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I am so excited. Awesome NSV

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I am so excited and had to share it with all my band friends. As you know from my stats I was a 5-6 x size when I first got banded. Today I went shopping with my daughter at Walmart. I saw this really cute pair of yoga pants on sale for $12.00. They were a size large. I grabbed them without trying them on because my plan was to take them home and hang them on my closet door for motivation. You know a goal to strive for.

Anyways I got home and decided to try them on to see how small they would be on me and oh my gosh they actually fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did a huge happy dance in my house. I am officially out of Pennington sizes and can buy off of normal store racks. I am so excited I could just shout for joy.

Thank you everyone for all your encouragement and support. Getting banded has been the best decision that I have ever made in my life and I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo thrilled to be doing this journey with all of you.


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You are doing so wonderful!

That is an absolutely fantastic NSV.

I am so proud of you. You Rock! :)



Thanks much Kristi. I am so happy to be able to share it with everyone.


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That is so awesome you are doing fantastic!!!! The day I called and cancelled my Lane Bryant card was a huge day!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!

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