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Everything posted by CindyLou

  1. If you are currently getting stuck DO NOT GET A FILL until you resolve this. Chew more, take small bites, etc. If you do not resolve this before you get filled you will be in shock at how much things get stuck once you get filled!! You may find that once things aren't getting stuck any more that you are able to eat more and become full and actually lose weight. You may or may not need another fill. Good luck...
  2. Well, I don't exactly have "experience" but I am 7wks today!!! I plan to keep my fill that I currently have. I was pretty tight but it seems since I got pregnant, I'm a little loser. Weird cuz I thought for sure it would be tighter. But I feel like I'm at a good sweet spot with my band and I intend to keep it that way!! My Ob/Gyn just by coincidence is married to a doctor that does Lapband fills! So I feel comfortable knowing she will refer any questions to him for his "free" input... I had not yet met my goal, so I do not plan to gain much weight (if any) while pregnant. I plan to continue eating as I was before pregnancy, and I was losing approx 1-2 lbs per month as I am eating now. My doc said as long as baby is growing during the pregnancy and I feel like I am eating the right foods, then she is fine with me not gaining weight or gaining minimal weight. She explained that even if I'm eating minimally but eating a balanced diet, then the baby will take what it needs. She also reminded me that prenatals are super important for me and I MUST take them! Oh, and as far as the port. I can feel it now, but it's not visible to the eye unless I press in on that area. From where it is, I am guessing I will be able to see it once I get very pregnant (8 months or so) So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 1) My band won't get too tight 2) I won't gain much weight 3) That I won't have a problem with hearburn
  3. Oops, just saw your answer after asking the same question
  4. My OB said no need for an unfill unless I start having issues. As long as I'm getting enough nutrients and baby is growing fine then she is fine even if I don't gain very much. I'm still in the "overweight" BMI category, which only calls for a 15 lb weight gain, so I should be able to accomplish that with the fill have now. I've been losing super slow.... So I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the tightness. Congrats to you too!!! Hows it going with the band so far?? I see you had an unfill of a little in Sept. 09, but you were at your goal, right? I'm still 20lbs from my goal....I wanted to be all the way, but I couldn't wait any longer
  5. Thank you all so much!!! I'm in shock that it happened so fast!! I'll keep you all posted!
  6. So happy!!!! 50+ lbs down and having a baby!!! What more could I ask for?? OH, I know...I could ask for a low weight gain!! lol I was way too tight for a while, but luckily the last month I seem to have found my sweet spot. I plan to keep my fill the entire time, so keeping my fingers crossed I don't get too tight. If any of you have had a pregnancy since you were banded, I'd love to hear how things went.
  7. I live in Los Angeles and find it very simple to go for my fills. Last time we left L.A. at 5am and were back home before noon.
  8. I had a great experience. I had some pretty bad pain after surgery (ended up just being some spasms) and they came to the hotel immediately, picked me up and brought me back for tests. Dr. Ortiz then called me the next day and 2-3 days another doctor called and checked on me (can't remember which one) I can't think of anything negative at all....
  9. Ok, so here it goes......... I have been sick for about a week with a horrible cough. I've been careful to not cough when I'm eating in fear of PBing. So hubby and I are enjoying a nice steak dinner at home tonight and I'm almost to the end of my meal when all of the sudden here comes a big cough. I couch once and my entire dinner comes up without warning and into my plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. I was so grossed out and horrified. He just laughed and said, "man, you chew really good" SO HAPPY I WAS AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, hope you are glad I shared.....LOLOLOL! Word to the wise. Eat at home if you have a cough.
  10. Although I haven't met my goal yet....we have decided to try for BABY!!!!! We are officially "trying" as of yesterday!!! I am so excited. I got the band in anticipation of this day! I am having a slight unfill next friday because I am sliming a lot and see myself gravitating towards soft foods. I suspect that is why I stalled out on the weight loss. Anyway, just wanted to make my announcement and hopefully I'll be making THE announcement here in a few weeks!! If anyone has any baby dust, sprinkle it my way ) Cindy
  11. Well, I've been MIA since November. I got a fill in early October and I just knew it was too tight but I've been in denial. I've gained 5 lbs and been really changing the way I eat to the point that I noticed that this past week I have eliminated almost all meats, fruits, and veggies from my diet little by little. I am eating ALL DAY LONG just tot get enough food in my system to where I don't feel hungry and I am gravitating towards mash potatoes, cake, chips, etc.... It' CRAZY that this has all happened subconcisously....and very gradual. I guess the tipping point was last night I went to a dinner for my work and I had to get up and walk 3 times just to get my salad to go down...it just hurts SO BAD to eat anything. Everything gets stuck!!! And by the time the waiter was picking up everyone's dessert, I was still trying to eat the first 1/2 of my salad.....ughhhh. I got frustrated and asked for a glass of milk instead and right then and there knew it is time to get some taken out. So here is the good news. For some reason I had a "bright idea" to call my insurance co. and see if my adjustments are covered. Well Holy Canoli, they are!!! The lapband would have been covered it I would have gone through the one year wait (I knew that but chose to go ahead anyway). She told me because it wasn't a claim that was denied, then the follow up is covered. Now if I had put in a request for the surgery and it had been denied then any follow up wouldn't be covered. But she said now its like I came into the plan with the band....kind of a pre-existing condition, but b/c I've expired the 3 year waiting period for Bariatric, its COVERED with a $15.00 copay!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've already found a doctor that is on my Blue Sheild of Ca plan and I have an appt this coming Weds to have some taken out. So, NO MORE TRIPS TO TJ....woooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Though I'll have to make it a point of visiting once a year or so. Ok, so now I'm ready to take this weight loss to the next level and so happy to have local support so I can find my sweet spot!!!!
  12. I felt EXACTLY like you the first few days. They were hell!! Once I started the drinkable yogurt phase, which they let me do early, I was fine. Stick with it.....
  13. I can't eat chicken, soft bread, or any raw fruits or vegetables, but everyone is SOOO different and it's trial and error!
  14. If someone doesn't like a post or doesn't want to respond then click your back button and look at the next. I say, ask away! You know, sometimes just putting your concern in writing and getting feed back to YOUR OWN STATEMENTS is way more comforting than reading the answers to someone else's questions. If discussion is not what the forum is for then someone should just write a bunch of post answering all the possible questions and then close the board as read only. Whatever! There are more things in this life to worry about than someone posting a question that's already been asked. Cindy
  15. Are you going alone on the 16th of Jan? I live at the apartments at union station and would love to tag along if you want company ...it would be easy....?? Let me know. BTW...how are you getting from train station to OCC? Cindy
  16. Three fills all at OCC. I live in Los Angeles, so its not too terribly troublesome to go back there. I have always kinda felt that if something happened to my band and I've only gone to them then they would be more apt to fix it. My thinking may not be correct, but it makes me feel better....lol.
  17. I chewed and spit ham last thanksgiving while on the liquid phase. Yuk! But hey, I did what I had to do!!! I went to some over eater anonymous meetings in the beginning and it seemed to help quite a bit! Good luck you can do it!!!
  18. This is JUST a guess, but a woman retains water more than man.....
  19. I don't count or restrict anything, which has been the greatest thing about having the band! I have not lost weight as fast as most of the ladies on this forum, so please keep that in mind. For me, the best thing about the band is forgetting I have it and eating whatever I want til I'm full and stopping. Everyone is different though and you have to find what works for you.
  20. This may be TMI, but I was miserable up until 5 days after my surgery. I couldn't pass gas or have a bowel movement. Finally I took a big does of Milk of Magnesia and let me tell you, I was on the toilet for a straight hour, but going #2 never felt so good!! I felt sooooo much better after that! All the gas passed too!
  21. I'm ashamed to say that I never really stopped drinking with meals..... I don't drink much but I do drink a little. I have lost slower than some others but have been losing consistently. So, I'm very happy to hear that he was talking positively about drinking with meals cuz I do it anyway )
  22. loving this new layout of the forum. When did this happen??

  23. I just had my "bandiversary" and I have lost 46 lbs only. I am also a slow loser, but I have come to be very satisfied with this. I do not "count" anything and I am happy living more free than I was before the band. It is soooooooooo slow sometimes that I feel like I am not losing, but the fact is that over time, it adds up. .2 lbs here, .6 lbs there and what do you know.....before long those lbs add up!!! Keep your head up and keep on losing!!!!
  24. Had mine at 5 weeks. I had ZERO restriction after being banded and before my first fill, in fact I only had VERY MINIMAL restriction even after the first fill.
  25. I had surgery on Friday and returned to work either Monday or Tuesday the next week. Don't remember for sure. I was sorry that I hadn't taken off at least a week. I had BAD gas which made it very difficult to not be at home. But everyone is different and I would expect at least a week COULD be needed but that you could probably return much sooner.
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