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Everything posted by arianna

  1. arianna

    emotional mess

    Sigma 15 we are on the same boat. I got banded on Feb 1, 2009, lost 26 lbs the first two months and then nothing. I became so discouraged that I went back to my old eating habits...well that wasn't smart because when I went for my 3rd fill recently, I had gained 6 lbs. So try not to revert to emotional eating. amazing how much chocolate and cake i can eat and not feel full. LOL. Let's try and remember why we got the band. I got it because I was tired of being in that cycle of trying to lose weight, failing at it, and running to the fridge or pantry and stuffing my face because i felt like such a failulure. The band is a tool and it's to help us feel fuller for longer and in the long run eat less so it aids us PHYSICALLY. however, the emotional and mental stuff is up to us. That has been a challenge for me. I will not be hungry but you have no idea how badly I want to reach for that bag of chips or that candy bar. This is proof for me that we don't eat because we're hungry but because of our emotions. we can conquer those emotions. AngieB is right. be positive. you, like me, have probably lost more weight in a few months than you would've on your own. that's a great thing. don't be so hard on yourself and try not to obsess about it. I had to laugh when i read your post because i do exactly the same thing with the scale. i check my weight daily. i even tried putting the scale in a drawer so it wouldn't be convenient for me to use it. well i take it right out. i think we're still new at this. it does get better and easier from what everyone else says. good luck and keep me posted. we're all in this together. arianna
  2. Hi, Ever since I got my 3rd fill, I have been extremely gassy. To the point where I am uncomfortable. It's actually embarrassing at times because it'll come spontaneously. It's an awful feeling. Is this normal? Should I avoid certain foods? If anyone has any advice, please share! Arianna
  3. Hi Laura, I think it may be that you are drinking your fluids too fast. I tend to get them when I either eat or drink too quickly. I need to learn to take sips and not gulp my fluids down. hard habit to break. Try taking small sips slowly and wait a bit before taking another one. You've just had your surgery so it'll take your stomach time to adjust. Good luck! Arianna
  4. Thanks for your post. I just joined this forum a few days ago and it's already helped me. Just reading posts like yours not only informs me but it also inspires me. I got banded in Feb and probably haven't been working with it the right way. But then again, I live in Kuwait and got it done here. My doctor didn't really provide me with instructions. for instance, I didn't know this rule you mentioned about when to stop drinking water before meals and when to drink after meals. or eat protein first. it's all new to me. I'll definitely check in daily because just in the past few days I've learned so much from everyone else's posts. Keep up the good work! It feels good knowing there are others like me on this journey. I Arianna
  5. Hi Alma, When I got banded,I was instructed to have clear liquids for the first week or so and then move on to creamy or pureed soups. If you're past that stage, then try drinking protein shakes or make a soup and puree it. You still need to sip everything very slowly. Sometimes eating or drinking too quickly can cause that feeling. As far as feeling hungry, is it from your stomach or you feel you're hungry. I ask because I used to get so hungry when I'd see normal food or would be around food. That's your brain sending signals that there's food around and you should eat. We have receptors that are responsbile for telling us when we're hungry or full. Many times they are programmed (because of our habits) to send a signal at the sight or smell of certain foods. Trust me this all been so tough for me because I'll feel so hungry but then I can't eat much. So I think alot of is mental. Anyway, try eating the creamier soups like cream of chicken and see if that helps. Keep us posted. Arianna
  6. Hi Louise, Thanks for sharing your story. I could totally relate. I got banded on Feb 1 and that first month I lost the first 20 lbs... and I'm sure the reason was that I was on an all liquid diet. I got my first fill in March and didn't notice much of a difference. I ate my usual amount and it didn't seem to bother the band. When I went in for a checkup, I'd only lost 3 lbs. My doctor wasn't concerned and said that's still progress. I got my second fill in April. Once again, I didn't notice a difference in weight or the amount I could eat. I got really frustrated because the scale wasn't moving. So I did something that I shouldn't have. I completely gave up, returned to my old eating habits, grabbed junk food and sweets, and was so discouraged because I thought this whole thing was such a waste of my money. Well, I just went for my third fill and had gained 5 lbs. My doctor told me that's ok, but not to focus on the scale because it can backfire and be very discouraging. For the first time, I do feel some restriction and have made a commitment to myself to try harder. To focus on eating healthier and smaller portions and becoming more active. After all that's why I did the surgery..to make life-long changes, and not just to see the numbers on the scale. So thanks for reminding us all of the reality of Life. things happen that are beyond our control, but what we can control is how we react to them. So don't be discouraged. You, like myself, have to be patient with all of this. It's going to be a journey. Arianna PS. way to go on the 4.0. congrats. that's awesome and you should be so so proud of yourself.
  7. Hi Vicki, I've had a similar feeling since my 3rd fill but it happens when I eat too quickly or haven't chewed well enough. I also thought it was a lump in my throat but my doctor explained it all to me. He said it's not in your throat but rather when food isn't going down fast enough it causes blockage. Because of peristalsis, and the esophagus is contracting, it feels like it's up in the throat but it's really down where t he band is. Have you tried drinking small sips of water when that happens? that seems to help with me. It actually happened yesterday when I had a piece of baked fish. But then I read somewhere that all meat or chicken should be eaten with some sort of sauce and not dry as that won't go down easily. If you still experience this, definitely talk to your doctor. Good luck and hope that feeling goes away. Arianna
  8. Hi, I have a question. I had my 3rd fill a few days ago and I'm having a hard time eating. I've been told not to drink water with my meals but whenever I eat, I feel like I'm choking ( a lump in my throat) and so I have to take small sips of water until whatever it is goes down. I'm not sure what I should and can eat. So far, I've had no luck with fish, steamed or raw vegetables, or a turkey sandwich. I don't want to puree everything but I pureed a veggie soup I made and that went down ok. can someone tell me what the rule is about water and also what food would be ok to eat? Thanks so much Arianna
  9. Hi April, I was just like you and didnt' know whether to tell anyone or not. by the way, I got banded in Feb. My husband knew and supported me 100%. Two days before the surgery, I decided to sit with some of my "REALLY CLOSE" friends and have a talk with them. I explained the procedure to them first and then told them my reasons for having the surgery. I also told them that the only reason I was sharing this info with them was because I needed their support in all of this and not any judgements. They've all been great throughout this journey with me though a few didn't think I needed to do something this drastic. In the end it was my decision and the people around us should accept that whether they agree or not. I have to admit I wouldn't tell just anyone. My in laws are for instance would give me such a hard time so you need to make your own judgement as to who would be supportive and understanding and who would make you feel guilty. You should be proud that you are taking this step. I have never felt better about a decision. I'm not losing the weight as quickly as I'd like but I know that it will come off and slowly working towards it. Good luck with whatever you decide to do and keep us posted on how everything goes. Arianna
  10. Hi, WOW I was looking at your weight loss chart. Congrats that's awesome. How were you able to lose so much in such a short time? My starting weight was 195 and now I'm at 171. . . My goal is 140 So I've got a ways to go. By the way, how can I get that weight loss chart to track my progress? sorry totally new to all of this. arianna
  11. Thanks Carrie. You're right. I feel like that's all I think about and how funny because I've been weighing myself daily and at times twice a day. And when it doesn't show that I've lost anything I get so discouraged and run for the sweets. I figured what's the point. I know that's the worst thing I can do because those were my old habits and got me to this weight in the first place. I need to just live and focus on other things. I guess I'm also realizing that the band is not going to do miracles overnight. prior to surgery, I had such high expectations and was so excited that i was counting down days til my surgery. and then when i didn't see results, It was a real drag. From reading everyone else's comments, the weight does come off. Thanks again, I'm new to all of this and really could use support. I live in Kuwait and there aren't any support groups. In fact, I didn't ever see a nutritionist or was given real instructions or any of that. Arianna
  12. Thanks Smiley, not only for your words of encouragement but for educating me as well. Yes I live in Kuwait and honestly i didn't get much as far as instructions of how much i should be eating and what i should be eating right after a fill. the only thing i was told was to eat slowly and chew well. as i read everyone else's blogs, I'm learning so much. You're probably right about being head hungry. I've been reaching mainly for sweets when I do eat, especially puddings and custards. why did it take a year for you to feel any restriction? my doctor told me my band can hold 9 cc's and so far he's filled it up to 6 cc's. will keep you posted on how i'm doing. thanks again, arianna
  13. Hi, OMG I went through the exact thing. I got banded on Feb 1 and other than the initial month of being on an all liquid diet, I didn't notice any difference as far as what and how much I could eat. I got my first fill in March and could eat pretty much the same as before. I went through weeks of emotional eating. You name it and I guess I was kind of testing the band because I figured I shouldn't be able to eat that much. anyway, I went back to my doctor a few days ago and he did the second fill. He said that he hadn't filled the band that much and that it wouldn't be at its tightest until 4-6 fills. Check to see how many cc's your doctor's put in your band. I also thought my band had slipped but my doctor told me trust me you'd know immediately and we'd know as well. So there is hope!!! Just try to eat healthy and as always eat slowly and chew your food really well. you will get there. I have to admit I notice a difference now after the second fill. Good luck!! Arianna
  14. Hi, This is my first post. I joined because I needed some support with all of this. Some background info. I got banded on Feb 1 and have had 3 fills, but up to this point, I didn't feel much of a difference. I've been eating pretty much the same as before my band. I've only lost like 20 lbs in 3 months. Yesterday, I got filled again and for the first time, I felt nauseous and actually vomited twice. Is that normal? I had a salad for lunch and then I was sick until 10 at night when I finally decided to try and sleep it off. Any tips or advice? at times I feel like I might have wasted my money on this as I'm not seeing the results I'd like. FYI, I did my surgery in Kuwait.
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