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Everything posted by nothereanymore

  1. Not for the first 6 months at least. No carbo's for a while so yes yo're going to need to find a replacement, but I don't miss them as much as I thought I would - and I don't like them now as much as I use too. (Carbo's going down don't feel that great - I let them set for a while to de fizz) But I've been banded for over 21 months. Carbo's can cause band slippage – so you really do want to avoid at all cost. Try a good glass of red wine!! Low calorie, high antioxidants, not a bad combo! And men look cute drinking wine over beer, so there's another reason to change!
  2. You both area adorable and you are looking awesome!! I’m glad you had a good time, you look like you did!! also it does get better – this was my first holiday on maintenance. I could eat a little bit more than I’m use to and it was more like the old times. Still different – I avoided food that I don’t like anymore since I’m out of the habit of eating (hotdogs on buns and such) but still enjoyed the good stuff! Take are and have a great rest of the weekend – I know you worked hard so try and get some rest! Best, Lisa
  3. It’s very normal, you don't have your first fill yet and you need to be very careful. You're in the bandster hell faze, some can eat more and some less, and some will test their band. Make sure to go and check out the doctor's forum below and I've included a like to one article. http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=6556 You’re gong to do fine – just know its part of the journey and focus on teaching yourself to eat very little – we understand how frustrating and difficult this time is – most of us have been through it. But its just part of the journey, after a couple of fills you will know what its like to fill full and not be able to eat. Think of this as your training period, so you don't have to jump right into it. Take care! Lisa
  4. Dawn, I wish I could give you a big hug. Its hard, you're going through so much right now and its going to be a battle for you. You need to take baby steps and forgive yourself when you fall down. I think all of us would stumble if we were in your situation. My main concern is that you could hurt yourself – you have something added to your body that makes it difficult to eat like a normal person – and if we try, it can have dire consequences. Just be careful. And you’re realizing, the food doesn’t make you feel better. It doesn’t, we need to learn to deal with our emotions in a different way – and food isn’t the right way. I wish I could fix it and tell you what the right way is for you right now. I can’t, but I can tell you that I care about you and will think and pray for you and yours and hope that you get through this with the least amount of pain as possible, because the truth is we know there will be pain and there’s nothing we can do to take it away, but we can try to ease your burden. Know that we care about you, get out and walk if you can, try not to rely on food, but forgive yourself if you do and know there’s always tomorrow. Best wishes, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and don't hate yourself - we love you! Lisa
  5. I am very big on antioxidants, and since good red wine is a great way to get them, it’s a no brainer for me. I add in my glass of red wine into my calorie count - not all the time - but often enough. (I still lost over 125 pounds so it seemed to be OK) And a cocktail every once in a while, for some reason when I'm on a cruise - which I love to take - I need my occasional cocktail. However I'm careful alcohol hits us harder than it use too so we need to watch our drinking – but my band didn’t turn me into a monk. (Unless of course its one of those great ones in upper NY that make the awesome wine)… I'd join them for a glass anytime. Best, Lisa
  6. From my own experience depression is normal; we've added a tool to our body that changed how I dealt with my emotions. I was an emotional eater and I couldn't do that anymore because I now had the band and had to follow the rules, at first it took me a while to understand that had not only changed my body, but it changed how I would deal with my emotions and my inner spirit. Before I truly understood I would often get emotional and depressed, it was because I could not feed my emotions anymore. We need to find other ways to deal with our emotions besides food. Its part of the healing process, like the pain - but it’s our emotional healing process. Its sounds confusing – its hard to explain. But just like the pain it will pass - we'll find other ways to address our emotional spiritual issues that are hopefully healthier for us. Best, Lisa
  7. If you've ever seen the Shallow Hal movie, you know its about a guy that gets hypnotized and only sees the inner beauty of women and falls in love with a very big girl seeing her only as a beautiful thin woman. (Great movie) I still see myself as the big girl and do what you describe - glance at the mirror and see this thin person and don't recognize who it is. I feel like I’m in the Shallow Hal movie, but I can still only see myself as being a big person, but others see a thin one. I don’t think this ever goes away – and I’m OK if it doesn’t. we big girls are very consciences’ of the feelings of others and I don’t ever want to loose that. Congrats, its a great feeling - but it is a strange one - I do find myself lurking in Lane B - I like a lot of the clothes still!!
  8. That's not cheating, you finished your liquid faze and now you're on solids, you ate 1/3 of what you would normally eat. Congrats, that's what its all about.
  9. You are so not meant to be fat!! I can see your new beautiful slim face in your picture - I've watched so many people slim down now that you start to know what they are going to look like when they loose the weight. You're just stuck in that not so nice place called banstar hell. Its OK - it teaches us to better manage our food once we get our fills working appropriately. You are so beautiful, I can't wait to see the new you! So keep up your spirit and understand its just part of the process and you're doing great! Best, Lisa
  10. Hey Kim! Hitting plateaus is totally normal. Frustrating but normal - I've done it so many times I just don't really think abuot it - I know what to do now to get things moving. I generally have to switch up my routine. You're body may be getting use to the program you’re on because it is no longer being challenged. You might try bumping up your protein, or try a new exercise program. Surprise your body with a new routine and see what happens. When I hit my worse plateau is when I got desperate and went out to find new forms of exercise – got into the belly dancing and just finding new fun ways to move my body. Your plateau is just a natural response the body has occasionally, and we just need to get inventive to get the old scale moving again. Make it fun!! Lisa
  11. Thanks for your caring heart and great attitude! You're a great guy and we're lucky to have you in our illustrious group! I'll never think of the titanic again without thinking of you! Lisa
  12. They wont cancel it - you'll get it done and it will be the best present you ever got!!! Congrats on your upcoming surgery and happy birthday early!
  13. This one is very important, if you want a good thing try which will help you to understand what you should take use a vitamin questionnaire - the below one is from Dr. Weil, you don't have to buy anything - use it as an education tool. If you take it I suggest that you print it out the recommendation and bring your to your doctor to discus what vitamins might work for you. (You should also let your doctor know that you are a lap band pt). https://www.drweil.com/vitamin_advisor?aid=...;aparam=gateway It doesn’t cover everything, but will give you a good start – then you can buy your needed supplements anywhere. Some of the pills out there are big (for example calcium) so look at sizes and think about how you would take them as a lap band pt before you buy them. Best, Lisa (Just so you're aware, if you have medical issues you're going to receive a lot of recommended sups with this program. Make sure to use the ranking). And then choose to print out your recommendation. That option is meant to allow people to take to their doctor or nutritionist for help -since supplementation can be very confusing.
  14. After last night I think I know who the winner will be, just give Mona the crown!!
  15. You need to fix the birthday age at the end of your footer - there is no way you are 46!!! 21 is more like it!!! (count me in) Happy Birthday to you!!! Lisa
  16. I so agree, please call. I've never heard of this before. Take care and let us know how you are doing. Best, Lisa
  17. Hey Maggie, You sound like your band is too tight and you're not eating enough. (Since you're having a hard time with the shake in the morning and throwing up) When we don’t eat enough our body goes into a mode where it stores fat and we don’t loose, we then have less energy and aren’t moving enough so aren’t burning the calories to get us out of this platue. Its frustrating. I just went to Olympia and had some fill removed as I go into maintenance and since this is done under flouro they can see your pouch. I’m surprised since I’m eating more that I’ve continued to loose some weight. But again its my body going through a change. Also, I'd be happy to meet up with you, I'm heading out to Bellevue square tomorrow. Let me know if you're nearby, and if that's an option. Also going to the OCC is a good call for your piece of mind; but you also might just call for a consultation, I would not recommend a fill until you know what’s going on. Remember when we stress our bands tightened – I’ve thought I had a slip before and man did I ever get tight – its was due to me stressing about the slip!! (I was fine after all) Take care, and let me know if you can meet up, if Bellevue isn’t an option I’m in Snoqualmie and I’m sure we can figure something out. Best, Lisa
  18. Hey Lena, Sorry to hear about your pain, its not hooked to your heart and many do have this type of pain and for me it was gas. That said you want to be careful, give the doctor a call and let them know what you are dealing with to be on the safe side. Take care, Lisa
  19. Dawn, I will be praying so hard today, and asking those that I love to send our prayers up for Gracie. I send my good thoughts and prayers to you and your loved ones as well for strength during this time. My love and thoughts are with you. Lisa
  20. What do you mean they aren't zebra's???? Come on now, don’t break a girls heart – I have a picture with one up on my mantel and I always tell people it’s a zebra!! Lisa - Welcome to the banded side…May you have appropriate tightness and may you never suffer from heartburn or spew anything up at an inappropriate setting! Have fun with the zebra's! Lisa
  21. Thanks for the reminder - I forgot!! My team is in Canada - need to get online and wish them Happy Canada Day! And a Happy Canada Day to all of our sweet and sexy Bandstar Canadian girls!! (And boys... just in case I'm missing someone)!
  22. I've also heard of this, some times when we hit our goals for some reason our bands tighten more during stress or other reasons. (Mine did after I had a breast lift surgery) You're correct going on liquids however you may want to have some of your fill removed; if you can eat and drink during the day there's a good chance your band hasn't slip. You may just need adjustment and it fits since you’ve reached your goal and are now going into maintenance). And a quick congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!! Good luck! Lisa
  23. Have fun, and remember its the start of the new you!! You're going to do great and have that new thin in shape body in no time! Best, Lisa
  24. Wow, what a differance - you are doing great! Love your new flat tummy!!
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