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Eating pace

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I have a question I've been wondering about.

This morning, I made myself and eggwhite with lowfat cheese sandwich on a whole wheat english muffin. in 15 minutes I had managed to eat half of it and I was feeling full (and tired of eating sooo slow)... however, if I had sat there 30-40 minutes, I could have gotten all of it down.

Should we be trying to eat most of our meal so that our calories aren't too low and we get our nutrients or do you stop immediately when you feel full? I stopped this morning, but sometimes I sit at the table and try to wait for food to go down and eat a bit more.

I know it sounds silly and people will think STOP WHEN YOUR FULL, but sometimes i get the full feeling after two bites. Thats why I am asking. Im afraid if I stop too soon I will be hungry again quickly and end up eating more throughout the day.

Thanks for the help!

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I know exactly what you mean. I was wondering the same thing. But it is so hard to stop so soon. My counselor told me 30-45 min per meal and we shold eat about 1/3 of what you normally would. I am the fastest eater you have ever seen. I am trying to slow down. We need some advice from some veterens. I am only losing about a pound a week and to be honest I am not exercising.

I would like to lose 2 lbs per week and I know how to do it.


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That is a common issue I think. I have heard from 2 docs to stop eating 20-30 min after you start. This includes how slow we have to eat. But I am so with you on sometimes trying for longer. Personally I usually eat several bites and then wait a while and then eat some more. Especially if I didn't get much to eat throughout the day for whatever reason. Some days if I do stop I do finish the meal hours later. Or not. It just really depends. I think just listen to your body. But I wouldn't make a habit of sitting for 40 min and trying to get down more food if you don't want/need it right then. That's kind of the point of the band. Maybe try a little smaller of bites? That way you can get more in before 20/30 min and you might not get hungry too soon?


p.s. your avatar pic looks great!

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Dr. Miranda told me to stop after 20 minutes.

Now if I would just remember to follow that rule. ;)

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good thread!

...my meals take about 30 minutes to complete.

if not, like most of you said, i'd be full after 2 bites.

there are days were i do only a few bites, and i feel 'done' ... then my boyfriend takes over, and eats it before i get a second chance! ;)

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I will make oatmeal at work and eat it between seeing clients.. it can take me from 8am - 12pm some times to finish an entire serving... a lot of times I get tired and throw 1/2 of it away but it all depends on how I'm feeling. For me there is a definite I'M FINISHED and cannot eat another bite feeling... and then there is a MEH... I can keep eating but it'll take awhile.

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Thanks everyone! I usually eat for about 20 mins and then I know I will start to PB if I keep eating and I just stop, the mornings are harder because alot of times solid food is tough to get down anyway. Just wanted to make sure I was doing what everyone else was doing! lol :)

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I've also heard about 20 to 30 minutes and you should stop. I haven't been good at this, but my goal also for this week is to start measuring. I've been told about 2-3 oz of meat then about 1/4 cup of veggies and if you are still hungry 1/4 cup of potatoes/carbs. I've also heard if it is more like pasta, oatmeal, etc...to only do 1 cup. Just got another fill so i'm going to really focus on my portions. It's always hard b/c you want to make sure you eat enough so you aren't hungry an hour later then eating around the band, but want to not eat if I am full. Tough one! But i'm gonna stick with the measuring and see how i do.

Good luck!

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