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Everything posted by MagnoliaGurl

  1. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement!!! Honestly, I am not really worried about the surgery at all. I just hate flying so badly and I didn't want to fly by myself!! ( I have psyched myself up so much for this surgery and now I'm in a panic that I'm going to forget something or overpack or something crazy!! Anyway, thank you all again and I can't wait to post my surgery experience while I'm still at the OCC and under the influence of heavy pain meds!! Good Times!!!
  2. Well it looks like I'm gonna be alone for my trip to the OCC. My friend that was going with me was just hospitalized with pneumonia and so obviously she won't be able to come with me. And nobody else can come with me at such a late date.. I wasn't worried about the surgery or the trip before, but now I'm scared to death!! I have a really long flight to and from the clinic and that is the part that scares me the most.. I'm afraid that I will be in alot of pain on the plane and have nobody to help me get thru it or complain to.. Has anybody else gone to the OCC alone??? Any advice?? Thanks everybody!!
  3. Dr. Byars in Oxford, MS is on your list, but I called his office and they told me that he did NOT do fills for patients banded in Mexico!!
  4. I'm really glad you posted this thread!! This is by far, my biggest worry!! I'm one of those who takes a drink with EVERY bite of food and I am really worried about how I am going to deal with this.. I hope someone gives us some good advice...
  5. I know exactly how you feel. We are going to Florida in a few weeks to stay with one of our friends. While I can't wait to get to Florida and hang out on the beach, it's going to be 3 days after my first fill!!! Yikes!! And to make matters worse, our friend keeps sending me emails about all the food he is going to cook for us while we are there!! I think my strategy is going to be to pretend like I am just getting over a terrible stomach bug or something and just don't have an appetite. This strategy may however work better for you, since you are only having one meal with your business partners. I can't figure out how I'm going to manage to pull this charade off for an entire week!! If you come up with anything good, please post it... Good luck...
  6. Congrats!! I'm really glad that everything went well for you.. Now just remember all of the tips and advice you have read on this forum and you should be ok!! Keep us updated.. I feel the clock ticking away for my turn!!
  7. Congrats!!! I too was wondering how you were doing?? Keep us posted!!
  8. lock27, It only cost $75.. More than worth it!!
  9. Okay, I'm going to give you all my story. I cannot believe that I am telling this... Anyway, I have always had a hard time pooping. Sometimes, I will go 6 or 7 days without going.. Crazy, I know, but it's true!! Trust me when I tell you that I have tried EVERY single colon product in EVERY single store on this planet!! And while I may get some relief, it's never enough. So one day while I am looking for some phone number in the phone book yellow pages, I see an ad for a homeopathic doctor that does colonics. I live in a very rural area and I thought you could only get treatments like that in California...he he.. Anyway, I made my appointment and a couple days later I showed up at the clinic for what my husband referred to as my "roto rooter appointment". Bear in mind that I had no idea what to expect. For all I knew the nurse was going to hook a butt hole size plunger up to my butt and go to town!! At this point, I didn't care, I was desperate!! Long story short, it was the best thing that I have ever had done!! It took about a total of 45 minutes and I've got to be honest (here comes the gross part!!) I could not believe what came out of me. I guess the doc knows that most people have morbid fascinations (even with their own poop), so all the pipe work was clear so you could see exactly what was coming out of you and it was a like a train wreck, I just couldn't look away!!! In my opinion, it's the way to go for colon cleansing. There was nothing nasty to drink and and it didn't take a week or a month to complete like most cleansers do.. As long as you don't mind a little water spigot in your bum!! Oh and BTW, I almost forgot and left out the best part - I LOST 4 POUNDS!!!!!!!
  10. Donna, did you have a massage in your room at OCC?? If so, does that need to be arranged before I get there or what?? And who do I need to talk to, to set that up?? And how much does it cost?? I will try anything to keep from having that gas pain! I've had it once before after surgery, and like someone else said on this forum, it's gas trapped inside your body cavities and not inside your stomach. OTC remedies did not help me.. Thanks!!
  11. Karen and Lisa - Thank you both for the advice!! I am so thankful that Karen posted this thread!! I am definetely going to save some money just in case I have to return to OCC. Bariatric surgeons in my area refuse to work on patients banded in Mexico, even though it is my understanding that one of them has actually trained under Dr. Ortiz??? Anyway, if something did go wrong I would have to get back to him!! Thanks again, I soooo appreciate all of the wisdom of all the vets on this forum!!!
  12. Hi Karen! Congrats on your success and I'm sorry for your recent setback.. You have just described one of my fears to being banded so far from home. Really the only thing I worry about is what will I do if something like what you are going through happens to me?? I worry that because I don't have easy access to my surgeon and clinic after my procedure, that I will ignore situations like yours and make things worse for myself!! Good luck with the rest of your weight loss!!
  13. My surgery is at the end of month. I'm going to begin my pre-op diet Monday. I too am PMS'ing so I'm sure the first few days of my diet aren't going to go so well. Honestly, I'm more afraid of the flight to the clinic than I am the surgery! I HATE to fly!!!! Good luck to everyone who are about to have the surgery!! What a start to the New Year!! =D>
  14. I've got a question too... What brand of broth do some of you prefer?? Also, what about draining the juice off of regular chicken noodle soup?? Would that be okay for the first 7 days?? I'm just afraid that plain broth is going to make me gag!! :lb12: Thanks!!
  15. OMG, I know exactly how you feel!! I got my Zoom done at my local dentist a couple of years ago and my teeth were hurting so bad that I had to pull over on the way home!! I couldn't even drive!! ( Seriously, my teeth are hurting now just thinking about it... After reading all of mansaw's comments on the botox, I made an appt at Cosmed to get some while I'm there for my surgery at the end of January!! I am so proud to have found this website! It has meant so much to me to read all your posts with advice, support and experiences! (okay, sorry for the mushy part - but it's true)!!
  16. Mansaw, we must be reading some of the same posts, because I saw those too and was shocked. I honestly can't believe that doctors would allow their newly banded patients to eat lasagna. And even if the doc doesn't condone this kind of eating, why in the world would somebody go through all this trouble (and money) to get the band and then gorge on lasagna 5 days after surgery!!?? Lord help me to have self control!!!!! #-o
  17. I'm just wondering if anyone is being banded on the 29th?? I really would like to know someone else who is going to be there!! :lb12:
  18. Hey ckiki, I mailed a check for my deposit today and my coordinator emailed all the paperwork. According to the paperwork, payment is due in full at least one week prior to surgery and if you are paying by paypal it's due two weeks before surgery. Now that being said, I am assuming that everyone receives the same instructions, but I think you need to check with your coordinator to be sure.. BTW, when is your surgery scheduled?? I'm Jan 29th...
  19. Kristy, that is too funny!! Believe me I have already been thinking about how I'm going to pulverize my favorite foods so I can get them through a straw!!! I am praying for will power!! When did you get banded?? And are you pretty happy with your weight loss so far and what has been easier than you thought it would be and what has been the hardest??
  20. Thanks everybody for the advice!! Hey Kristy, my flight home also leaves at 7:00am and on top of the long flight home, I've got a 2 hour drive home from the airport. Thank goodness I have someone coming with me so she can drive home. I also couldn't agree more about the mental hunger. I went to GNC yesterday to buy some protein mixes to get ready for my pre-op diet and I was hungry just thinking about having to go through an all liquid diet for such a long period of time. It's obvious I don't have a lot of will power when it comes to food, so I am really worried about keeping myself in check after the surgery!! Thanks again everybody and please keep the advice coming!!!
  21. Hey everybody!! I was just wondering if any of the banders out there can give me some advice for my long flight home.. My flight is about 7 or 8 hours (with layover) and I was wondering what I should expect.. What will I drink on the flight home?? Should I stick to just water or can I bring some of the mixes you can put into water?? Also, will I be in any pain and should I bring liquid pain meds just in case?? Honestly, I thought about bringing along some Xanax to take right before my flight so I can go to sleepy town and not have to worry about anything!! Will I be able to swallow pills right after surgery?? Oh yea, that leads me to another question?? (sorry so many) Does your body metabolize meds differently after surgery?? Since your stomach is smaller I just wondered if there is an increased chance for stomach probs with certain meds?? I've also been wondering about your appetite in the first few days after surgery?? Does your appetite automatically stop as soon as you have the surgery, or should I expect to be ravished for a while afterward?? I've read so many of these forums and I have got such good advice and tips on what to expect and what to do make this experience really work for me.. I hope that I can help somebody after I'm banded too!! Thanks for all the advice you can give me!!
  22. I read the same article you did!! The random killing is what scares me the most.. I don't plan on visiting any malls or restaurants anyway. I think I'm more nervous about possible violence than I am the surgery.. BTW, where is Revolution Avenue? Is it within walking distance of the hotel or clinic or will I have to take a cab??
  23. Hey everyone! I am getting banded January 29 and I was wondering were there any great spots to do some shopping in TJ?? I thought I might do some on my second day after surgery if I felt like it?? I would love to visit a market or something like that.. I am also concerned about all of the violence going on in TJ right now.. Does anyone have any experiences with problems while there or is anyone else concerned?? I really enjoy reading all these forums and I'm so thankful to have them!!!
  24. Hey everybody!! I am getting banded January 29th. Is anybody else getting banded that day?? I would love to meet somebody else there at the same time!! Good luck to everybody!!
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