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Everything posted by Annicki

  1. Thanks for the kind words of support Jill. Unfortunately I live in Australia and my Dr options are fairly limited. I hope they know which end is up....giggle.
  2. Thank you so much for the fabulously detailed posting of your preop and op experience Mandy. I too am going to embark on this journey so it has given me some insight into what to expect. Like you I'm not telling anyone other than hubby that I'm having this done. I gave up smoking 6 mths ago and found that my smoking friends would try to sabbotage my efforts and my non smoking friends minimalized my efforts. I don't want the same thing to happen here. Noone can sabbotage what they don't know....hehehe. I look forward to hearing about your progress on this journey Mandy. May the force be with you!! You go girfriend!!!!
  3. Annicki

    On my wedding day

    That is a million dollar smile and I'm so very happy for you. Congratulations!
  4. I'm a Registered Nurse with extensive theatre experience and Like Trav said, 'less is not necessarily more' if you no what I mean. The margin for error increases with the limited dexterity of the trochars etc. The pinkness of the scars continue to fade with time until nearly invisable. I too shall settle for that when my turn comes.
  5. Annicki

    Week 1

    I've spent the first day preparing for my journey. I've checked that I have all the equipment I'll need, said my farewells and loaded the spaceship. Yes, I'm going where this woman has never gone before... I'm taking 'Gizmo' who will fend off attacks from aliens and their evil influences. Hubby is coming too as my navigator who will ensure I steer and stay on the correct course. Well I don't think I can take the metaphore any further than that today. But tune in regularly for episodes of Val vs the 'LIPID' Monster
  6. I'm sorry about the confusing doubling of posts folks, I'm still trying to work this out...thus, 'newby'.
  7. Hi Vicki, Thank you so much for your post, I don't know why but it bought me to tears. It has been a while since anyone has been so kind. You sound like a wise woman. Your photo history was 'AMAZING!!!'. I will head you advise in time but right now I feel the need to protect myself from everyone. I experienced many great losses in my life over the past five years including;death, betrayal, loss, grief, change, more loss, more grief, more death and more change (I'll never make a good novelist). Too much in a short period of time. My husband loves me I know but does he desire me? I don't think so. Am I projecting? Probably, I dare not take a chance right now. I hope that I can leave myself open to more hurt and disappointment when I feel better about myself. That is where it all starts and stops Vicki. Becoming a Bandit is one huge step forward for me and I feel that my hands will be held tenderly and guided by ppl like you and Carrie. Thank you. Hugs
  8. Thank you Carrie, I hear what you are saying and hope that one day I can inspire others in the same way. I looked at your photos and they are nothing less than inspirational. You are and were a beautiful woman throughout the process. I am so pleased for you and you most certainly deserve it after all your hard work. I know it is not so much about how others see you as how you see yourself. I know all this stuff intellectually, but emotionally I'm somewhat ragged, torn and tired. My energy is now coming from a sense of hope, for the first time in a very long time that things can change and stay that way. As I get older, it gets harder and harder. I know this isn't news to all of you, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it can't get any worse. So let the fight begin!
  9. Hello, this is my first post in preparation for my first Dr appointment to discuss becoming a 'Bandit'. I've read all I can read, searched the net, monitored bloggs and talked to a few ppl who are already Bandits. I have to admit that facing the reality that I cannot do this without help is difficult. I have tried and failed to maintain a stable healthy weight on my own for years. 'Up and down, up and down, each 'down' took me further and further into a state of depression. I no longer undress in front of my husband, most nights I prefer to sleep in the spare room for fear that he may see parts of me exposed. We haven't had intimate relations for over a year, and I pull away when he tries to put his arms around me. I feel very very lonely and incredibly sad most of the time. I'm scared I will lose him one way or another and that includes by completing the self full-filling prophecy myself. So, I have come to a decision. No more will I accept that I cannot take control of this situation (even if it means I ask for help). No more will I feel ashamed and disgusted of and with myself. I am the master of my own destiny and just as a captain needs a crew, I likewise need you. I am in the deepest admiration of all of you, you who have succeeded, you who are succeeding,you who are still trying and you who have at least tried. How brave you all are to take on this journey, to ride the waves and clash with the titans. This is a mega-journey, one I hope you will let me take part in. I hope I have the courage and determination you have all shown.
  10. Hi, I'm only just starting down the Bandit road. I've made the appointment for the first consult, searched the net for all the information I could ingest (no pun intended) and joined my first support network site. Sheesh! I'm ready for a little lie down now...lol. I have forgotten anything? How do I feel about all this? Well, a little frightened.

  11. Annicki

    The Beginning

    I recognise the name but I don't know the face...
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