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Just Banded on 3/15/10

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Let me first start by saying....WOW.

Just had surgery on the 15th and wanted to give a little feedback on the anesthesia because this is what I was most concerned about before going into surgery.

I've been put "under" for a few surgeries and always had bad experiences with it. Trouble waking up, forgetting to breathe, a burning sensation when first getting put under.

My experience with the OCC is literally the BEST experience that I've had being put under before in my life. I even told Dr. So after the surgery that they really need to teach doctors in the states how to put patients under.

The feeling while going under was as a heavy sleep. I didn't feel any type of stinging or burning that I have during U.S surgeries. As for waking up, I have never been so alert and awake after anesthesia as I was at OCC.

I do believe that these doctors, nurses and staff are blessed and truly working to better the lives of many of their patients.

I was comfortable, taken care of, checked on plenty of times, met some other amazing patients and felt safe the entire time including at the hotel.

They are a one of a kind bunch. I wasn't sure about returning for fills since I'm flying from Alaska - but it's worth it to get this type of care again. I trusted them with my life and they truly never took that lightly and in turn have given me a hope for a better life for my future.

For anyone that's worried about the anesthesia as I was, it's truly unlike any other experience I've had. This is the best experience with any medical procedure that I've ever had.

God bless to all of the talented hands that work and operate the OCC

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I am glad everything went okay and I am glad you brought work with you to do at the hotel. Very ambitious of you! A girl after my own heart. The weather probably beats Alaska by a long shot too :lol: We are actually about 10-15 degrees colder this time of year normally however we are having a heat wave. Now get off you computer, put on a swim suit and go lay out by the pool and order a pina colada!

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B2010, thanks so much for posting this. I've had terrible problems with anesthesia also. So much that when having back surgery I was more terrified of the anesthesia and that was a scary experience waking up surrounded by a medical team with everyone saying "Ok.. ok.. here she comes" when I started coming to. Then the shaking, terrible chill from my core, and nausea starts and at least a full day of being out of it.

I told all of this to Dr. Ortiz and he assured me that I wouldn't have that problem and then took me and my husband the back for a tour. He had just finished his surgeries prior to meeting us and these two women were already up and around walking! I couldn't believe it. When I had my surgery I was up and about right away.

Thank you so much for describing it so well and for posting it.

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Oh that's right!! You better call the waiter back and make it a martini or Melon Ball :lol: . Dr. So says as long as you can see through it you can drink it ;) White wine is also good as far as Dr. Ortiz is concerned so your in good hands at the Lucerna :D

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Oh that's right!! You better call the waiter back and make it a martini or Melon Ball laugh.gif . Dr. So says as long as you can see through it you can drink it wink.gif White wine is also good as far as Dr. Ortiz is concerned so your in good hands at the Lucerna biggrin.gif

Dr. Ortiz recommended white wine the day after surgery? He just told me that alcohol was empty calories and not to drink my calories. I'm cornfused. wacko.gif

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Dr. Ortiz recommended white wine the day after surgery? He just told me that alcohol was empty calories and not to drink my calories. I'm cornfused. wacko.gif

Oh wow! We certainly did have two very different conversations did'nt we? He said a glass a day was fine and perfectly healthy (by the way he said this to both my mother and I) Maybe it is beacuse he knew that my mother and I knew that a glass of wine is approximately 100 calories for 8 ounces? Or maybe it is becuase he was speaking of alcohol in general with you or mixed drinks rather then wine specifically?

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My mom was told wine was ok, also. Nobody told me that, but probably because I wasn't planning on drinking any and I didn't ask. Alcohol is empty calories generally and I would hesitate to start drinking empty calories the day after surgery... try to stick with the meal plan given to you by Dr. Miranda and if you are miserable have a glass of wine. That was my motto but I was never miserable enough to have one, just had a couple the night of a big event (couldn't eat the food so I had the wine instead), which was a week or so post-op.

Just remember you are trying to lose weight here not gain it! :)

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21 days of liquids after surgery. B2010 just had surgery - she is on liquids for the next 21 days. If she chooses to have a glass of wine or a martini or a cranberry vodka then she should have one and enjoy it by all means! An ounce of alcohol is 100 calories (a shooter) and she is in Mexico lounging at a beautiful hotel. Give the gal a freaking break and do not make her feel guilty for something that she may or may not want to do and give her credit for being an intellegent adult.

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21 days of liquids after surgery. B2010 just had surgery - she is on liquids for the next 21 days. If she chooses to have a glass of wine or a martini or a cranberry vodka then she should have one and enjoy it by all means! An ounce of alcohol is 100 calories (a shooter) and she is in Mexico lounging at a beautiful hotel. Give the gal a freaking break and do not make her feel guilty for something that she may or may not want to do and give her credit for being an intellegent adult.

Oh brother! Have a drink and settle down. lol Grats on being down 19 lbs btw.

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Guess I could have chimed in earlier....I'm not much of a drinker. usually only have it during the holidays or out with friends. maybe I'd consider it if I had someone to have a glass with :) hopefully next time when I come down for my fill I'll be able to have a little bit more fun. Dr. So was mentioning the cool wine area there in Baja that I'd be sure to check out next time since i've never been down to this area before.

It's beautiful btw - can't wait to come back and enjoy it :)

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I would be afraid to drink a glass of wine myself...knowing myself as I do....I would end up drinking the whole bottle! I'd be having a fiesta instead of siesta!

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I would be afraid to drink a glass of wine myself...knowing myself as I do....I would end up drinking the whole bottle! I'd be having a fiesta instead of siesta!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Best laugh I've had in days! Are you in the St. Pat's Irish Ode mood too? You should totally do an Ode To Wine and post it to the forum! please? :D

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I just figured since one person is encouraging newbies to drink alcohol, maybe we needed someone encouraging people to stay on a weight-loss track. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. I can go eat a big mac from McDonald's right now since I am not on liquids.. but SHOULD I? Probably not... I take the same attitude with alcohol. I will drink it occasionally as a treat.

I just thought it was a little weird to encourage someone newly banded to order a cocktail...so felt I had to say something. And no thanks on any of your "lube". :blink:

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It's amazing, prior to my pre-op diet I drank EVERY night. Either beer or champagne. I LOVED Pilsner Urquell and I LOVEd my Brut Methode Champenoise champagne. I drank wine too when I didn't have the other available. I was told to quit drinking 2 weeks prior to surgery, well my surgery got postponed, so I quit drinking well over a month before surgery. We spent New Years Eve at home and I didn't drink because my surgery was scheduled for 1/9 (then 1/22 then 1/29).

Anway... short story long... I really don't have a desire to drink anymore. I don't want those empty calories right now and I know that when I would drink I stopped paying attention to what I ate. Kinda like how some get sexually loose after a few cocktails (beer goggles, anyone?) well, I got food loose. Instead of asking, "I slept with WHO???!" I'd ask, "I ate WHAT?!!"

I also doubt that I'd be logging all my drinki-poos into my food log. I'm not getting on anyone for imbibing. I'm just saying that as a 2 beer or 2 glass a night person I'm not drinking anymore. I thought that once I had my surgery I'd switch to wine (not carbonated) but nope. My husband has a glass every night and I had a sip recently and I thought.. "eh, not worth the calories". I mean, I just had freaking SURGERY in order to lose weight, I don't want to sabotage it. Ima be an alcohol miser and just bring it out for special occassions.

Having said that, what helped me pre-op was drinking sparkling water. Can't do that Post-Op of course. I've never liked soft drinks but I seem to like the fizzy of the beer and champagne and sparkling water in a pretty Tinkerbell champagne glass every night made me think I was drinking something pretty. I guess I'll start drinking my SmartWater out of my Tinkerbell flutes.

Here's a snippet of something Lindsay posted and I think the entire post is very informative. Robert Atkins (Atkins Diet?) said this:

""Here's the problem with all alcoholic beverages, and the reason I recommend refraining from alcohol consumption on the diet. Alcohol, whenever taken in, is the first fuel to burn. While that's going on, your body will not burn fat. This does not stop the weight loss, it simply postpones it, since the alcohol does not store as glycogen, and you immediately go back into ketosis/lipolysis after the alcohol is used up...."

Here's the entire post.


I'm not saying I will NEVER drink again, I am looking forward to one of the Marriott Hotel's Margaritas, but until I reach my goal weight I want to make my calories count. I'll have some wine now and again, maybe a margarita, but it will be sparse. Then when I reach my goal weight, I want to STAY there so, I plan on being careful with it then too. That's my hope anyway. ;)

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Nobody had a conversation w/ me regarding alcohol there, but as a 5x weight watcher I still have it and just count it in my calorie intake. I didn't start drinking again until after my 21 days, but nobody said yea or nay to it. I was just scared that on only liquids that my tolerance would be shot! :wacko:

I know that alcohol is empty calories, but I like to drink and be social and I refuse to feel like i'm on a diet so I still have it. I choose wine sometimes but when at home mostly drinks like vodka and crystal light or other low sugar juices to keep it low.

Had to laugh on the wine b/c i'm not sure one glass is possible in our house! One day I had someone telling me about these cute wine toppers they had bought and I was like why did you need toppers and they said for any you have left so it doesn't go bad. I was like, you have wine left at the end of the night?! :lol:

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Had to laugh on the wine b/c i'm not sure one glass is possible in our house! One day I had someone telling me about these cute wine toppers they had bought and I was like why did you need toppers and they said for any you have left so it doesn't go bad. I was like, you have wine left at the end of the night?! :lol:

Ha! This totally hit the nail on the head with me! I just can't be trusted with it. I've NEVER had left over wine. Seriously! And actually, because of this, I decided to give up drinking altogether. Not forever, but I thought it would be a good one to give up for Lent. Prior to surgery I'd drink 5 nights a week-easily. So now I'm 4 weeks in ( to Lent that is )and haven't struggled at all. But I've also not allowed any temptations. I actually found a great recipe that called for white wine. So instead of buying a bottle (and probably drinking what I didn't cook with) I bought those little mini 4 packs instead. This way I can cook with it and not be tempted (or AS tempted) to drink it.

I guess it's all about moderation. With food AND alcohol. Some have the control and some don't. And I don't! So, for now, I say no to even a sip.

But for the love of Pete- someone have a cocktail for me! :) HAHA!

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One day I had someone telling me about these cute wine toppers they had bought and I was like why did you need toppers and they said for any you have left so it doesn't go bad. I was like, you have wine left at the end of the night?! laugh.gif

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard I almost blew out my port! Ouch.

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((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) Welcome fellow bandito!

First, I want to congratulate you for taking the most important first step in improving your life! I am so glad you posted this. About a year ago (according to a San Francisco Lapband doctor) I almost died because while under general anesthesia I went into anaphylactic shock. Thus this incident became known as Lapband Surgery attempt part 1. Needless to say, I didn't get the band on that date.

I did eventually get the band in late May at the OCC. Thank god. What a difference. I will be the first to admit that I'm the type of person who had to have a horrible experience to even consider having the surgery in Mexico. And thank god I did.

There are countless differences but I'll highlight the anneshesia one. While at the OCC, in the operating room, before going completely under the doctor said "Robbyn, we've administered the anneshesia. We can see it traveling up your arm and you are showing no reaction. We're going to put you to sleep now and when you wake up, you won't believe you've had the surgery."

And sure enough, when I woke up, I didn't believe I had the surgery.


Let me first start by saying....WOW.

Just had surgery on the 15th and wanted to give a little feedback on the anesthesia because this is what I was most concerned about before going into surgery.

I've been put "under" for a few surgeries and always had bad experiences with it. Trouble waking up, forgetting to breathe, a burning sensation when first getting put under.

My experience with the OCC is literally the BEST experience that I've had being put under before in my life. I even told Dr. So after the surgery that they really need to teach doctors in the states how to put patients under.

The feeling while going under was as a heavy sleep. I didn't feel any type of stinging or burning that I have during U.S surgeries. As for waking up, I have never been so alert and awake after anesthesia as I was at OCC.

I do believe that these doctors, nurses and staff are blessed and truly working to better the lives of many of their patients.

I was comfortable, taken care of, checked on plenty of times, met some other amazing patients and felt safe the entire time including at the hotel.

They are a one of a kind bunch. I wasn't sure about returning for fills since I'm flying from Alaska - but it's worth it to get this type of care again. I trusted them with my life and they truly never took that lightly and in turn have given me a hope for a better life for my future.

For anyone that's worried about the anesthesia as I was, it's truly unlike any other experience I've had. This is the best experience with any medical procedure that I've ever had.

God bless to all of the talented hands that work and operate the OCC

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