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Everything posted by JaniceBlack

  1. Yes, Thank you Debbie ! My husband and I both have had it for breakfast everyday this week! He even asked me to make another one
  2. You getting snow yet?

  3. Yea!!! congrats!! WOW 24 lbs...that is wonderful. Keep up the great work

  4. Yea!!! Congrats on your new adventure!

  5. Good Morning, Sorry to keep bugging you .... do you know how many calories in one slice? My husband ate a slice this morning too. He's not overweight but is watching.

  6. Yum, I warmed it up too.. do you know about how many calories in one slice?

  7. Tomato Pie...yum yum !!! Thank you I had it cold ...do you warm it up?

  8. I did the same thing once I went on solid foods. I kept going and slowly it has came off. I have had my first fill and the weight loss is slow. Congrats on your band and keep going. You will start feeling better. Please keep us posted.

  9. I love your picture !!!! Very cute!

  10. Congrats!!! You look beautiful Your smile show's how happy you are. Thank you for sharing you pictures, it really gives us inspiration on our own goals.
  11. I made TOMATO PIE tonight for tomorrow. I'm excited to taste it. My husband and son wanted to try the new pie tonight.LOL they both were excited lol When I told them they just looked at each other. How many slices do you make???

  12. Hi, how are you doing?

  13. congrats on being banded and welcome to your new adventure on life!

  14. Good Luck Kim and let us know how you are feeling. Congrats on getting banded.

  15. Yes, I had a fill on 5th. Its going great. I felt restriction the day I went back on solids. I feeling great and back on my schedule of working out and walking.

  16. Good Morning, First off CONGRATS ON BEING BANDED :wub: Second ..... what helped me was moving both arms in circles real big and walking around. It will ease up soon. Keep us posted on how you are doing... Again, Congrats
  17. Hi Jill, How are you feeling today? Good Luck on your new adventure.

  18. Tomorrow will fly by!!! Please keep us posted. Good Luck and have a safe trip!

  19. Debbie,

    Congrats on your fantastic success and you are a inspiration to all of us !!!

  20. Oh my gosh... how exciting for you Congrats!!!! You dance the night away !!! Congrats!!!!
  21. Are you not happy that they are banging at the door? You are blessed :)

  22. JaniceBlack


    ok, I'm a little slow over here...lol what is LBT?? Do you have the link ?
  23. Hi, I wondered the same thing ! I had my first fill on Tuesday and asked Dr. So about that same question. He is at OCC and said that most of them are not going back to OCC or not having fills with an X-ray fluoroscope. He said that the most that I should need is three fills. I start back on solid foods tomorrow. Janice
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