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Everything posted by DrCif

  1. Congrats!! I was just banded 6 days ago and had the same positive experiences. All of us getting banded that day were all so nervous as we hopped in the van that early Monday morning and as we rode up that deep, steel elevator. As the day went on and we each had our pre-op tests performed our nerves were lessened. One by one they would take one of us away for surgery...before you know it, I was sipping my Capri Sun drink. My advice ( from my vast 6 days of experience ) is be prepared for more pain on Day 2-3 and more hunger on Day 4-6ish...I didn't feel any hunger until then...I had to start the Liquid Yogurt at day 4 due to pretty intense mental fogginess and diorentation but since starting that, no problems. Good luck...I on this journey with you.
  2. I started the liquid yogurt last night which they said we could start at day 4 if needed and I felt so much better...it was like a fog was lifted from my brain. This morning things continue to seem better...enough to give me a little peace of mind that I can do this! I have to go back to work in a few days and couldn't imagine being able to perform (without liability)at the mental stage I was yesterday. Thank you everyone for your encouragement.
  3. I am 4 days post-op...the first 3 days seemed to go really easy and I didn't really feel hunger...now onto day 4 and it's like my body is starting to revolt. I have not cheated. Did you all go thru this too or was it relatively easy. Thank goodness the fear of slipping my band has kept me in check but I thought the post op information said we wouldn't feel hunger during this stage. I've been doing the protein water, gatorade, broths, etc but I feel like my head is just weak and almost dizzy. I thought 21 days wouldn't be that bad but feeling like this at day 4 makes me really nervous. HELP!
  4. Ok, I am on Day 2 of post-op...so far no real problems. Discomfort, yes, a little at times but no real pain. All 5 of us who had surgery that day (all such great people) were up, walking, and talking within 30 minutes of surgery. All except 1 of us were able to come back to the Marriot that same night because we were all doing so well.(The one that had to stay behind was only because she traveled alone not because she was having problems) The whole process was very easy and the day flew by. Dr. Ortiz stopped by my room pre-op and talked for about 15 minutes to calm my nerves, such a charming and amazing man!...not to mention easy on the eyes! Everyone at the OCC was professional, clean, and reassuring. I would recommend this option to any friend or family member in a heartbeat...and trust me, my husband and I had our "abort mission" plan ready to go if the place or situation appeared shady!! I am involved in a Lap-Band support group back in Minnesota and got a pretty hefty dose of superiority when I told them I was coming here...can´t wait to make them eat their words! My experiences thus far: 1. Driver to pick us up from airport was about 1 hour late...not a big deal. We called the number and they informed us the driver was on his way. 2. Tijuana is a bit rough looking...don´t judge the OCC by the city of Tijuana or you´ll never go thru with it! 3. Be sure to get your Marriot meal discounts by letting them know you are with Dr. Ortiz...patient meals should be free and your companion´s meals should be 15% off. Write down your amounts of meals because they keep all the copies of the reciepts. 4. The pool area is so-so...very shaded so a bit too cool to just lounge around there...and I´m from Minnesota if that gives you any perspective 5. Gas X strips and liquid/meltaway Tylenol will be good friends of yours post-op. 6. Protein water is a wonderful way to get in some clear liquid protein to away weakness and dizzy feelings. 7. If you are afraid to walk the sidewalks of Tijuana for your hourly walking...just walk the halls of the hotel...housekeeping and I are on "hola" and "buenos dias" first name basis! 8. If you are doing your pre-op testing and surgery the same day, expect a few hour wait in the lobby as they call you back and forth to get individual testing done. The surgery is by far the quickest part of your day. 9. There is a Walmart that is clean and nice only a few blocks away. 10. The Marriot´s computer center keyboards are not US standard layout...so hopefully there are´t too many typos. 19 and a 1/2 more days of liquids to go...there is light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks to all of you for your support and good thoughts...this forum really helped relieve some major fears of mine. I will continue to post and read all of your info to help keep me on track. Christy
  5. Well, the time has come. We fly out to San Diego tomorrow morning for surgery on Monday. So excited but I think the reality of my life changing forever is starting to hit me. I've heard such positive feedback from so many people regarding the surgery, the hospital, and even life after banding...I just hope I have all the same experiences. I will post again after surgery...wish me luck!!
  6. My name is Christy...let the games begin! I have been on this pre-op diet for over a month due to my high BMI to help lose at least 20-25 pounds, which I did accomplish, but holy cow...I am ready to get off liquids...I think my eye is starting to twitch from the stress of never eating real food! Only 21 or so days left...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

  7. Congrats on your decision! Your goals really struck home with me. You have no idea the agony I went through going to Disneyland this last January about which rides I would be able to fit on with the kids...life just shouldn't be this stressful! I am being banded on Monday...yikes only 3 days away! I am from Minnesota so I pray for us to control ourselves from all the midwest...

  8. Hi, I see you are having surgery on Wednesday...I am having mine on Monday. Pretty nervous but mostly excited. Hang in there, we are all a bundle of nerves right now...it can only get better, right??

  9. I'm with you! T-minus 3 days til our surgery day. I've got my check list going just like you. I've been busy trying to get my life in order to be out of commission for the next week or so. I read the comment about your low BMI and choosing the band. This forum has opened my eyes to the huge array of people that struggle with weight loss. I used to be so annoyed at thinner people that just kept complaining about how they couldn't get the 20 or 30 pounds off...now I see that no matter if it is 5 or 500 pounds, we are all struggling with our own demons...and we all need just the same support. I look forward to meeting you on Monday. As excited as I am about the possibilty that this might be the answer to my prayers, I am still scared that this procedure will be just one more thing that I try, spend thousands of dollars on, and still fail like I have so many times in the past.
  10. Good luck with surgery on Monday! I have my surgery on the 26th...let me know how everything goes.
  11. Wow, posting the day of surgery...that's impressive! It makes me feel so much better that someone first hand thinks the facility is safe and professional. Hope I handle it as well as you on the 26th. Keep me posted on the hurdles of the next 21 days.
  12. Good Luck! My surgery day is the 26th...let me know how yours goes...I'm still a little nervous for post-banded life.
  13. I don't think we fly in until around 1 or 2...I'll have to check my tickets again. Are people supportive of your "mexico" surgery or are they worried. I've had to keep mine pretty hush-hush to keep the judgement out of my life right now. Again, very excited to know someone else going through this the very same day.
  14. My surgery date is July 26th too! We are flying in on the 25th. I can't believe it is only 11 days away...nervous but mostly excited. Everyone makes it sound so easy...I hope my surgery and results go as well.
  15. So how much is it for fills at the OCC? Do you drive across the border or do you pay for the OCC transport? How much is the OCC transport? How long does it take? I'm leaning toward the OCC for fills because even at the nearby Fill Center it will cost about $800 the first visit and $300-400 for each additional fill...yikes!...hope they get it right the first few times!
  16. Thank you everyone for your input. It feels good not to be alone through this process. So many people just don't get it. Everyone just says, "So if you want to lose weight, why don't you just eat less?" So much easier said than done. I've lost and gained enough weight to know I need something more permanent to make it happen. Thanks for all your support and good luck to all of you as well.
  17. I'm new, too!! My surgery is in 14 days..same situation, not really telling anyone for fear of negative thoughts. Good Luck!

  18. Hi, this is my first official post as a soon-to-be-banded person. My surgery date is July 26th... I am very excited yet very nervous. I've quickly come to the realization that I have to leave the "Mexico" out of all discussions related to my surgery. Everyone is very receptive until they hear "Mexico" and then I get the "Oh, I thought you were smarter than that" look...which just frustrates me. I certainly tried to get the surgery here in the States, but insurance denied me despite being a BMI of 52...apparently I need a few more diseases first?! Anyway, I've done my research and feel very happy with my decision...still a little scared though. How is everyone else handling the Fill situations? I've become increasingly frustrated with the hospitals around here. They will not do my fills because they won't be doing the surgery. There is a Fill Center in New Prague here in Minnesota, but to my knowledge they don't use the Fluoro. Any advice at this point will be taken.
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