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So Freakin' Close!

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I cannot believe it--I'm 9.5 months out and finally, I can almost taste 199! 202 this morning. I truly might cry the day I look at the scale and see a '1' instead of a '2'. I just turned 29 a couple of weeks ago and I have not been this weight since 7th grade.

You want to know something else, too? I never realized I didn't have confidence when I was 250 lbs. I always thought that I would be a 'big' girl and I was always told I had a 'pretty' face and I believed I would always be the fat friend or the third wheel. I had one boyfriend through my twenties and never dated. Last week, I went out on two dates with two different dudes who both told me I was beautiful, which was flattering not only because they told me, but because I finally believed it. I know I still have a bit of a ways to go, but it is truly amazing that I feel 'normal' for once and comfortable in my own skin. And I am thankful for this forum and I will continue to journey alongside all of you in our quests for our outsides to match our insides. :)

So, after all that mushiness--anyone else close to onederland??

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Holy hot stuff! Great photo- your confidence is oozing out of it and confidence is so sexy. Have fun dating and may the best man win, haha!


ps- I joined "onederland" a few weeks ago!

Congrats on "onederland"! Love your new photo! Yeah, my friend told me to pose so, I posed where you couldn't see the hanging skin on my arms. :) Thank you! I feel really good.

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WOW! You look great at 202, I don't think I looked that good at 175. I am so jealous that you were able to make this life change at the age of 29. I would have loved to have been able to do this 7 years ago and can only imagine how different the last seven years would have been, but at least I was able to do it last year.

Congratulations and keep on keeping on!

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WOW! You look great at 202, I don't think I looked that good at 175. I am so jealous that you were able to make this life change at the age of 29. I would have loved to have been able to do this 7 years ago and can only imagine how different the last seven years would have been, but at least I was able to do it last year.

Congratulations and keep on keeping on!

At least you did it and you look great! I get that "you don't look like you weigh 200+ pounds" all the time, I think it's 'cause I'm 5'9 and carry it all over--basically an even spread of fat, if you will. :)

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OMGosh !!!!!!!!!!! YES. I dont think that I am going to EVER get there! I have been trying to get there and have came to a holt. It get so frustating at time, however You look AMAZING! You will get there!!!


I lose in spurts. I stayed at a 20 pound loss (all lost on the liquid phase) for the first 4 months, then lost 10 pounds with my second fill over 3 months and now I've lost the other 16 pounds with the third since February. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need another fill within a month or so, but I admit, once I saw 207 and the 100's were in sight, I've been busting my ass at the gym 5x a week. Also, I gain and lose the same 3 pounds a bunch before the scale moves "for good." It's really strange, actually.

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I lose in spurts. I stayed at a 20 pound loss (all lost on the liquid phase) for the first 4 months, then lost 10 pounds with my second fill over 3 months and now I've lost the other 16 pounds with the third since February. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need another fill within a month or so, but I admit, once I saw 207 and the 100's were in sight, I've been busting my ass at the gym 5x a week. Also, I gain and lose the same 3 pounds a bunch before the scale moves "for good." It's really strange, actually.

I am the exact same way! I carry my weight all over and I am 5'9" and people don't think I weigh as much as I do - but the scale is the same for me, I go back and forth for a week losing and gaining the same few pounds before I finally stick at that weight. Its so frustrating! lol

Good luck on getting into onderland! it wont be too much longer :)

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I cannot believe it--I'm 9.5 months out and finally, I can almost taste 199! 202 this morning. I truly might cry the day I look at the scale and see a '1' instead of a '2'. I just turned 29 a couple of weeks ago and I have not been this weight since 7th grade.

You want to know something else, too? I never realized I didn't have confidence when I was 250 lbs. I always thought that I would be a 'big' girl and I was always told I had a 'pretty' face and I believed I would always be the fat friend or the third wheel. I had one boyfriend through my twenties and never dated. Last week, I went out on two dates with two different dudes who both told me I was beautiful, which was flattering not only because they told me, but because I finally believed it. I know I still have a bit of a ways to go, but it is truly amazing that I feel 'normal' for once and comfortable in my own skin. And I am thankful for this forum and I will continue to journey alongside all of you in our quests for our outsides to match our insides. :)

So, after all that mushiness--anyone else close to onederland??

Congrats!! You look great and I am so happy for you! It feels good to have confidence and feel beautiful! Good luck on your continuing journey, I know you will make it!

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You will be there before you know it!!! When I got back into a size 12 pants I stood in the fitting room at Ann Taylor and cried like a baby! Thank God they didn't hear me! As you hit each milestone - take time to appreciate it. Do something nice for yourself and make sure you take pictures. I took pics every 10 lbs and even though with some of those there wasn't a noticable change, i'm really glad i did it. It is nice now to look back at.

Keep up the great work!!!

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I have 14 pounds to go and then I will be under 200, it is killing me. I want to get under there soo bad. I am so happy for people who get to experience it. I want to get there.!!!!

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I have 14 pounds to go and then I will be under 200, it is killing me. I want to get under there soo bad. I am so happy for people who get to experience it. I want to get there.!!!!


How are your classes going?


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You look amazing!! Good for you! Before you know it you will be in onederland. I am so close now I can feel it. I got a fill on May 5th and weighed in at 216.5 and today I am 205. I can't wait to see a 1 on the scale. I think I am going to cry, scream and freak!!


I love your new picture!! You look beautiful. Congrats on your weightloss of 50lbs at 7 months that is wonderful.

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I gain and lose the same 3 pounds a bunch before the scale moves "for good.

I hated those 3-4 lb. gains and losses that played mind games with me.

Lucky you for being 5' 9". I was in the lobby at my plastic surgeons office the other day and someone asked if there was anything they couldn't do. I said yes, they can't make me taller. I am 5' 4.75" and feel lucky to be that tall as my mother is only 5', but boy how I wish I could be 5' 7". Of course if I was 5' 7" I would probably want to be 5' 9" - such a vicious circle.

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Awesome!!! I realized this past week that at age 12 I went to weight watchers for the first time weighing in at 201 so I have been big since about age 6-7 thought I could keep up with an older brother, you know he eats 5 oreo cookies so can I at a very young age. Well I am now only 21# away from the one hundreds!!! can't believe it!!

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