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Not sure if I should be concerned

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Today has been very weird. I have felt like I have a lump in my throat. I had some problem eating my breakfast so I only nibbled and then lunch got stuck and I threw up some spit and I think a piece of food. Then my 5:00 I got the shakes and did not feel well at all, I have not had shakes like that before. I thought maybe I am low on vitamins. I have had a salad and I am drinking gaterade. I called and made appt for next Friday for a little unfil because the phelgm issue is still bothering me. I think I am catching something and the phelgm is getting thicker, hense causing me to have this lump in my throat. It seems like the more phelgm I get the more uncomfortable I feel. But yet I can eat dinner fine and I am drinking just fine. I can drink all day with no problem. I dont think I have ever had a problem drinking things. I'm am not sure if a slight unfill is the thing to do but I dont think the phelgm is going to go away. I got my fill in May and I think it has been here since then. Not sure. I am losing and I dont want to wreck that, but what if I do get sick, if the phelgm gets thicker then this lump is really going to be bad. What does everything think? Is this normal to have kinda a weird feeling in your throat? But yet have no problems with liquids or dinner? And what about phlegm, anyone else have it? the dr did not seem concerned but she is not in town until next Friday. She told me that if I get to uncomfortable to go on liquids and stay away from milk. Has anyone had the shakes before? What could cause that? Maybe I caught a bug...

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I’ve had colds before where the phlegm and mucus have coated my throat and made my band tighter. I've had the shakes before, it’s a clear sign you most likely needs some extra vitamins and protein to keep you going. I wouldn't be too worried if was just a small bout; just make sure you're eating right in the future. (since you told your doc and she's not to worried - I wouldn't be).

In regards to the swelling from phlegm, for me it’s always worse in the AM since we’re lying down throughout the night and better at night since we’re up during the day and don’t’ have as much congestion. It’s likely this has caused swelling (especially if you’re coughing or clearing your throat to get rid of the phlegm) and it continues to get aggravated so you’re smart to go in and get checked out.

Take care and hope you're feeling better soon, don't stress too much about it - that only makes it worse.


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thanks for responding. I did note that my monthly started this morning so maybe that caused the shakes too. Not sure. I actually took my vitamin today too. hmm.

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