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who was banded today at OCC 26/Feeb/09

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This is a thread dedicated to wonderful ppl that i had met today, we were 7 who got banded, since all of us 7 will start this journey the same day and we are all now banded, it would be a great special support group of each other. i will keep this thread updated, right now in the hotel and just relaxing, though anesthesia wants me to sleep i am fighting it so i sleep at night thanks :) btw i`m doing great by God's grace, very very little pain, infact discomfort scars are small, port area i can feel thanks

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Congratulations guys! One of the girls I met on my surgery date is one of my good friends now - well could it be because we email tons and when I go back there visit her. Its so nice to have friends who have been through and are going through what you have!

Again - Congratulations!

Congrats to you.. wish you all the luck !!!

may God help you in each and every way ...........

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My wife and I were banded on Feb 27. We must be two of the seven you are talking about. It's been an awesome journey so far. My wife and I were talking last night about this decision. We don't regret a thing! It's amazing to see the changes taking place in our bodies. I can tell my wife is losing weight every day. She was smoking hot before, but now....WOW! She makes me drool and slober alot. She has told me to quit licking the windows when I look in on her at her shop. Sorry I digress.

Today is the first day for us to go from clear liquids to creamy liquids. I didn't think I would be looking forward to the transition as much as I am. We went to the store last night to decide what kind of creamy soups that may interest us. Tonight its Creamy Brocolli! Music to follow I am sure.

This morning I decided to have an ooooooh sooo creamy vanilla protein shake. It tasted really nice compared to beef boulion broth. But...(and this is where it is great having a mate who is on this same journey) my lovely and talented wife reminded me of something Dr. Ortiz said the day of surgery. Challenge yourself with the band, see how little you can eat and be satisfied. Make yourself work with the band. So....I took small and slow sips. In a few minutes I had managed to drink a little more than half of it. I felt satisifed and put the rest in the refrigerator and walked away. I read an article not long ago that said a lot of people "think" they are hungry when in fact they are dehydrated. After staying on nothing but clear liquids for a week, I can say I never once was truly hungry, but I have stayed very well hydrated. As Dr. Miranda said, have some liquid with you all the time, always sipping. For me that has been having broth, water, green tea, crystal light drink mix, sugar free cider, watered down fruit juice, and black coffee on hand most of the day. Thats what I have done so far. I am 7 days post op and down 17 lbs. My hottie wife is down 16 pounds. :D

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I don't know you but I do know that you are an amazing man and you have a very lucky wife. May each step of this process be that much brighter having each other for support, love and encouragement! Hugs!


My wife and I were banded on Feb 27. We must be two of the seven you are talking about. It's been an awesome journey so far. My wife and I were talking last night about this decision. We don't regret a thing! It's amazing to see the changes taking place in our bodies. I can tell my wife is losing weight every day. She was smoking hot before, but now....WOW! She makes me drool and slober alot. She has told me to quit licking the windows when I look in on her at her shop. Sorry I digress.

Today is the first day for us to go from clear liquids to creamy liquids. I didn't think I would be looking forward to the transition as much as I am. We went to the store last night to decide what kind of creamy soups that may interest us. Tonight its Creamy Brocolli! Music to follow I am sure.

This morning I decided to have an ooooooh sooo creamy vanilla protein shake. It tasted really nice compared to beef boulion broth. But...(and this is where it is great having a mate who is on this same journey) my lovely and talented wife reminded me of something Dr. Ortiz said the day of surgery. Challenge yourself with the band, see how little you can eat and be satisfied. Make yourself work with the band. So....I took small and slow sips. In a few minutes I had managed to drink a little more than half of it. I felt satisifed and put the rest in the refrigerator and walked away. I read an article not long ago that said a lot of people "think" they are hungry when in fact they are dehydrated. After staying on nothing but clear liquids for a week, I can say I never once was truly hungry, but I have stayed very well hydrated. As Dr. Miranda said, have some liquid with you all the time, always sipping. For me that has been having broth, water, green tea, crystal light drink mix, sugar free cider, watered down fruit juice, and black coffee on hand most of the day. Thats what I have done so far. I am 7 days post op and down 17 lbs. My hottie wife is down 16 pounds. :D

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There is truly something to be said for heading into this adventure with others who not only know the struggle, but who go through it with you. The process of getting the lap-band in Mexico really gears you up. Beyond making the decision-- the anticipation, excitement and commitment that go with making travel arrangements, getting time off from work, and financial commitment -- really make it a sentinel event in your life. Going through it with others creates a sister-/brother-hood that is truly amazing. This is evidenced here on this forum. Our best to the most recent "magnificent seven"!


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