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Friday is my tummy tuck day!

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Hi all,

This Friday is my next (and last) plastic surgery: tummy tuck and inner thigh/knee lipo. I am 15 days out from my breast lift and aug. I got the stitches out on them today and I feel better. I am pretty happy so far but it takes months (they say 6 months) before you know what they'll look like. So now I am on to the tummy/thighs. I am pretty nervous about this one. I was WAYYY more swollen and uncomfy on the breasts than I thought, but not pain really. I have 2 weeks of help with my kiddos and movies and books. The hardest part is not being able to be active! It's awful. I am not a sitting-around kind of person. I also really wanted to get a fill before my TT because I am afraid I'll sit around bored and eat (as I did the first week after my breast stuff). But alas they won't let me just in case I tighten. I will be sure to let you all know how I am this weekend. I am having this round of work done locally in Stockton CA by a very highly recommended surgeon.


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Congrats, and it’s true, its really hard to tell for 6 months - they look much better after they "simmer" down. (In other words after the swelling goes down)

I had lippo with the tummy tuck, on my back and sides - there first few days were painful so be careful with the little ones and no lifting - you can really hurt yourself. You're going to love it - and honestly it was a year for me before everything really came together - I think since I added on exercise to really start working my shape you could really see the changes. I did tighten with my tummy tuck, I think since even though they avoid our band they have to pull somewhat and that causes swelling.

All the best!


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I had a tummy tuck a few years ago and I do have not regretted it for one second. You are going to feel amazing!!! Just remember it will be painful and you will have to walk hunched over for about a week. After the first week you start to feel a lot better. I had to have someone help me out of bed because of the pain so just make sure you have someone to help you that first week. Good luck!!!

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Please follow Drs. orders! I was like you and had a hard time sitting still, When I went to the Drs. recently, they said "you didn't listen to the Dr. did you?"

I didn't understand, and they said my stomach was lopsided from not laying around like I should of after my tummy tuck. This was 8 years ago, but I remember going for a little jog and doing way to much.

I always wondered why one side was larger than the other

You will love the results, but just remember to take it easy. There will be plenty of time for all those other things.

Good luck and looking forward to hearing about your results.

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The TT does hurt and your doing everything right by planning on recovery. I had mine in the early 90's and it still looks great! It is so worth it. Best of luck to you.

I would love to know how the thigh surgery goes, and what the results look like. I would love a thigh lift but have heard that the scars get very wide. Let me know if they have new ways of doing the lift? I have too much much in the "Y" area, if you know what I mean?

Best of luck to you, happy happy happy


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Thanks everyone! I am soo excited! More so than nervous (today at least).

Barb I am not having a thigh lift, just lipo. There is a small chance that I might have excess thigh skin I HOPE not so much. Only one surgeon out of 3 said I might have some floppy skin, so fingers crossed! I will check in when I can afterwards..

I took some before pics today. Someday I might post them here if I am brave enough!

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If you don't mind me asking, what is the cost of all the plastic surgery? I'm very interested in getting those same procedures done.

Maytee :D

Hey Maytee,

I had my breast lift and augmentation at Cosmed in TJ (friend of Dr Ortiz's). For that it was 4300 total. Here in Nor California it would have been upwards of 7,000 for just that surgery.

My full tummy tuck and inner thigh and knee lipo is 9500 total. This is about average in my area for those 2 procedures.

Now, I could have had ALL that done (the breasts and TT and lipo) (and a little more lipo too) for 11,000 at Cosmed. But myself and my hubby felt more comfortable doing the major TT here locally just because it's supposedly the hardest most painful plastic surgery there is..... I have a VERY wonderful husband to let me do this all at once! Personally I didn't use the medical financing, I paid for the breast stuff on my own and then got a low interest credit card for the next round. But I did check into whatever that main financing was at it seemed high rates to me.

Good luck! I am happy so far with the breasts. At first I was worried they were too big but they look really similar to how they used to (pushed up in a bra....).


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I'm glad to hear you had a good experience at Cosmed. I would love to get the girls back where they belong. I am very interested to hear how you do with the more major TT and lower thigh lift. Please keep in touch with me. My email is ken.maytee@mac.com. Good luck and I will pray you have a smooth surgery and recovery!!!!


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I would love to know how the thigh surgery goes, and what the results look like. I would love a thigh lift but have heard that the scars get very wide. Let me know if they have new ways of doing the lift? I have too much much in the "Y" area, if you know what I mean?

From what I have been told there are two types of incisions that can be done for a thigh lift, depending on what you need done. For one kind the incision is in the groin area and will really not be visible, but it does have the most healing issues because of hygiene. For the other kind, the incision is similar to that of an arm lift in that it goes down the inner part of your thigh and will be more visible.

Luckily, my doctor thinks I can get by with the incision in the groin area if the TT does not deliver enough results on the inner thigh for me to be satisfied. He pulled things really tight during my consultation, to the point that my skin literally broke, so as to emulate the results of the TT and I could definitely see some difference in my thighs. However, I don't think it will give me enough results to be satisfied forever, but it will have to be enough until I get these other surgeries paid off. For someone who absolutely hates to be in debt for any reason other than a house, I sure have found some ways to put myself there lately.

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Good luck today! Just remember, the pain will be worth it!

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