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Liquids after 3rd Fill - Day 5

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((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))

Well...here I am. Liquids day 5. My fill Dr. (Dr. Jay in Dallas) asks his patients to do 7 days of liquids following each fill. Last Tuesday I had my 3rd fill. Probably my final fill, but who knows. I've nevered, EVER, followed my doctor's request and followed through with 7 days of liquids following a fill...until now.

I can't believe 14 months out from my surgery, I finally have the mental focus to follow the way it's designed, rather than following my own rules....rules I created myself because of my "know it all" personality.

On Tuesday I was 225 at my fill apt. Today in the Jenny Craig Centre (I work for Jenny Craig) I was 221 (219.8 at home). Staying focused on the liquids has absolutely helped secure that loss (plus it's TOM).

Once the liquid phase is over, I go back to my Jenny Craig program. I find the food really easy to digest so it's a good fit for me.

I have a personal goal of being in Onderland and my husband hopes to be in Twotersville by Labor Day! I honestly believe we're going to do it.


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((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))

Well...here I am. Liquids day 5. My fill Dr. (Dr. Jay in Dallas) asks his patients to do 7 days of liquids following each fill. Last Tuesday I had my 3rd fill. Probably my final fill, but who knows. I've nevered, EVER, followed my doctor's request and followed through with 7 days of liquids following a fill...until now.

I can't believe 14 months out from my surgery, I finally have the mental focus to follow the way it's designed, rather than following my own rules....rules I created myself because of my "know it all" personality.

On Tuesday I was 225 at my fill apt. Today in the Jenny Craig Centre (I work for Jenny Craig) I was 221 (219.8 at home). Staying focused on the liquids has absolutely helped secure that loss (plus it's TOM).

Once the liquid phase is over, I go back to my Jenny Craig program. I find the food really easy to digest so it's a good fit for me.

I have a personal goal of being in Onderland and my husband hopes to be in Twotersville by Labor Day! I honestly believe we're going to do it.


I know you will do it. I can hear the stick to it ness in your words. Keep up the GREAT work

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((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))

Well...here I am. Liquids day 5. My fill Dr. (Dr. Jay in Dallas) asks his patients to do 7 days of liquids following each fill. Last Tuesday I had my 3rd fill. Probably my final fill, but who knows. I've nevered, EVER, followed my doctor's request and followed through with 7 days of liquids following a fill...until now.

I can't believe 14 months out from my surgery, I finally have the mental focus to follow the way it's designed, rather than following my own rules....rules I created myself because of my "know it all" personality.

On Tuesday I was 225 at my fill apt. Today in the Jenny Craig Centre (I work for Jenny Craig) I was 221 (219.8 at home). Staying focused on the liquids has absolutely helped secure that loss (plus it's TOM).

Once the liquid phase is over, I go back to my Jenny Craig program. I find the food really easy to digest so it's a good fit for me.

I have a personal goal of being in Onderland and my husband hopes to be in Twotersville by Labor Day! I honestly believe we're going to do it.



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(((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))

I'm 80% into day 5. It's a miracle. Seriously. Now I just wish I would have had my head on straight 14 months ago. On a side note, I've just started to get a little stir crazy, not much. I still have an ISOPURE to have tonight. I think I'll feel better after I drink it. My old tapes are probably playing because I am thinking about food. I almost typed hungry, but...to be honest, I took a moment to think about it, and it's not tummy hunger. Not at all. (Ahhhh, why is my daughter behind me making Kraft Macaroni and Cheese...but more importantly why do I even care? I could barely eat pasta before, and it's not even worth the effort at this point.)

Maybe I'll pour the ISOPURE, leave the kitchen so I won't be tempted to do something stupid and take a bath.

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