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Everything posted by AshleyMarie

  1. B: Tomato, Carrots and Zucchini L: Scallops and Mushrooms S: Greek Yogurt and Frozen Berries D: Chili 2c. Green Tea
  2. B: Oatmeal with Flaxseed L: Probably more Talapia with No Fat Beans, Avocado and Salsa D: Chicken and Veggie Soup (2 bowls eeek) (1) 16 oz. Water with Pure Energy Greens 1 c. Green Tea
  3. B: Oatmeal with Flaxseed L: Tomato Pesto Flavored Tuna with Lowfat Mayo S: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots and Tomatoes D: Talapia with No Fat Beans, Avocado and Salsa (2)16 oz. Water with Pure Energy Greens 1 c. Green Tea
  4. B: Oatmeal L: 2 oz. Tomato Pesto Flavored Tuna S: Tomato, Brocolli, Cauliflower and Carrots D: 4 small Fish Sticks 2 c. Fat Free Milk
  5. We are all so different. I have always had restriction. I have had 2 fills and one partial unfill and only have 1.8 cc's in my band. I haven't had a fill for 6 months and had a partial unfill 4 months ago and I am no where near needing another one. You will just have to take it one day at a time and listen to your body. It will tell you one thing one day and another the next. I am not even sure that after 10 months I have even adjusted. I experience new things every day. Good luck to you sweetie .
  6. Day 5 of Cleanse, down 7 lbs. B: Banana L: 1/2 of a Small Santa Fe Chipotle Gourmet Salad from Pat and Oscars and one Avocado (4) 16 oz. Water with Greens 6 oz. Senna Tea 16 oz. Water
  7. I am doing a high alkaline diet which consists of mostly raw veggies and fruits and tons of water. I am not sure how long I am going to do it for, but it is definitely cleaning out my system.
  8. I am 10 months out and have been experiencing port pain. It is not that bad though, but I do realize more often that my port is there. Before I never really thought about it. My good friend was banded almost two years ago and she gets port pain quite often. She often takes a pain reliever like aleve to help.
  9. Day 4 of Cleanse, down 5 lbs B: Chocolate Whey Protein Shake with Water and 1/2 Banana L: Tomatoes and Cauliflower D: 2 oz. Ground Chicken with Chopped Veggies (6) 16 oz. Water with Greens 1 cup of Green Tea
  10. Aww, thanks lovie. Your kind words mean so much to me. I have been having a bad day too and you put a smile on my face. Thank you for that :).

  11. I did not weigh in last week, but I am down 4 lbs from Monday from cleansing my body.
  12. Day 3 of Cleanse B: Banana S: Tomatoes L: Carrots and Hummus S: More Tomatoes D: Guacamole (6) 16 oz. Water with Greens 1 cup of Green Tea
  13. Your new pic looks great. Look at the definition in your arms!!

  14. Day 2 of Cleanse B: Banana S: Tomatoes and Celery L: Squash and Carrots with Hummus S: Tomatoes D: Sashimi (Tuna and Yellow Tail), Edamame and Miso Soup (5) 16 oz. Water with Greens 1 16 oz. Water
  15. Green Tea B: 2 oz. Salmon Patty and Cherry Tomatoes L: Small Bowl of Pho with No Noodles D: Two pieces of Sushi with Cream Cheese, Jalapeno, Crab and Spicy Tuna with 2 glasses of Plum Wine 2 Coke Zero
  16. Green Tea B: 1 oz. Pollo Asado and Veggies with Ranch L: Toppings of one Slice of Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza and Veggies/Ranch D: Pho
  17. I have had 2 fills and 1 partial unfill. All were done at OCC because I live close by.
  18. I am definitely going to incorporate more exercise this year. I have lost 65lbs with very little of it. I plan to start off the new year with a raw food cleanse for a few days. After that I am going to add chicken and fish to my meal plan. I also received a 2 week exercise/meal plan per Dr. Miranda from my friend. My close friend has 20lbs to lose and contacted Dr. Miranda for help. I may also try that out to try and lose a significant amount of weight by my one year on March 19. 2010 WILL be a great year for all of us
  19. You look stunning!! You and your husband make a gorgeous couple
  20. B: None L: Gyro Meat with Hummus D: Chicken Enchilada Soup
  21. All of this drama is making me want to leave the forum.....
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