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Today is my PS day!!

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Hi all,

I am having my breast lift with aug today at Cosmed! I am at the Lucerna as we speak. Last night was crazy trying to get here. First my flight was super delayed, so I hopped on another one thinking that the OCC driver wouldn't know my flight was late. After waiting a while with no driver, I panicked and got a hotel near the SD aiport. I have no cell phone so I was so scared! But Francisco did find me there around 1:30a.m. and brought me to the Lucerna. So... I am off! I live in CA so my hubby is picking me up to drive me home this afternoon. I will let you know how it goes!!


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Hi all,

I am having my breast lift with aug today at Cosmed! I am at the Lucerna as we speak. Last night was crazy trying to get here. First my flight was super delayed, so I hopped on another one thinking that the OCC driver wouldn't know my flight was late. After waiting a while with no driver, I panicked and got a hotel near the SD aiport. I have no cell phone so I was so scared! But Francisco did find me there around 1:30a.m. and brought me to the Lucerna. So... I am off! I live in CA so my hubby is picking me up to drive me home this afternoon. I will let you know how it goes!!


Yay for you! Good vibes! See ya on the flip side!


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Can't wait to hear how it goes! Good luck!

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Hi all,

My surgery went great. I took a cab from Lucerna to Cosmed (even though it's close!) and it was smooth sailing afterwards. The OCC picked me up and the border was pretty long but not terrible. Then a 7 hour drive home with my husband, which was not too bad either. I was hurting a tiny bit more than I expected but I think I just needed a Vicodin! Can't quite tell how they look til I can take off the gauze stuff but from what I can see they look just like the pic I showed Dr Q. So now the hard part for me: not doing anything at all for a week! I almost did the dishes this morning out of habit... I am not good at relaxing!


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Sounds like you are doing quite excellent. Such a nice report. It is encouraging to know you are not in too much discomfort.

I had my boobs done 2 decades ago and I love them still.

Just curious as to what kind of implants you had and how were they inserted. Over the muscle or under.

I am amazed at your comments as well as your non discomfort levels.

The procedures have changed over the years and your sounds perfect!

Enjoy them!


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Hi all,

My surgery went great. I took a cab from Lucerna to Cosmed (even though it's close!) and it was smooth sailing afterwards. The OCC picked me up and the border was pretty long but not terrible. Then a 7 hour drive home with my husband, which was not too bad either. I was hurting a tiny bit more than I expected but I think I just needed a Vicodin! Can't quite tell how they look til I can take off the gauze stuff but from what I can see they look just like the pic I showed Dr Q. So now the hard part for me: not doing anything at all for a week! I almost did the dishes this morning out of habit... I am not good at relaxing!




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Yay for bewbies!!! I have implants and LOVE THEM. I got them when I was at one of my skinniest weights. (I was never 'skinny' but at 5'9 I think I was like 170lbs when I had them done 5 years ago.) Wow, cannot believe it's been 5 years! I had a few bumps in the road with PS - My left implant never 'dropped' so the surgeon went back in to make the pocket bigger to acommodate the implant. I was less than an A cup prior to the boob job. Then last year, my implant ruptured. EEK! It wasn't a result of impact or anything...as a matter of fact, it just started shrinking! One day, I was drying off from the shower and realized that my left one was significantly smaller than my right. I had the surgeon replace it (Mentor covered the actual implant - I only paid surgeon and anesthesia fees).

After reaching 240 lbs (my decision weight for lapband) - they are not as pretty and perky as I'd like. So I will probably get a lift or go bigger or something once I'm at goal weight. A gift to myself ;)

I'm all for PS - if it makes you feel better about yourself, heck yeah!

To the OP, I'm happy to hear you had minimal discomfort and are doing well. Again, YAY FOR BEWBIES!



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B) OK so give us the details...do you have to go back, how many times? What size did you go from and to? Under or over the muscle? Did you get cut under or around the nipple? Do you have drains? How much? Does that include any follow up?

I would love to have that done. Do tell, Do tell....

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B) OK so give us the details...do you have to go back, how many times? What size did you go from and to? Under or over the muscle? Did you get cut under or around the nipple? Do you have drains? How much? Does that include any follow up?

I would love to have that done. Do tell, Do tell....

I am doing pretty good. I am way more swollen and tight than I thought I would be! It's not really pain, but it's just discomfort. I think I did use my arms too much the first 2 days. Today I get to take a shower and then I really am going to chill out! I haven't been doing much, but I have been up and around maybe too much.

Anyway, I do not have to go back. BUT when I was there they kept saying "at your next appointment". Supposedly Joyce was supposed to tell me it IS best to come back down (which I would have if I'd known). My regular doc here has agreed to remove the stitches after 2 weeks so I don't have to spend a fortune on a plane ticket now. I was a little miffed that I wasn't told that.

Dr Q does almost always go under the muscle. I got silicone under, smooth round. I am pretty sure I'll end up with full C's which is what I want. I had a full lift too, so I have an "anchor" incision which is the big one, around nipple, down and then under the breast at the crease. No way to avoid that with a full lift. No I don't have drains. Not sure if they care about price "posting" but I paid 4300$ total. I assume that does include aftercare if needed. Dr Q is great, he called us like 5 times the first 2 days to make sure I was ok.

Now for the snag I did have - When I made the arrangements with Joyce in early Feb I clearly asked what were my choices to get home - when could I fly or drive home. I told her I lived in NorCal about 7 hours froms TJ. Anyway she said that I COULD get a ride home that day of surgery or fly home 3 days later. I chose to have my hubby pick me up and take my home that day. As I was talking to Dr Q AFTER surgery that day I said something about driving home 7 hours. He was upset. He said that that pretty much should not happen. Long story short, Joyce literally lied and told Dr Q that she "tried to convince me" that it wasn't ok to drive home! I think she ended up getting in trouble for oking that and tried to cover her ass. I haven't talked to Dr Q today yet but I am very irrirated by that. If it wasn't ok I wouldn't have done it!!! I think Quennee said something like Joyce is too busy to keep everything straight and I would agree with that. But overall I was happy there, as long as you are super clear and keep staying on top of them, I would recommend going there.

When the tape comes off next week I hope I'll get a better idea of how they'll look!


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Im glad you are doing good - Ive been wondering how you were! I bet you are excited to get the bandages off!

I am going for a consult next month...hoping to get in for may. I applied for financing today (interest lower than putting on my credit card) so I am crossing my fingers! I am nervous though. I have those same anchor incisions from when I had my reduction - so whatever he says he has to do.

Glad you are doing good - make sure to keep us posted!

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