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Everything posted by Clynn

  1. Have you lost alot of weight since being banded? I've noticed that I'm sleeping the same but getting better quality of sleep and feeling more rested when I wake up. Perhaps you to are getting better quality sleep and finding you don't need as much.
  2. You'll probably be fine. I've gotten yeast infections from antibiotics but only the ones that I had to take over the course of several days. The antibiotics administered during surgery are a one-time thing and didn't give me any problems. However, if you are still concerned about it, you can get some Monistat and have it on hand (so to speak) in case of an outbreak, or you can talk to your doctor and see if they have some type of medication they would recommend.
  3. Yeah drinking is bad - just IV that sucker!
  4. You're on liquids for three days after a fill.
  5. Have as many liquids as you want. Keep away from the high calorie and sugary things but otherwise have as much as you want. The purpose of this stage is to heal and you will need to stay properly hydrated for that. Don't worry about weight loss until after your first fill.
  6. PB'ing mean productive burping and it is what happens if you eat something that cannot get past the band. Basically you just throw it back up. It sounds gross, and well, it is, but if the band is properly adjusted pb'ing can be avoided by chewing thoroughly, knowing which kinds of foods are likely to cause a problem for you, and eating slowly.
  7. There are different pre-op diets that are given out depending on how much you have lost recently and how much you still have to loose. You will have a phone or email consult with Dr Miranda who will explain everything to you and answer your questions as you go along. As for the bread, well, everyone is different. There is a chance you will not be able to eat bread after the surgery. I cannot at all but other people don't have any problems with it. However, I gladly gave up all the bread in the world to be able to re-invent myself like this. Good luck to you, it will be fine. Just breathe
  8. Shouldn't be a problem since it is a liquid but you should ask the doctors if you are worried about any side-effects
  9. I can sleep on any side just fine, aside from the usual problems caused by poor pillows. How far out from surgery are you? It took several weeks before I felt comfortable like that again.
  10. Most everyone experiences this and the pain will come and go for about a week. Walking really helps to make it go away faster.
  11. In your packet it says you need to contact Dr Miranda to get a pre-op diet figured out. It's one of the last pages and has all of her contact information. Give her a call/email/whatever and she'll tell you what you need to do.
  12. The more common brands of shake you can get them at any grocery store or drug store. More obscure brands can be gotten at a supplement or health food store. You should talk to Dr Miranda and she will give you a detailed meal plan on for before and after surgery. She's easily available and your best resource for what you should be eating.
  13. Most people do not feel restriction before their first fill and will actually gain weight in the time between going back on solids and having their first fill. This is NORMAL. The goal of this interim period is to heal, not to loose weight so do not stress out or beat yourself up over gaining some weight back. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough. This is a process which ideally will take many months so stressing over short term stuff is counterproductive. Once you have healed up, 1/2 cup of juice will not make you feel stuffed, though for the first week after surgery it will feel like plenty. Liquid goes through the band in about 5 seconds unless it is too tight. Smoothie which actually has some substance to it will make you feel more satiated but the idea is to eat solids. For me right now a small meal is enough. Today lunch was a small ceasar salad. Dinner will probably be a hot dog with no bun and some veggies.
  14. Tipping for a complimentary shuttle service is around $1-$2 per bag or whatever you are comfortable with, though it does vary by country. I usually just do a flat $5 since it is easy to plan for. You can do a Google search on tipping etiquette and find all sorts of websites devoted to tipping in various situations.
  15. Everyone is a little different on what they can and cannot eat but I think that would be fine so long as you chew thoroughly. Most of the problems seem to come from starchy foods such as bread and pasta which expand in the stomach and raw fish is about as far away from starch as you can get. Of course you won't know for sure until you try.
  16. I took the preemptive step and dumped my bf at the very beginning of this process rather than have to deal with this subject later but seriously . . . I have heard an addiction doctor say that when one person in a relationship goes into rehab for drugs or alcohol, that person grows and changes. That can cause the relationship to either be torn apart or the other person will (subconsciously) draw the patient back into their old life. It's a key and a lock type of situation. Two people have built their lives around each other and their habits both positive and negative so when one goes through a drastic change it can cause insecurity in the relationship. I think the same theme can apply here though perhaps not as severely. The answer to the above scenario is to have both people in the relationship go through some type of rehab so that both people grow and change. Perhaps our significant others can endeavor to loose weight with us or go on some other personal growth type of journey if weight is not an issue for them? Just a thought from a single bandster so take it for what it's worth.
  17. They take some blood for testing, do an EKG which is putting some sensors over your heart, legs, and head, and they have you do a lung capacity test which is where you blow into a tube. Nothing major to worry about. No treadmills, tubes down the throat, or peeing into cups. Good luck tomorrow!
  18. The 29th seems about the right time for another get-together. Same time and place?
  19. The fill itself is included with the cost of surgery but it will cost around $100 for use of the x-ray machine. Pricing for the van ride from the airport is a bit tricky. The cost for the ride is around $130 for all fill patients on that trip. That means if you go by yourself then it will cost you $130, if another fill patient rides with you then you split the $130 two ways, if a third fill patient rides with you then you split it three ways. Surgery patients are exempt from this as the cost of the ride is factored into the surgery cost. Most people use public transit to avoid the cost of the ride. My last fill with them was in Nov so prices may have changed since then.
  20. I had the surgery on a Tuesday and went back to work the following Monday. Mobility isn't an issue but you should go easy on the heavy lifting as you will have stitches in your abdominal muscles. Also you should work hard on keeping your protein intake up during the clear liquid stage which will help keep your energy levels up. Good luck!
  21. There may be some foods you will have to give up but it is different for everyone. There is just no way I can eat pasta or bread at all. Starchy foods tend to swell in the stomach. That at the stickiness of bread and pasta cause those foods to get stuck immediately in my throat no matter how well I chew or how loose my band is. If a certain type of food is causing a problem then avoid it. Take small bites, chew slowly and thoroughly, and take a break between bites if you feel the food having some trouble moving past the band. Behavioral adjustment on your part is very important to make this work but if you're following these rules and still experiencing pain and vomiting, then it's probably time for an unfill. Talk to your doctor, be open and honest and don't be afraid to ask questions. This whole experience is a long process and rarely is it a straight line to the end.
  22. Call Lori or Carolyn, they can help you. 1 866 Dr Ortiz (1-866-376-7849).
  23. I'm 25 and had no serious weight related medical issues. The idea with getting the band was to avoid having the weight turn into a problem and enjoy more of my life. So far I've taken to the lifestyle like a duck to water and I truly believe that youth is on my side in that regard. If I'd waited until I started to have problems it surely would not have been this easy. And of course I'm certainly not unhappy that each day I get just a little hotter in the looks department!
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