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I had to go away for awhile from the forum in order to get my head together and get my moment of clarity. I was going to stay away for about a week but there are a couple of epiphanies that happened today that prompted me to return.

The first one is that I am being really selfish. By staying off the board I am denying help to the people who read my posts but choose to remain silent. These can be non-members, potential members, lurkers, or just people who are shy. The thought of going away instead of potentially helping someone breaks my heart.

Second, I woke up this morning questioning my food choices and the thought occurred to me that maybe I am choosing slider foods thus no restriction. I spoke to 2 people about my theory. One person is a member on this forum that I called this morning and another person is a banded person from another board I belong to and they both said the same thing: There is NOTHING I can do that I am not doing already until I get good restriction. They both said go on in for that 4th fill and don’t look back and don’t second guess.

Lastly, many of you might suspect, if you don’t already know that I have been off my rocker emotionally for the last several days because the band is not working, blah, blah, blah (and it’s not, but there is NOTHING I can do about that so I am letting it go)…So I decided to go back on a certain anti-depressant as of Friday. I am only mentioning this because it is the BEST medication ever invented. Okay, no seriously, I mention this for the following reasons:

It was prescribed to me as a smoking aid, which incidentally does not seem to be working, but the beauty of it is that unlike other anti-depressants it does not make me drowsy or give me that drugged up feeling & works immediately so I do not have to wait 2 – 4 weeks to feel different. I feel better on it emotionally and it has benefits: 1. Major appetite suppressant. I kind of forget to eat when taking it or put off eating for long periods of time due to being busy doing other things. That brings up the second benefit, it give me enough energy to keep me moving and motivated but not too much energy like a crash and burn. The third benefit is that it gives me a slight dry mouth so I drink plenty of water throughout the day.

So to sum up it is an anti-depressant that does not make you feel drugged up (I believe this is due to it being a time released tablet), has the side effect of making you loose weight instead of gaining it, may help to stop smoking (jury is still out on this one), and you do not have to wait a month for the darn thing to kick in and you will be motivated to do your Spring cleaning in the middle of winter.

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Welcome back! I was glad to see you posting your food diaries still. Hang tough and you'll get through this and to your sweet spot. Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, we're all rooting for you and want to see you succeed. We're all in the same boat here and rely on each other for support and knowledge.

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Welcome back! I was glad to see you posting your food diaries still. Hang tough and you'll get through this and to your sweet spot. Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, we're all rooting for you and want to see you succeed. We're all in the same boat here and rely on each other for support and knowledge.

Yah, judging by that comment you made to my last post, your right it does'nt always seem like your rooting for me. :unsure: Kinda made me ask myself how would you feel if I succeeded? :blink: I guess were about to find out. I kept posting my food and activity journals for those who appriciate them and to keep me accountable.

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Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they aren't rooting you on. Some of the biggest pushes I got were from someone that wasn't commiserating with me. Anyway, go out and succeed in spite of the obstacles.

You having a difference of opinion does not bother me one bit. After all, "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to my death your right to say it." Your statement that I am the only one struggling with this band when A) that would truly make me a scientific experiment and B- just as unlikely is that everyone worldwide who has this band is having success with it, makes me feel like I am all alone with no one in the bleachers though.

I am a member of different forums and boards besides this one and I can tell you that I am not so cleaver as to make up these concerns on my own. Believe you me these concerns with this band have been brought up by others long before me.

In all honesty though, like someone mentioned today, it is a new band and whether or not it is just as successful as the other bands, well only time will tell.

The feeling is mutual; I hope you are just as successful at your 4 month bandiversary as I am at mine.

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You having a difference of opinion does not bother me one bit. After all, "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to my death your right to say it." Your statement that I am the only one struggling with this band when A) that would truly make me a scientific experiment and B- just as unlikely is that everyone worldwide who has this band is having success with it, makes me feel like I am all alone with no one in the bleachers though.

I am a member of different forums and boards besides this one and I can tell you that I am not so cleaver as to make up these concerns on my own. Believe you me these concerns with this band have been brought up by others long before me.

In all honesty though, like someone mentioned today, it is a new band and whether or not it is just as successful as the other bands, well only time will tell.

The feeling is mutual; I hope you are just as successful at your 4 month bandiversary as I am at mine.

Not sure anyone following your struggle thought you were trying to be "clever" or "makin' it up". I think we have all at some point seen ourselves following the rules, only to see our bodies act fickle and not drop the poundage at the rate we would love--some to the point of asking "why did I get this thing anyway?" You are smart to keep posting your activity and food logs. And, for the record, never doubt that everyone here is rootin' for you!! :)

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Yes, I don't think anyone doesn't want you to succeed. Even the ones disagreeing with you! I want everyone to succeed, because I know how much it sucks not being at your ideal weight... I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I try the "tough love" approach because sometimes you just gotta say what is on your mind and not sugar-coat it! I do the same thing with people in my life. Anyway, good luck and may we all succeed. :)

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I had to go away for awhile from the forum in order to get my head together and get my moment of clarity. I was going to stay away for about a week but there are a couple of epiphanies that happened today that prompted me to return.

The first one is that I am being really selfish. By staying off the board I am denying help to the people who read my posts but choose to remain silent. These can be non-members, potential members, lurkers, or just people who are shy. The thought of going away instead of potentially helping someone breaks my heart.

Second, I woke up this morning questioning my food choices and the thought occurred to me that maybe I am choosing slider foods thus no restriction. I spoke to 2 people about my theory. One person is a member on this forum that I called this morning and another person is a banded person from another board I belong to and they both said the same thing: There is NOTHING I can do that I am not doing already until I get good restriction. They both said go on in for that 4th fill and don’t look back and don’t second guess.

Lastly, many of you might suspect, if you don’t already know that I have been off my rocker emotionally for the last several days because the band is not working, blah, blah, blah (and it’s not, but there is NOTHING I can do about that so I am letting it go)…So I decided to go back on a certain anti-depressant as of Friday. I am only mentioning this because it is the BEST medication ever invented. Okay, no seriously, I mention this for the following reasons:

It was prescribed to me as a smoking aid, which incidentally does not seem to be working, but the beauty of it is that unlike other anti-depressants it does not make me drowsy or give me that drugged up feeling & works immediately so I do not have to wait 2 – 4 weeks to feel different. I feel better on it emotionally and it has benefits: 1. Major appetite suppressant. I kind of forget to eat when taking it or put off eating for long periods of time due to being busy doing other things. That brings up the second benefit, it give me enough energy to keep me moving and motivated but not too much energy like a crash and burn. The third benefit is that it gives me a slight dry mouth so I drink plenty of water throughout the day.

So to sum up it is an anti-depressant that does not make you feel drugged up (I believe this is due to it being a time released tablet), has the side effect of making you loose weight instead of gaining it, may help to stop smoking (jury is still out on this one), and you do not have to wait a month for the darn thing to kick in and you will be motivated to do your Spring cleaning in the middle of winter.

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Hugs to you. I can so relate to your post. (I love ww too btw, I've been trying to find a calorie/point tracker that compares to theirs...nothing comes close). I wish I would have stayed on the boards and not taken a nine month break. (Well I think I came back and posted 3 or 4 times...but basically I took a 9 month break.) If I wouldn't have taken a break, I would have known that I wasn't alone.


I had to go away for awhile from the forum in order to get my head together and get my moment of clarity. I was going to stay away for about a week but there are a couple of epiphanies that happened today that prompted me to return.

The first one is that I am being really selfish. By staying off the board I am denying help to the people who read my posts but choose to remain silent. These can be non-members, potential members, lurkers, or just people who are shy. The thought of going away instead of potentially helping someone breaks my heart.

Second, I woke up this morning questioning my food choices and the thought occurred to me that maybe I am choosing slider foods thus no restriction. I spoke to 2 people about my theory. One person is a member on this forum that I called this morning and another person is a banded person from another board I belong to and they both said the same thing: There is NOTHING I can do that I am not doing already until I get good restriction. They both said go on in for that 4th fill and don’t look back and don’t second guess.

Lastly, many of you might suspect, if you don’t already know that I have been off my rocker emotionally for the last several days because the band is not working, blah, blah, blah (and it’s not, but there is NOTHING I can do about that so I am letting it go)…So I decided to go back on a certain anti-depressant as of Friday. I am only mentioning this because it is the BEST medication ever invented. Okay, no seriously, I mention this for the following reasons:

It was prescribed to me as a smoking aid, which incidentally does not seem to be working, but the beauty of it is that unlike other anti-depressants it does not make me drowsy or give me that drugged up feeling & works immediately so I do not have to wait 2 – 4 weeks to feel different. I feel better on it emotionally and it has benefits: 1. Major appetite suppressant. I kind of forget to eat when taking it or put off eating for long periods of time due to being busy doing other things. That brings up the second benefit, it give me enough energy to keep me moving and motivated but not too much energy like a crash and burn. The third benefit is that it gives me a slight dry mouth so I drink plenty of water throughout the day.

So to sum up it is an anti-depressant that does not make you feel drugged up (I believe this is due to it being a time released tablet), has the side effect of making you loose weight instead of gaining it, may help to stop smoking (jury is still out on this one), and you do not have to wait a month for the darn thing to kick in and you will be motivated to do your Spring cleaning in the middle of winter.

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