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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. I have never written a blog before so I don't know the first thing about it. It kind of feels like writing in a diary when I was a teenager. Well it is official I have one month before I have my surgery. I am excited along with being scared to death. I started out my day with a Walmart Generic Chocolate Slim Fast for breakfast and lunch and I had a salad and a 300 calorie dinner. I have been drinking so much water I feel I am going to float away. I bought a new scale since when I went to the doctor to get weighed my house scale was 8 pounds lighter than the Doctors scale. Kind of depressing that I had thought I was really 8 pounds lighter than I am... I am going to try to not go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Last night I got some of my husbands birthday cake at 1am. I was able to say no to it when everyone else was eating it. But there is just something in side of me that I can not control. I almost always have the best of intentions and then I can never follow through with the Diet or Exercise Plan. I wonder if I will still have all the same cravings after the lap band. I am going to try to go for a walk tomorrow. I also want to go to Yoga this week. I guess this is where I now have to hold my self accountible since I have written it down. I am going to try to go to sleep now or I will not be able to get Anna up in the morning to do her school work. Anna is my 11 year old homeschooling gymnast. I wish I had her energy and metabolism.
  2. I started my Pre Lap Band Diet yesterday. I did a Protein Shake for breakfast and lunch and had a 300 calorie frozen meal and a salad with spray dressing for dinner. I bought some protein packets that you add to water and drank that too. Any other ideas of what else I should be doing now while i wait for my surgery date? Thanks so much, Sherri
  3. Jill, Where are you getting your fulls done? Thanks so much Sherri
  4. How do you get your insurance company to pay for your fills? I would love to be able to do that.
  5. I forgot to add to my last post that there is also a $90 fee for each fill along with the $1,000 start up fee. I want to find a good doctor who is close to home for my fills and also to monitor me in case there is an emergency. Mexico is just too far from Tennessee. Thanks.
  6. I will be getting my lap band in June and I want to have a doctor near me to follow me and do the fills after my surgery. We live near Memphis and found it it is $1,000
  7. Hello everyone, My name is Sherri and I am booked for a Lap Band on June 2nd. I am excited and scared at the same time. I wanted to start on the Pre Diet today but I had to go to a party where they served lunch with lots of desserts. I also went out to dinner with my husband and kids. I guess this is the reason I just can't loose weight on my own. I hope to drop a few pounds before my surgery but I keep thinking to myself I better eat now before I have the surgery and I can't have those bad kinds of food anymore. Sherri Rehder Memphis TN Wt 238
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