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Posts posted by MrsParris

  1. Alonso is wonderful. He hooked us up today with the Tijuana open air tour bus. We rode around for a while then got off at the Mall where I bought 4 more pairs of shoes. We walked back to the Lucerna instead of waiting for the bus or taxi.

    I have had very little pain, and I really think it is because we have walked so much.

    I am using the restroom frequently, so I must be flushing something out.

    So far, I am doing ok on the liquids. Not starving yet.

    A lady approached me in the lobby of the Lucerna today and attempted to get me to contact Dr. Huacuz and get a fill before I left for home. She said 4 of the ladies that were banded yesterday went with her and got one for $125. I was nice to her, but there was no way I was getting a fill if Dr. Ortiz said to wait for 6 weeks.

    This entire experience has been wonderful. Good luck to all who are contemplating it.


  2. Feeling awesome today. Hubby and I are at the Lucerna. I am well pleased with everything! We walked to the mall and I bought a pair of boots, and three pairs of shoes. Going back tomorrow for the red and silver pairs. We are about to taxi to Revolution Avenue and see what we can get into.

    So far I am not hungry.

    My card from the clinic says I got a 10cc band, so I guess my stomach was really fat.

    Talk to you all soon, I have more shopping to do!!!!


    Donna is doing great also.

    I briefly met Salena today. Hope I get to talk more with her tomorrow.

  3. Francisco the driver picked my husband & I up at the Car rental company at exactly 9:00.

    We left there and picked up Donna at the train station. After a short ride we were dropped off at the OCC for our Pre-op tests.The facility is very nice and clean. They took a photo of me to make a card so I can get child's prices at restaurants. They weighed and measured my height. I talked to Dr. Miranda, who was very nice. I had lost all my pre-op weight, so we had a nice chat. She wants me to lose down to somewhere in the 150-160 range due to my body build. She said I have a muscular frame.

    I then met with the cardiologist where he did 2 tests. 1 where you blow into a tube for 6 seconds, and then Iwas hooked up to a heart monitor.

    They had an opening so they went ahead and operated on me & Donna today.

    It seems like it only took them about 1 hour from beginning to ready me for surgery and the time surgery was actually over.

    I am doing great.

    I slept a lot this afternoon, and I am in very little pain.

    I am very pleased with my experience so far.


  4. I am in Disney's Grand Californian Hotel and they have internet!!! The hotel is beautiful, and the service is wonderful. The park has been unusually low in crowds due to the nearby fires. I am having a blast. I miss my children so much, though. My husband and I are having the best time, he just keeps encouraging me to shop, and I am more than happy to do as he says. I have already had to buy a huge duffle bag for all the stuff I've bought, and it is stuffed full. We are walking our rears off, this morning my feet and ankles are so sore, I can't wait to lose enough weight that they don't hurt anymore.

    I am doing fairly well on my pre-op diet, I had already lost more than what I had to, so I am not stressing it so much. I am doing my shake for breakfast, one meal eating out per day, and an evening snack. With all the walking and the fact that Aunt Flo decided to visit early, I know it won't cause me to gain any weight. I actually think by the 19th I will have lost another pound or two, the only reason I am glad Flo decides to visit monthly.

    I wish I had known about the heating pad. I have one at home I could have brought.

    Thanks to all for the sweet replies, I will stay in touch and let you all know how things go, but I have no worries. I know I made a wise choice in the OCC, just wish I had done it when I first researched it 2 years ago.

    Well guys, I am off to ride some rides and trade some Disney pins!!!!!



    I can't wait to meet you ladies when we get to the OCC!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. I wanted to take a couple of minutes and thank each and every one of you who have answered my questions over the past 2 months. You have helped me feel more confident about my decision to have the surgery and to go to Mexico to have it done.

    I've lost my pre-op weight + a few extra pounds, my boarding passes are printed, my plane leaves in the a.m. at 6:00. My pre-op is Nov. 19th and surgery date is Nov. 20th. My husband and I are taking a mini-vacation in Disneyland for 4 days, since we already had to purchase airfare, we figured, what's a couple of extra $$$? I have all the important things packed, like Phazyme strips, powdered chicken broth, protein water packets, My certified check, paperwork, etc. I am also packing my laptop, so I can stay connected with you all. I even had my husband get $300 in small bills for TJ, because I love to shop, and someone said something about a mall with lots of shoe stores. :D


    Once again, thanks to all of you who replied to my posts. Your support has really been appreciated!


  6. Having a "goal" piece of clothing is a great idea. I have hung on to my favorite pair of "Daisy Dukes" that I wore 9 yrs. ago. I can't even get them over my butt right now, but, believe me, I will post a photo when I can comfortably wear them again.

    Good luck on that dress, and I can't wait to see you in it!!!!


  7. Congratulations!!!! You look fantastic and it is such an inspiration to watch. I have never fit into a size 6. Even when I weighed 143Lbs, I wore a size 10.

    You will reach that 100 pound goal, because your body has turned into a furnace for fat, you are on a roll. When I was your age, once that happened, I never even hit any plateus, just steady 2-3 lb weight loss each week. I lost a little over 100 pounds in about 14 months. Now at 37 it is so much harder.

    Thanks again for your inspiration!


  8. I've been on pre-op since the middle of August (long story) and I have really weaned myself off of Diet Coke and Beer. I am pre-op right now, surgery date is changed AGAIN to Nov 20th and I am doing protein shake for breakfast and Lean Cuisine for lunch and dinner. Personal opinion, easy on the protein shakes, we may be absolutely sick of them by the time you HAVE to rely on them.

    Looks like you will be banded the same day I will. Good luck and hope to see your. When are you going in for your pre-op testing?


  9. Hi.

    I am leaving Thursday morning, getting banded on Friday...YEAH!!! I am happy to report I have lost 14lbs on my pre-op in two weeks as of this morning. I have so many questions maybe some of you guys could help..

    I would like to know how much money do you think I should take?

    I have also heard alot of people eating the night before getting banded? Can we do that.

    How much does it cost for the chicken broth/water at the hotel?

    Does the Hotel/Clinic have WIF?

    I have a scheduled Zoom Whiting, is it worth it?

    What is one thing do you wished you would have done while you where there.

    Thanks again!

    Oh, lucky you! I am having my surgery next Thursday, so I will be very interested in how you are doing. Please, please, please, keep me posted and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I am so glad to read all the great things about the Roswell fill center. A couple of weeks ago I called the two bariatric surgeons in my area to see if they do fills and the receptionists were so rude. One even lectured me on my poor choice of going to Mexico to be banded. She said, "Haven't you heard about the people who went to Mexico, had the surgery, but did not get a band or port, etc.?" The other one said I would have to call back and talk directly to the Dr. After her attitude, no thanks!

    I then called Fills Center USA and the girl that answered the call, in Arizona, was so nice and friendly, she put my mind at ease. I will gladly pay more to be treated well.

    But thanks again for starting this post. I hope I can catch up with you guys the next time.


  11. I am ready to make a change in my eating and exercise more. Im tired all the time and its also taking from my marriage. I dont want to do anything and the worst for my husband is my self confidence.

    I just need that little help doing this. I dont wnat to feel the same as now. I know its worth it if I lose slow because its better than staying how I am now or gaining even more.

    I get discouraged when I read that people eat the same and have no restriction. One person said after a year that they felt the same. I dont know if its because they arnt working with the band (which makes sense) or they are.

    I just want to know if I work with my band and eat healthier and exercise daily, will it help to eat smaller portions.

    Each person is different, but I truly believe that if I do my part, and get my fills, I too will achieve restriction. I lost before, but only with the aid of phentermine, eating very little, and excercising several times per day. I do not have the time, nor the drive to go that route again. The band is going to be my best friend, my Jiminy Cricket (conscience), and the tool that I use to reach my goal. Even if it takes a long time to get there. I am a middle school math teacher, I have two children, and I am working the after-school program to help pay my husband's 401k back for my band. I plan on doing the best I can, but I know my results will be slow. Slow and steady wins the race, right? I am already down 17lbs. from the day I called and booked my surgery. It can only get better and better.

    As for eating smaller portions, yes, your brain will eventually adjust to what a portion really should look like. Head hunger Sucks!!! With the proper fill level in your band you will have no choice but to learn portion control and eventually your brain will agree with your band.


  12. Im scheduled to see Dr. Ortiz next week. I was pretty sure I wanted to get the band but now im not so sure.

    I have read success stories and some that have taken a while to get the weight off. I in no means am looking for a miracle and have the weight melt off in weeks/months. Id be happy with 8-10lbs a month as long as im losing.

    But ive also been reading people saing they finally got it and that they didnt feel restriction. That confuses me, why get the band then? if I wont have any restriction and eat the same. I am paying out of pocket and to have all that money just go to me seeing that I eat a lot which I already know then why get it?

    Everyone is different but I need help with portions. I have a hard time eating small portions. I eat pretty well I say but I eat a lot of it.

    I just dont know if I should get it now.

    I went through the same feelings and emotions that you are experiencing right now. The band will be a life changing tool. I am being banded Nov. 20th. I almost cancelled many times due to uncertainty. Not knowing if I had the willpower to do this. From what I understand, you will not have restriction right away, you may have to have several fills to your band before you reach that wonderful restriction. I have already mentally prepared myself to the fact that it may be March or April until I actually get the help the band offers. 10 years ago I lost around 107 pounds only to gradually gain most of it back. I loved being thin, I loved the way it made me feel, mentally and physically. I could go in a restuarant and not be self conscious. Having gained back most of my weight, I am suffering both mentally and pysically. I am exhausted by the end of the day, and I never think I look good anymore. This has caused a lot of tension in my marriage because I just don't feel sexy EVER!!!!!

    I too am paying for this myself. My wonderful husband borrowed the money against his 401k. They take the payment out of his check each week to pay his 401k back. I know I could do a lot of things with the $8,000 +, but I know that if I don't do this, I will be even heavier this time next year.

    I know the lapband will work for me, but I realize it will take time. Also, the way I look at it, I waste a lot of money on dumb things all the time, this is my health and mental happiness $8,000 is actually a small price to pay. The lapband is giving me hope!

    Good luck with your decision. I am sure you will consider everything and do what is best for you.


  13. Does Dr. Ortiz seem to use one size band vs. the other size? It seems that you would need more fills with the larger band than the 4cc size. Which equals more $ and fill trips. I am being banded Nov. 20th and I am hoping for the 4cc band. Exactly how does the Dr. decide which size band to use? I think it has to do with the size of your stomach. Do heavier people, like 250 + usually receive the larger band, or does your current weight not matter?



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