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Seeing The Light

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Hi all...well it's been a loong time coming but I finally broke through and hit another goal of mine today. I'm officially in the 130's and have lost over 70 lbs. Only 3 to go for what I set as my final weight, but i'm not sure. I'm going to work a lot more on toning now so it might up me a bit but i'm OK with that.

For those that hit a plateau do not stress! I was within the same 5 pounds for about 8 months but just kept at it. Our bodies are just funky creatures like that. The only thing that really makes me laugh is that I am still considered overweight by BMI, but I am not a fan of BMI and at work they are going to measure my body fat percentage for me instead. But i'm close to "normal" according to them only 1 point to go. Whatever! :rolleyes:

Back in the day when I hit a weight loss goal I would celebrate with food (huh?!) but tonight I packed a bag and am gonna go on a run after work - will feel sooo much better. Well, OK might have a glass of wine after that too! :lol:

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Awesome! congratulations on reaching your goal and getting over the plateau. I was also at my first plateau for about a month in the low 190's and finally broke free. It's so revealing to get on the other side of those plateaus but you're right you just have to stick with it and our bodies will move when they are ready and sure that we aren't going back to our old ways.

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Congrats!!!!!!!! I am so looking forward to following in your footsteps of reaching my goals!! You have been one of my big inspirations on here!!! I agree on celebrations used to be with food and now want to definately do other ways of celebrating!!!!

Again, congrats on reaching another goal!!! Have a wonderful run AND glass of wine!! LOL ;)

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Congratulations girl. You stuck with it and are reaping the benefits. I know what you mean about BMI, I have doctors at work tellling me to stop loosing weight because i look perfect and yet according to my BMI I am still overweight. Go figure.

Anyways you are a true inspiration. I have been following you since I started on this forom and you have been a great encouragement and supporter.

Keep up the good work !!!!!!


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Im so happy for you. I cant imagine that anyone in the 130's is still considered overweight! Thats rediculous. What those BMI tests dont take into consideration is a person's frame -- its all averages. Isnt it true that if you were overweight for an extended period of time, your bones have had gotten thicker for needing to support extra weight and that just doesnt go away? I read that somewhere -- regardless, im ultra stoked for you. im lookin forward to the day that i can be a skinnie-minnie like you, but at 5'7" im pretty sure i wont get to the 130's. the 150's would be a dream though :D

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Thanks so much everyone I really appreciate the comments! It is amazing to me that I could be helpful to folks on here....I remember when I first got on here and was just praying this was the answer. It has been such a ride and i'm so happy I had it done. Just know if I can do it anyone can! I know a lot of folks say that but I mean it. My whole life revolved around food and it is so great to not have that burden anymore. Now i'm not gonna lie it is still a day to day struggle but i'm starting to win the battle.

Another great update for tonight, like I said I went for a run tonight and I was so pumped I beat my best distance and ran 7.5 miles tonight! Still kind of amazed that I even run - I used to joke that I would only run if someone was chasing me with a knife so this is quite a change for me.

Thanks again everyone!!!

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I love your little black dress photo. You look amazing. I'm so happy to hear you broke through the plateau. You've made some excellent points.


Hi all...well it's been a loong time coming but I finally broke through and hit another goal of mine today. I'm officially in the 130's and have lost over 70 lbs. Only 3 to go for what I set as my final weight, but i'm not sure. I'm going to work a lot more on toning now so it might up me a bit but i'm OK with that.

For those that hit a plateau do not stress! I was within the same 5 pounds for about 8 months but just kept at it. Our bodies are just funky creatures like that. The only thing that really makes me laugh is that I am still considered overweight by BMI, but I am not a fan of BMI and at work they are going to measure my body fat percentage for me instead. But i'm close to "normal" according to them only 1 point to go. Whatever! :rolleyes:

Back in the day when I hit a weight loss goal I would celebrate with food (huh?!) but tonight I packed a bag and am gonna go on a run after work - will feel sooo much better. Well, OK might have a glass of wine after that too! :lol:

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You rock Shelby !!

Shelby you have done an amazing job, you inspire me :D


You look awesome girlfriend! ;)

Where did you get your tummytuck and other work done?

Did you go back down to Mexico for that?

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Shelby you have done an amazing job, you inspire me biggrin.gif


You look awesome girlfriend! wink.gif

Where did you get your tummytuck and other work done?

Did you go back down to Mexico for that?

Thank you. I had my plastic surgery done in Maple Valley ( about 30 minutes from Seattle) by Dr Christopher Nyte. He is amazing and a real artist to say nothing of being a fantastic person. I would highly recommend him for any work you might need done. Just google him and it will take you to his web page. He has lots of before and after pictures as well as prices. Lots of people have used him on the forum.


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Thanks again everyone it means a lot!!!!!!

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