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Posts posted by lovinlifedfw

  1. The economy is hitting everyone hard, I am in the Automobile Industries, yes people are still buying BUT it is so much slower, We also have a hiring freeze/ wage freeze, meaning what ever your making now is what your gonna be making for a while, Im stuck at $9 an hour, that sucks! My Fiance owns his own tile company, He was doing GREAT when he first started bringing $2,000-$3,000 home a week, now that its winter and people are starting to save their money he is lucky if he brings $1,000 a week. Now he is having to go back to the place he used to work for just to bring money home, Its hard for everyone But we should be lucky that we are one of the few that actually have jobs.

  2. Im right there with you Cathy... Let us remember those who lived and died for our freedoms.

    My grandpa was a WWII vet (Army)

    My other grandpa was a korean war vet (Marines)

    A cousin how has served 3 tours of duty in Iraq (Marines)

    A cousin who served 6 years in the Air Force

    A Friend who served 2 tours of duty in Afghanastan

    God Bless these Troops

  3. Srbailey... I too am only 21... I have been dating a guy for almost a year... I was only talking to my mom about getting the surgery done when i finally got financed and the whole 9 yards... I had to come to terms and HAD to tell him... If this guy cares about you and likes you for who you are, there should be no reason to tell him, I would be estatic to say that I had lost 100 pounds... *** WAY TO GO *** But what I am trying to say is that you took care of your self and are a whole lot healthier by any standards... He shouldnt care how much you weighed, or weigh now... as long as you are healthy thats all that matters, I was so scared to tell my boyfriend, that I almost didnt have the surgery til I actually sat down with him and told him that I was going to help myself to a better lifestyle, and get this surgery... he was behind me 100% and still is... We got engaged one week before my surgery... So if you feel like this is the right thing to do, tell him... If not wait a while... And one more thing Congrats on losing 100 pounds

  4. I didnt get my surgery done at the OCC but my Dr. did say I could have cereal... I had to make sure it was soggy and chew chew chew....

    As for chewing alot... its easier to get down... You dont want to have chunks go down as for it might get stuck and that hurts like you know what... I've done that once and only once its very painful... And dont feel like your asking really stupid questions cause at some point every single one of us has felt like our question was stupid... And you never know, someone else out there might have had the same question and was afraid to ask it.

  5. I had an Appointment yesterday with my Dr. and was told that I also have a 10cc band... But being at 276 when I had surgery, he said that to him if he would have just seen my stomach without knowing my weight he would have guessed I was alot smaller.... The band size and stomach size really dont have nothing to do with each other... sometimes they do sometimes they dont... The nurse was telling me that The 10 cc band I have is a newer band with a smaller height and depth and i cant remember the other word she used but it was just a new band they came out with and that I had nothing to worry about...

  6. haha... thats the first time I've laughed that hard in a while!!! I can relate... I didnt get my surgrey done that OCC BUT I did get it done at one of the local hospitals here in Ft. Worth. About 3 hrs after surgery, they told me I had to get up and walk around. Come on people, the sleepy medicine is killing me and I cant even keep my eyes open yet! So my Fiancee and the nurse help me up... Right when i get my feet on the floor, the nurse tells me to push up using my legs... Well, I didnt get up but all you could hear was the gas that they put in my stomach escaping. Oh, it was so embarrasing...

  7. I LOVE FRIED OYSTERS!!! During summer break growing up, I always stayed in Mobile Alabama with family, and they ate everything, GUMBO, SHRIMP, GUMBO, FRIED SHRIMP, FRIED CRAB CLAWS ( those are the best!!! )... They were always eating sea food, and I would beg for a burger!!! LOL Now, I love that stuff!!! Crab cakes... Thats about all I can do. I've tried Mud Bugs ( thats what my grandpa calls 'em ) crawfish I think??? EWWW!!!

  8. I just couldnt believe it!!! We've always talked about getting married, like 2 mths after we were together... It will be 1 yr on Nov 30 ( my birthday ) so I kinda got used to it... and I always knew I would be able to tell when he was getting ready to ask me... this just blew my mind!!! I had no idea!!! Cause a couple of weeks ago i was telling him that I wanted a day at the spa.... and wanted my hair done... so thats just what i thought it was... it was a TOTAL SUPRISE!!!! CaraMBA09 lol i would clone him if I could!!!! Jude said she already wanted him!!! HAhA, you might have to fight her for him!!! :P

  9. I've been told by a couple of people to post the story of my engagement...... It started off as a normal day, sat morning, woke up.... Got the kid ready, and out of nowhere, my boyfriend decided he had to leave.... We had so much planned.... I was mad!!! Trust me when I get mad I get mad!!! haha, So he leaves and I put cartoons on for my daughter, and go to make our bed... I move the pillows to fix everything, and find a note.... it says, ( drop hannah off at janies (( who is her aunt )) and go to this address... they will tell you what to do) I got to this place around 1015 am and it ended up being a spa!!! Got my hair done, make up done.. nails done... EVERYTHING!!! even a masssage!!! All paid for.. Then I go to leave and the lady gives me another note!!! #2 says ( Go 2 blocks down, to the left you will see a store, tell the receptionist your name and she will give you something) I tell the lady my name and she hands me a bag, inside a shoe box, and a dress!!! A little black dress!!! inside the shoe box???? shoes and you guessed it, a note!!! #3 says ( Put #2 on and go to the house!!!) I go to the house and a limo is waiting for me!!! The driver gives me another note and that note says ( " I couldnt be much happier than I am now" "p.s. I love you") Yes, just like the movie haha..... So i get in the limo and about 45 min later pull up to this fancy restaurant, walked inside to find a greeter waiting on me to take me back... Walk back there was just one table in this whole room, rose peddles, and candles everywhere, and My boyfriend on one knee and a ring in his hand!!! It took me at least 30 min to say yes!!! That is just one great way to top off getting banded!!!

  10. Im gonna have to redo my list... haha

    1. I love lucy - if you have cable or satallite it comes on Nickaloden

    2. Jon and kate plus 8 - TLC

    3. Little people, Big world - TLC

    4. And a must watch for me- TORI AND DEAN; HOME SWEET HOLLYWOOD, her son is so freakin adorable

    5. I am starting to get into the home makeover shows, it really helps me plan for my house, im giving my whole house a make over

    6. Bridezillas- WE

    7. The Hills- MTV, Im young so thats still in for me haha

    8. Paula Dean!!!!

  11. My aunt has made "Pink stuff" every year for christmas and Thanksgiving.... Its the best ever!!! I dont eat cottage cheese at all... but in this you cant taste it...

    To change it up a little you can get any fat free jello mix... you can make blue, green, orange, my daughter loves this stuff, she could eat it all day

  12. I like to watch I love lucy!!! And jon and kate plus 8, those kids are so cute!!! And Bridezillas, cause everyone in my family knows ill be one one day haha... and 2 1/2 men love that show, and all the CSI's :)

    Other than that its all the disney princesss movies and sponebob before my daughter goes to sleep ha

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