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Hi guys I have been obese most of my life (31 now) I have been looking into getting the vsg surgery but I am wondering if I will get approved. I'm 5'5 and about 315 so my BMI is in the 50's now usually to qualify you need to have him over 30, hypertension, or diabetes, or heart disease or problems. Here's the thing I'm over weigh but have no medical problems. There's history of hypertension and diabetes in my family but I have never had any of those pr

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You shouldn't have a problem with getting the surgery. I only had the plication but my starting BMI was 31 with no health issues. So I'm sure u will have no problems. You will just have do a pre op diet plan to loose some weight first maybe.

Good luck with everything.

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  • 4 weeks later...

LFitz66- I have no regrets on having the plication, I eat very small amount about every 3 hrs. I do get hungry if I forget to eat. But other then that I'm full after a few bites of chicken or 2 eggs. I'm down 40 lbs since nov 20. Weigh loss has slowed but that's normal I'm told seeing as I'm almost close to my goal weight.

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