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Posts posted by BrownEyedGirl

  1. Yes, I am guilty. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can diet"!


    Oh my!! Once my brother in law called me a heifer and I said, "Fat I can fix, but ugly you're stuck with"!!! I'm still fat though ... and he's still ugly. LOL God forgive me for that.

    I never thought to make it a bumper sticker. I wonder if that's where that windfall of cash he got came from. He stole my insult!! :P

  2. Today I was struggling as I made my son's lunch. I wanted to eat a Pop Chip, toss a cheese square into my mouth, and nibble at some lunch meat. And I'm only on my pre-op! I'm kinda scared about how this is going to go during my 3 weeks of liquids. I made it through making his lunch but it was torture. ("torture"? what a wimp)

    Have any of you faced this problem while you were on liquid phase? How did you handle it?

    Right now I'm telling myself, "You don't want to blow several thousands of dollars on a 25cent portion of food. It's not worth it!" or "Is that bite going to be worth the agony of a slipped band?". Things like that. I could try telling myself how good I'm going to look but that's never worked before. Maybe scaring the poop out of me will. :huh:

  3. So, my sister-in-law says, "The reason you got so fat is because you have 'Pretty Face Syndrome'. People tell you how pretty you are and you just rest on that. I don't have a pretty face so I have to work hard on my body." Uh, thanks for the compliment... I think (?).

    I got to wondering about that comment and started looking at some of your pictures. There sure are a lot of pretty faces staring back at me. How many of us only look at our faces in the mirror and think, "I don't look that bad." I know I walk right past that bathroom mirror when I'm nekkie. Her theory is interesting but it doesn't explain people like "Jessica Freakin" Alba!!

    Also, I really don't think I'm all that pretty but it sure is nice she thinks so! :)

  4. I'm not saying they were trying to be sexy. I'm talking about the concept where we put feeling good about ourselves over our health and what's good for us. I'm sick of being fat and being in pain or uncomfortable because of it. I can tell myself how good I look and pooh pooh others for not accepting my fatness or I can get off my butt and do something so hopefully I can enjoy playing with my son, riding a bike, golfing and hopefully live a longer and healthier life. Or I can sit around scarfing down food that has little to no nutritional value because it tastes good and feels good while I'm doing it and then increase my risk of diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, etc. I know skinny people have these issues too but I know I'm increasing my chances by being this size.

  5. After so many lines my typing disappears into the "other styles", "fonts", and "sizes" area. I can see the cursor move along but I can't see what I'm typing. Also, there is another white box down below and I don't know what that's for. I click on the "increase editor size" button and that box gets bigger but I can't type anything in it. What am I doing wrong? :mellow: As soon as I can't see what I'm typing I get all discombobulated and start making tons of typos. Anyone know the dealie?

    Also, some of the emoticons are just red x's. :blink:

  6. Here's an image that's hard to accept and the one that got me off my hiney and rethinking accepting being fat and rejecting the "sexy at any size" bunk.

    I'm at the hospital with my dad and in the waiting room I can smell greasy food. I look over and there is this obese family, a mom, dad, and daughter (in her 30's), scarfing down McDonald's in a hospital waiting room. And I'm talking supersized meals with some kind of gooey thing for dessert. For some reason I was embarrassed for myself looking at them. But then I saw and overheard why they were there. Mom is in a wheelchair with the bottom of her leg bandaged up. I say the bottom of her leg because her foot had been amputated because of deabetes!!! And even that didn't stop them from eating like that. Now, maybe it was their last meal before starting pre-op and getting banded. I sure hope so.

    Anyway, after seeing that desperate situation, I decided I needed to do something. I want to keep my limbs and am terrified of diabetes. Plus I want to look hot.

  7. 100 POUNDS GONE!!!! WOOHOO Scale: 138

    That is so AWESOME!!! Congratulations! You look wonderful too! What an accomplishment. There are some here on this forum that are an inspiration to me and you are one of them. I hope you go and do something fun for yourself. Like buy some skinny jeans! I have a pair in my closet just waiting for me to get into.

  8. Reading some of the comments has got me to wondering what I should bring to make the experience easier. One person wrote about putting on pajamas to go to the surgery center in. What should I bring with me for my surgery and stay at the center? Should I wear only pajamas there? What will I be wearing overnight? Their gown? Then maybe I should wear a comfortable sweat suit.

    I've heard about gas afterward and someone took Gas-X. Isn't that a pill? Is gas an issue after surgery and is there something liquid I should bring for it? Should I bring liquid Tylenol.

    I know I'll think of another question as soon as I post this. LP

  9. I found a picture of me at my heaviest which was 317 pounds and I am going to post that with my current picture. I can't even believe I am the same person.

    Oh please post that picture soon! I was reading earlier where you wrote you wished you had a pic of you at your heaviest. I was wishing the same because I wanted to see your amazing transformation. I'm so glad you found it!!

  10. Great! I found the recipe! I'm reading the forum and some of you really stand out with your success. RevyD in particular. I kept seeing that Tomato Pie on her food log and was considering asking her if I could move in, follow her around, and copy every move. But not wanting to creep her out I elected to just have this recipe on hand after my surgery and when I can start eating solids again. ^_^ It sounds good with zucchini too! I can't see the recipe as I type this and was wondering if that's regular cheese or FF cheese. And thanks RevyD (Is that Deb?) for posting your serving size.

  11. So how do the tatas look now? Right now I need a reduction and lift, not sure what I'll need after I've lost my weight. I'm sure they'll be extremely droopy. I wonder , will the doctor just roll 'em up and sew 'em up to fill them out or will I need an augmentation too. :)

    Anyway, could you please post a newer pic to encourage some of us?

    I feel like such a perv asking for someone to post boobie pics for "encouragement". :P

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