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Getting Banded on Feb.5 HELP!!!

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Hey im getting banded on Feb.5 and im going nuts :P. Im on an all clear lquid diet and itss soo hard, I just need someone to talk to about different things. Im starting to realize that i know very little about the operation. Whatever advice you can give will be greatly welcomed.. THANKS... :D You can also email me SmileyTaty@aol.com.. Thanks again..

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Hi Smiley! What is it that you're concerned with? I'm new to this experience, but I'll help if I can. Are you going to Dr. Ortiz, or somewhere else? Yeah, the liquid diet isn't much fun, I had to do it over Christmas!, but if you have a good blender, you can come up with some pretty inventive meals. Just know, you're not alone!


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Hi Smiley! What is it that you're concerned with? I'm new to this experience, but I'll help if I can. Are you going to Dr. Ortiz, or somewhere else? Yeah, the liquid diet isn't much fun, I had to do it over Christmas!, but if you have a good blender, you can come up with some pretty inventive meals. Just know, you're not alone!


Hey Kim,

I'm having my operation here in Miami with Dr.Whitwell. They have me on an all clear liquid diet so I can only have suger free jell-o (I've never hated Jell-o so much lol) and suger free popsicles, and crystal light. I can't blend anything. : (. There are a lot of things I don't know like PB what's that? And can u die from getting food stuck? What does it feel like when food gets stuck? When do u know when the band is too tight? What does it take to make the band slip? I'm sure there are more questions I have lol.. I just can't think of any. I go for my first medical clearence on Friday, I have to go to 3. O, 1 more question I don't know if u can answer it. I was supposed to be taking a b12 shot once a wk, I haven't done it, do u think they'll do the operation if my b12 is low? Thanks Kim w/e info u can give would be awesome.

Thanks, Tatyana

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Hey Tatiana. I can't answer everything, but maybe I can help a little. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz on August 28th, so I am a few months down the road. A PB is a productive burb. It is similar to vomiting, but it just getting rid of what is in the pouch, so it is not quite so violent or acidic. Usually you "slime" first, which is think slimy saliva that comes up. The most common reasons for PBing are eating to fast or not chewing well enough. It is best to avoid PBing if you can, though is likely to happen sometimes anyway. It buts stress on the band, and can make it slip.

When something is stuck, it feels like a pain in the chest. For me, it can range from mild discomfort to one time I thought I might be having a heart attack. I don't believe you can die from getting stuck. It will move somehow, either down through the band, or up and out (PBing). But it can be painful.

You know when the band is too tight when you have trouble keeping liquids down and can not really eat anything (less than a few ounces of food). It is miserable and you will feel like you need help. You will also do a lot of PBing, as nothing will go through the band very well. You should always call your doctor if you think you need an unfill.

A band slipping is uncommon, but is often because of too much PBing, and not following the guidlines that were given to us. I have not experienced this, and hopefully never will, but I am told you will know if you have slipped. Nothing will stay down.

I am sorry to hear about all the things you have to do before surgery. Each doctor has his own methods. I can't imagine being on clear liquids before the band. I thought it was pretty band after the band. Just don't forget how important it is to follow your doctors orders. He wants you to have success with the band. And I'm sure you want that too. So you will be back to eating in no time. Good luck though and keep us updated.

Reading what other people have been through was very helpful for me. Check out the Newly Banded section. There are some great Journal type entries an other posts to explain exactly what the surgery was like and helps with what to expect.


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I'm getting banded in Mexico on February 6. I bought the book "Lap-Band for Life" on Amazon and that helped explain a lot of things. I don't have to start the pre-op liquid diet until 10 days before surgery, which is 2 days from now. I am really nervous about it too! Considering I have never been a successful dieter it will be a challenge for sure. It will be so worth it in the end! I just know you will have a good experience!


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Hey Tatiana. I can't answer everything, but maybe I can help a little. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz on August 28th, so I am a few months down the road. A PB is a productive burb. It is similar to vomiting, but it just getting rid of what is in the pouch, so it is not quite so violent or acidic. Usually you "slime" first, which is think slimy saliva that comes up. The most common reasons for PBing are eating to fast or not chewing well enough. It is best to avoid PBing if you can, though is likely to happen sometimes anyway. It buts stress on the band, and can make it slip.

When something is stuck, it feels like a pain in the chest. For me, it can range from mild discomfort to one time I thought I might be having a heart attack. I don't believe you can die from getting stuck. It will move somehow, either down through the band, or up and out (PBing). But it can be painful.

You know when the band is too tight when you have trouble keeping liquids down and can not really eat anything (less than a few ounces of food). It is miserable and you will feel like you need help. You will also do a lot of PBing, as nothing will go through the band very well. You should always call your doctor if you think you need an unfill.

A band slipping is uncommon, but is often because of too much PBing, and not following the guidlines that were given to us. I have not experienced this, and hopefully never will, but I am told you will know if you have slipped. Nothing will stay down.

I am sorry to hear about all the things you have to do before surgery. Each doctor has his own methods. I can't imagine being on clear liquids before the band. I thought it was pretty band after the band. Just don't forget how important it is to follow your doctors orders. He wants you to have success with the band. And I'm sure you want that too. So you will be back to eating in no time. Good luck though and keep us updated.

Reading what other people have been through was very helpful for me. Check out the Newly Banded section. There are some great Journal type entries an other posts to explain exactly what the surgery was like and helps with what to expect.


Thank you so much Becki, thats was a lot of great info a lot of things i didnt know. Question??? Why do u think my doctor put me on all clear liquids for 2 weeks. Im soooo frustrated lol.. Ive gotten way better the first 3 days ( im on my 4th) i had to go to sleep really early because of the pain.. Do u know anything i can do to supress that?? Thanks again- Tatyana

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I'm getting banded in Mexico on February 6. I bought the book "Lap-Band for Life" on Amazon and that helped explain a lot of things. I don't have to start the pre-op liquid diet until 10 days before surgery, which is 2 days from now. I am really nervous about it too! Considering I have never been a successful dieter it will be a challenge for sure. It will be so worth it in the end! I just know you will have a good experience!


Hey Eva, Im gonna go buy the book right now.. Do u have to do a liquid diet or all clear liquids? Im Nervous to, but ive been waiting for this for 2 yrs. 1. I had to be on a 6 months clinical diet to see if i would lose weight (i gained lol) 2. My general doctor didnt feel comfortable with me getting the lap band until i was 21 ( i dont know why).. And What else oooo i was going to have the Sleeve and i changed my mind to the lap band, so i had to go get other test. Well so im really anxious im sure ill be super scared/excited the night before and the day of just because i cant believe its finally coming true.. Thanks again..... Tatyana

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Thank you so much Becki, thats was a lot of great info a lot of things i didnt know. Question??? Why do u think my doctor put me on all clear liquids for 2 weeks. Im soooo frustrated lol.. Ive gotten way better the first 3 days ( im on my 4th) i had to go to sleep really early because of the pain.. Do u know anything i can do to supress that?? Thanks again- Tatyana

I'm not sure why clear liquids for two weeks, except that losing weight before surgery will help to shrink you liver. You liver is right in the way of where they need to place the band, so shrinking your liver, by losing weight right before surgery makes it a much safer surgery. Clear liquids for two weeks though sounds torturous. But I know you can do it. Just remind yourself that other people have survived this, and if they can, you can. And you want the best possible chance of success, so if you doctor says this is it...go for it. I would ask your doctor about fiber supplements though. You might be able to take fiber pills that would probably really help you not be so hungry, and they are just a pill, no real food.

Good luck,


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