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Irritated band

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I had no problem with my band until 2 weeks ago. I can not eat any type of meat, actually i can't eat anything that i can chew. I called OCC they said stick to liquids for 5 days. Anyone out there with the same issue. I was going to go get my first fill last week but I cancelled due to this not eating solids. Help

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I had no problem with my band until 2 weeks ago. I can not eat any type of meat, actually i can't eat anything that i can chew. I called OCC they said stick to liquids for 5 days. Anyone out there with the same issue. I was going to go get my first fill last week but I cancelled due to this not eating solids. Help

Over here!

I am finding that I do not do meats well unless they are ground. Anything crunchy, mushy or liquidy is fine but meat and breads forget it. What I have discovered that works is what Lindsay suggested.

If you drink or eat something warm or hot & liquidy (coffee, tea, soup) before eating then the band opens up and you basically can eat almost anything. This is both a blessing and a curse so be careful.

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I had no problem with my band until 2 weeks ago. I can not eat any type of meat, actually i can't eat anything that i can chew. I called OCC they said stick to liquids for 5 days. Anyone out there with the same issue. I was going to go get my first fill last week but I cancelled due to this not eating solids. Help


You are not alone!!!! Last year in December I went to a fair and had spicy Italian sausage that got stuck. They said that it probably really irritated the band. I couldn't afford to fly out there at the time so the doctor told me to stick with Gatorade and fluids for 5 days. I also bought liquid motrin (childrens)...I figured motrin helps for inflammation so it might work. The two together worked wonders!

About three months ago I found myself having issues again. Especially in the morning. I did nothing about it- kept letting my food get stuck and throwing it up. About a week ago though I realized my face looked terrible (acne), I was ALWAYS TIRED, and I was gaining weight. HOW?? was my first question, but after talking it out I realized I was throwing my food up all day until finally I could eat at night LATE and right before bed. I also realized that ice cream felt good and I could actually eat it! <_< I KNOW NOT A BRIGHT IDEA EINSTEIN!!

Last Saturday was the last straw- I got online to book a flight I had to see the Doctor- I wanted an unfill! But the angels (or devil at the time) swooped in and advised DUH you need a passport now...and yikes mine expired in 2 days. So I called and spoke with the doctors and they advised me to do 3-5 days of liquids again. The first 2 days felt impossible. I did not remember it being so hard!!! But then the 3rd -5th a breeze! I realized I can probably do another week of liquids if needed. Last night I had some chinese chow-mein noodles ( I know I am bad but they were soft so I figured what the heck- 400 calories won't kill me)...and I decided to take a few bites of my sons chicken and it went down fine. Being overly cautious might be exactly what I need right now. I have never been a good chew-er :wacko:

Tonight will be my new challenge...I am going out to dinner at 430pm so we will see if eating this early is still going to work. I hope so!

BTW: I had got up to 195.8 and today I am at 193.7 with clothes on so I took off a little over 2 pounds I had put on! OH YEA AND TODAY I BOUGHT THE BODY BUGG SO THAT IS MY NEW TOY TO EXCITE ME INTO LOSING THE NEXT 30 OR SO! :lol:

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I had no problem with my band until 2 weeks ago. I can not eat any type of meat, actually i can't eat anything that i can chew. I called OCC they said stick to liquids for 5 days. Anyone out there with the same issue. I was going to go get my first fill last week but I cancelled due to this not eating solids. Help


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I went through a phase last week where I PB'ed several times and i've also been feeling tighter than usual. So I am also thinking about doing liquids for a few days just to give my band some rest. I've never PB'ed that much multiple days in a row, so to be safe i'm gonna do the same. I'm starting tomorrow and going to at least Th and maybe part of Friday too. I have something to do Fri night where I have to eat so i'll try to go until then. I also might take a little maalox (sp?) someone told me that can also help w/ the inflamation. Taking down all your ideas too! I like the liquid motrin idea!

Isn't it funny how we did 21 days and were fine but now if I do liquids for even a couple days it is like torture!? :wacko: Crazy stuff!

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