! The part that makes me the madest is that I wasn't hungery when I ate dinner, I had a late lunch, which was a sandwich. So now I'm so full of bread and calories I could cry. I did this before my surgery in my old life, I told myself that I would not do this in my new life. I did not want to sit and eat cause I'm bord or cause I think I might like it have something or hey I know that tastes great I should eat it cause I like it. What does this make any sence to you. Being over weight never makes any sence. Sorry for the rant but I just need to come clean.

    I hope I have not done any damage to my pouch or band, I guess I will find out on Monday.

    We have ALL been in your shoes! I have come to realize that it is going to take very hard work on my part, this is just one thing that will make it somewhat easier. I still don't have the restriction I know I am supposed to have & some days I can't eat until 3 or so in the afternoon. So, by the time I can eat, I feel I eat too much some days.

    It is all about your fill, and maybe not your first one. Just be patient and when you eat wrong, forgive yourself. You have a lifetime of habits that you are changing and it won't be over night. ((BIG HUGS))

  9. Hi I'm new to the forum...new to all of this actually. My name is Krista and I'm 35, a mother of a 2 year old and 4 year old girls, from Toronto Canada. I am booked for surgery for March 17 09, and I am very excited to be taking this step, and feel very good about doing this at The Obesity Control Center itself. I am travelling on my brother in law's points so I'm flying into L.A and driving a rental car to San Diego to be picked up. Now I am hearing frightening things about travelling to boarder towns, with Tijuana listed ...that there is huge unrest due to gang wars. I've never thought twice about travelling to Mexico before....i've gotten spooked, and I'm hoping to hear from people who have just RECENTLY been. What was your experience crossing the boarder and being in Tijuana like?

    Hi Krista! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! :) I felt very safe there. Just so you know, the clinic is very close to the border and the hotel is just down the street. So, you are not going into the heart of TJ. The fact that they pick you up at the hotel and airports is a plus. Are you parking your rental car at the border parking? If so, you park your vehicle in San Diego and make arrangements for the OCC drivers to pick you up and get you across the border.

    If I were to go now, I would probably be at the clinic or the hotel at all times. The hotel has wonderful restaurants and you can even get a massage if you wanted one. But, there is shopping that you can do if you wanted & I suggest you go with someone if you decide to do that. You will meet others that are having surgey the same day as you, maybe you already have met some online.

    Good luck! Let's know how everything went for you!


  10. Goodness, I stopped spicy foods long ago. I LOVE spicy foods but I tried them once after the band and I was in hell. Not because of the way it affected my tummy but because I could not wash the spice out with a drink. I had to sit there and allow my saliva to build up to quench the burn. Oh it tasted so good but the fire could not be put out. Now I can do a bite of spice then put in a piece of chewing gum to help with the burn. I do miss my spicy foods but I have not had any heartburn since I was banded. Go figure. :ireful3: :heat: :heat: :heat:

    This sounds like me too! Some salsa now is too spicy!

  11. A new revelation has been made to me through the band...since my third fill, spicy food is bad. I PB'd 3 times yesterday and couldn't figure out why. I was eating (though not the best foods) slowly and not a lot just about 4 bites for each thing--later on I realized that all three things I ate yesterday were spicy and they also tasted super spicy coming back up, too (I do NOT recommend PB-ing the spice). My beloved "hot carrots" are a thing of the past. :(

    So, I was thirsty this morning and I went to take a drink of water and if I hadn't taken a couple of laps around the living room the water was going to come back up. I'm pretty sure my band is inflammed--my question to you is: how long do I go on liquids for to help with the swelling? Thank you!

    So sorry you are going through this! I haven't PB'd on spicy foods because I noticed from the start that I was more sensitive to spices. I can't handle spices like I used to. So, I stay away from it. I suggest you do liquids/soups for a couple days and see how it feels then. Feel better!

  12. I'm finally able to eat a bit --- I've been super sick for about a week. I got my second fill on 02/12. I have heard people say that when they are at their "sweet spot" that it is IMPOSSIBLE to eat a whole Lean Cuisine. Do you experienced bandsters agree with this? I truly believe that I have restriction, but I was able to eat a whole Lean Cuisine tonight. I did not feel hungry afterwards nor was I completely stuffed. Just me being curious.

    Thanks, Kristy

    Kristy, you know I am going for my 3rd fill. So, I can't answer your question. But, I did want to tell you that I love Nutri System! Ilove the fact they dont have to be frozen or refrigerated.

  13. Hey All - Cranked this baby down on 1/6/09 and have had incredible weight loss. It's obviously way too tight, but gonna ride this horse for a while. I knew that eventually I would experience some complications based on basic nutrient deficiencies. I run/walk daily and have had to cut back on this because I have no energy, and Iā€™m very cold all the time. Like I said, I know it to tight and will loosen soon. This being said, the strangest thing so far is foot pain in both feet. More specifically, I have small boils on every other toe almost like big, premature zits and how they would feel on your face before they go full speed. They hurt and look like red, round spots. It's gotta be a reaction to the change of caloric intake and vitamin reduction. Anybody else experience this?

    Minus 35 lbs since 1/6 ā€“ good but not healthy ā€“ but interesting to watch


    My feet killed me for a couple months! It was almost like my feet needed to catch up with what my body was going through (weight loss). I didnt have any boils or anything. I have worn arch supports for years and never have had feet issues. Once I started losing, my feet had shooting pains in the heels, arch etc. Even the tops of my feet hurt (the bones). Hope you feel better soon!

  14. Well as you know, I am an odd odd person..............yes, I have extreme tooth sensitivity. Sometimes, my teeth hurt unbearable when I hear heavy metal music playing. They hurt mostly from September to May. Only when it is hot outside I have no problem. I do brush twice a day with senitive toothpaste and have never had my teeth whitened (can't, would kill me with the pain - my dentist wouldn't even try it on me).

    That being said, my teeth have actually LOST some of the sensitivity with banding. That is why I was very confused when people said their teeth hurt form less chewing. Yes, weird, I know. Thats me!

    I will have to remember to ask my dentist. I go back in 2 weeks so I will try to remember.

    I am brushing with Sensodyne also. I have been since it started. Maybe it will eventually go away.

  15. If you haven't already guessed by now, I am someone obsessed with learning. And I mean learning anything and everything so I ask questions all the time every chance I get.

    Or, you can call me a nosy beotch, LOL!!! I admit to both!

    Anway, went to the dentist today (OUCH by the way) and mentioned to her about the enormous amount of saliva I expel when I get stuck. She was actually VERY happy to hear that! She said that was wonderful because saliva helps our teeth a lot! The more the better. Although she had not heard that from her other 2 lap band patients she was very interested in this. She said she never heard of it pouring out of me like I explained (yup, it pours an unbelievable amount) but it was just the body's response to inflamation and it was great and the longer I could hold it in my mouth versus letting it drip down the drain, the better. AS LONG AS I DO NOT HAVE ACID REFLUX! If I did, along with the saliva, I would need to get it treated and quickly because that would be disasterous to the teeth.

    Inetresting huh? Don't know if I can purposely get stuck just for my teeth nor do I think I can hold saliva in my mouth that long, but hey it was interesting just the same, LOL!

    By the way, I MIGHT have to get a root canal. Not sure yet, just a maybe. Depends on if I get pain in the next 2 weeks, if so, YOWZA!

    Very interesting! Hey Mona, do you have teeth sensitivity? I thought mine would have been over by now, since I was banded almost 5 months ago. But, my teeth still hurt. My dentist said it is not vitamin deficency, that would show in the gums. He said it would be from not chewing up as much food as I used to. (steak, chips etc). I am trying to chew gum but I always forget about it! Anyway, it is really getting on my nerves (how my teeth feel).

  16. I don't know Mona, it was explanied to me that you will eat more as the food washes through the band so it defeats the purpse because you will eat more. Not trying to "start anything" here. That is just what I was told and I researched online before my surgery. It is true, you won't find anything about stretching your pouch. Like I said, they say they expect it COULD. Which makes sense, so why should we test it? I struggled with liquids at meals at the begining, I don't think people should live in fear about stretching their band. Even if this could happen, I would expect it would take MANY MANY times of doing it. I doubt a few times at the begining of adusting wit your new life would hurt a person.

    I think ,Mona, we have the same opinion over all, "don't drink with your food." The only point I was trying to get across, is it has not been proven to stretch, and folks at the begining of this journey struggle with this, I think it is a normal struggle to get through.

  17. When I went for my first fill after being banded, one of the first things Dr. Romero asked was if I had been eating and drinking at the same time because my pouch was "a little bit stretched." I could see what he was talking about on the flouroscope. I had been eating and drinking together some times but by no means had I been doing it every time and still he noticed a difference. Needless to say, I no longer drink and eat at the same time regardless of what the research says, I saw what he was talking about with my own two eyes. To me, it is just not worth taking the chance of ruining my band.

    I usually wait 45 mintues to 1 hour to eat after meals but sometimes I need to wait longer than that because it is uncomfortable (painful) to drink. I do not know if there is still food in the upper pouch and the liquid is backing up behind it but that is what it feels like.

    I had no restriction by the end of the 6 week period between surgery and my first fill. I could eat just as I had before surgery. Hang in there, you have to get some restriction going before you can really begin to see how the band will work for you.

    Good luck


    I am going for my 3rd Fill on March 9th and CAN NOT wait! The scale is not budging! It is frustrating! I have good restriction some days, but other days, I feel I can eat too much!

  18. Jennifer, I could have wrote your same post myself!! I am 10 days behind you and I have only lost 10 pounds total since my surgery. I have not dropped one single ounce since starting solids.. I realize now that this is why I didn't really want to tell anyone about my surgery, because I know that I had HUGE expectations for my weightloss and I know that all my family and friends would too. So seeing that I've only lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks, I didn't won't to hear the "I told you so's"..

    I have really tried to remain positive and not get stuck on comparing myself to everybody else. But it's hard not to look at what everybody else has lost at the same point I am at not be frustrated with myself!! I know that I have got to start exercising if I expect to get some more weight off..

    I do somehow have some restriction, because I definitely cannot eat as much as I used to and I am getting full faster. I'm beginning to think that maybe my body is in starvation mode and is holding on to everything I am eating. I put my food intake into my spark people account and some days I am only getting 800 calories a day.

    I guess the biggest place we differ is that I have somehow managed to not drink while I eat. What I do is to just not keep the things that I like to drink in the house, that way I'm not tempted. I do agree with you that this makes it harder to get all your water in for the day, but that's just life. Some days I am too busy to walk around with a water bottle in my hand. And just for the record, Dr. Martinez, Dr. Miranda and my local fill doctor all told me that drinking while eating will help the food slide through the pouch easier, but it will not stretch your band, so go figure!!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this thread Jenn and I hope for both our sakes that this - dare I say it - tool will start working soon so I don't feel like this was all in vain!!

    PS: Your picture is beautiful!! You are a really beautiful girl!!

    I am so glad I am not the only one. I was beginning to think I was nuts. LOL :)

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