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How many times do you eat a day?

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I have came to another plateau and I am trying to figure out what I need to do different. I know that platues happen for alot of different reasons, which I understand. I have came across SO many websites in regards to Lapband and snacking. Most of the sites says that your are NOT suppose to snack, only eat three meals a day. I have spoken with trainers and others who say that it is ok to snack (good heathly, high protein snacks) to keep your metabolism going so that you will burn calories. I was just wondering how many people do eat snacks and who just stick to their 3 meals a day.


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Hi Carrie...I so hear you and you may get a few different responses on this subject as everyone is going to be different.

When I first was banded, I did snacks...because it was a 'mental' thing with me thinking a cup of food was not enough food for my 3 main meals. But they weren't all protein snacks. I had a variety of them such as Pringles Light, 100 calories snack, etc. As time went by, I stopped with those kind of snacks and went for fruit (fresh or dried) and protein snacks in snack-size ziplock bags (my "grab-bits") and was doing this twice a day. Now I would do either one or two times a day, depending on how my day is going and my exercise routine.

Sometime, I even did a protein shake and that helped me with a 'craving' or something to just have. In addition, I do heavy core exercises daily now and having a protein shake helps rebuild my muscle mass with toning and firming.

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When I was really into my weight loss mode I only ate 3 times per day. I followed the recommended bandster life To get move through a plateau I would change the times when I’d eat – move and change my exercise program – I didn’t change how I ate or my calories just the times. (I'd eat breakfast ealier or lunch later).

Here’s how I eat – when I’m hungry, I eat – if I’m not, I don’t and you have to think of what hunger is and really focus on it – you need food to keep going – its only fuel. Only fill yourself up when needed make sure to eat the right things, healthy proteins first with veggies ect and add in exercise. You will get through the plateaus. And drink more water to flush out the toxins. And the doctor I’ve been working with now does not believe in the 5 meals per day like many of the personal trainers do, he’s into the 3 meals per day and eat only when hungry – but eat only good fuel.

One of the reasons I switched to a crossfit workout is each time I exercise the program changes to keep your body guessing. That’s what you’re trying to do, confuse your body a bit.

Remember, plateaus cannot last forever – even if you did nothing and kept up with eating less and burning more calories than you are taking in at some point the body will start losing again. But if you want to move it faster – change the pace a bit.



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Being a snacker is what got me fat in the first place. I could and would graze all day before. Especially now that I'm home with my young kids from noon onwards most weekdays (and they are always "we're hungry, we're hungry, we're hungry") it is very hard for me not to want to eat just because it is there. I struggle with this every day.

If I'm honest with myself, nine out of ten times I am not actually hungry when I want to eat. I RARELY get hungry. Now I'm trying to do what Lisa said and only eat when I am hungry. At the right fill level, we should not be hungry in between meals- providing we are eating the right meals. A good day for me is a protein shake for breakfast, protein and veggies for lunch, and protein and veggies for dinner. But, believe me, they are not all good days, lol!


I have came to another plateau and I am trying to figure out what I need to do different. I know that platues happen for alot of different reasons, which I understand. I have came across SO many websites in regards to Lapband and snacking. Most of the sites says that your are NOT suppose to snack, only eat three meals a day. I have spoken with trainers and others who say that it is ok to snack (good heathly, high protein snacks) to keep your metabolism going so that you will burn calories. I was just wondering how many people do eat snacks and who just stick to their 3 meals a day.


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I agree with you Sabrina, about the snacking and food in General. I think I do need to try what Lisa is saying, to eat when I am hungry. This reason I started snacking was because I was not hitting my 1200 calories a day and I was told that is why I was not loosing. I started doing a monring and afternoon snack so that I could hit my 1200 calories a day. I know everyone is different and maybe my body does not need the 1200 calories. Also Jazzy brought up the fact that she had started snacking on fruit. I too have started fruit in place one the 100 calories snack packs, I snack on either a piece of fruit or a protein bar, gives me my sweet kick.

I will finish the day on my "schedule" and I think tomorrow I am going to eat ONLY when I am hungry and see how that works for a bit. Alot of the time I am eating because it is 10:00 am and it is time for my snack, not because I am hungry. There are very few times that I can say that I was actually hungry, where your stomach hurts due to hunger. I am eating because "I need those 1200 calories"......hmmmmmmmm


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When I asked Dr. Miranda how many calories I needed each day she said calorie counting was not necessary. She told me to measure my foods and to just make sure I was eating 1/3 of what I used to eat. To tell you the truth, I probably average less than 700 calories everyday because I feel restriction with my first fill.

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Great topic

I have been stuck at this weight for 2 weeks and I workout every morning before work and 2 days a week is with a personal trainer and I drink 150-200oz of water a day... so i couldnt figure out why I wasnt losing so I got a food journal and realized how much I am eating due to my "snacks" at work. I work around 11 hours a day and I was popping things in my mouth all the time without realizing it. I have kept track of my food all of this week and Im trying to figure out where I am going wrong and Im trying to cut out the snacks.

I think its time for me to get another fill because I can eat more now... but right now money is tight...

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I really try hard to only eat three meals a day. When I do snack, I try to keep it small a piece of cheese or 100 calorie pack. I have been slacking bad though - grazing and not eating good foods, so I am kicking myself in the rear and getting back on track. I am not letting myself get another fill until I do.

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I was on a plateau for 3.5 months. Since my third fill in February I've lost 21 lbs. Now I'm back on a plateau. I'm pretty sure that I only lose well if I eat about 1000 calories a day and work out 4x a week. But I can tell my fill is starting to loosen up a bit, but like many money is tight right now so I'm going to try and milk this fill for another month. Right now, I'm just desperately trying to lose these last 8 lbs. in the 200's so I can be in the 100's. Now that I've had my last finals, I have almost three weeks off before summer school and my goal is to try and get under 200. I really want to be in the 180's by my one year bandiversary in August. I think it's doable, but these plateaus are really annoying when you try to do everything right. :) Gook Luck to all of us!

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I agree with Lisa, eat when you are hungry. But for me I do get hungry during the day and a snack is a must (I get a bad bad stabbing shoulder/neck pain if I am hungry so that is my trigger!). However I really only eat 4 maybe 5 times a day. I eat when I am hungry and what I am hungry for, in the morning it usually is a protein shake because I'm very tight and just worked out. In the afternoon it might be salad and a couple of hard boiled eggs. But the afternoon when I am working I truly get hungry and either eat an all natural whole grain popcorn, some almonds, or sometime just 1 cheese stick light. I always make sure to measure out my snacks so not to overdo it but normally a whole serving is too much. I loose better when I eat more than 3 times a day and I have a lot more energy, but if I'm not hungry I'm not hungry. Plateaus SUCK so you need to know what is right for you, because obviously we all have our own special techniques. Good luck and we know you can get through this!!!


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What does everyone think about having to hit 1200 calories a day. Lisa do you eat 1200 calories a day? Maybe I am just stuck on thinking I have to eat this amount to loose. Again most of the things I have researched says that you will not loose if you eat under this. I think I need to really rethink what I am doing and stop trying to eat 1200 calories a day and just eat my three meals or when I am hungry and see how that works. Currently I am eating 1200 calories a day, 60 oz of water a day and round 85-90 grams of protein a day.


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In order to lose, I need to eat less than 1200 cals (About 900 per day seems to do the trick for me) but that is just me and I do not exercise. I also eat less protein, only about 60 grams per day. Again, I will up that when I get my butt back in gear!


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When I was focus on losing I did not eat 1200 calories a day. I was really focused on portion control and three meals a day. It’s hard to do when you're eating truly bandster style. I was right on par with Sabrina.

I may eat 1200 calories a day now – (most likely not, but sometimes more, sometimes less) and I just maintain. I do believe that since I was obese for so long, and I am going through menopause that I cannot eat as many calories as most women - I would most likely gain my weight back if I did. That's why I'm so focused on eating healthy and organic - I need to do more with less.


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If you're concerned that eating snacks adds extra calories to your daily intake, then try what I do. I'll divide my main meal into a couple of portions. A lot of times, I'll have a whole wheat pita stuffed with a couple of slices of turkey and every veggie you can think of and maybe a piece of fruit. I'll cut the sandwich in half, eat 1/2 for lunch and save the other half for when I badly need a snack, which always hits me at about 3 or 4 pm. and I'm sure you can do this with any of the meals. you'll be getting the same number of calories but throughout the day and not in one sitting. I've also tried to keep track of when I tend to snack and it's always around the same times.

about 3 or 4 pm and after 8 pm. I think because I eat lunch around 1 and then dinner's not til 6ish, that's a long stretch without any food (5 sometimes 6 hrs) so naturally we get hungry. the night cravings are just out of habit. you know feeling the need to be munching on something while watching TV or a little something with my tea.

I've dealt with the daytime snacking, I just need to conquer the evening ones. those are the ones getting me in trouble. I know it's frustrating but at least you've realized this, are analyzing your diet, and making changes where necessary. That's awesome!

good luck,


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