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What did you feel when you woke up from surgery?

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Hi all, I was wondering what everyone felt like right after they woke up from surgery. I have had these strange visions and feelings like something inside me is strangling my esophagus from where the band was placed on my upper stomach. Weird huh? I hope that is not the way it feels. I know I may feel some pain from the incisions, but really don't want to have the other feeling. Gulp!

Thanks for any replies.



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I felt great. I couldn't feel the band at all. I could feel the port and the incisions. I was sore for a few days, too. The most uncomfortable part was the air pain in my chest, but that was gone the next morning. You shouldn't feel anything at the band site until you drink something, then you should only feel restriction. That was my experience anyway.

Good luck!

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Hi! My name is Michelle, I was banded Jan 17th here in Arkansas. When I woke up I didn't feel anything except a little soreness at the incisions, not enough for pain meds. In fact I never took pain meds. When I first starting drinking I would get a feeling of discomfort if I drank too fast. Believe me, 1/2 doesn't sound like a lot, but it is more than adequate at that time. I took the advice of Dr. Lambert and took Milk of Magnesia from the get go to alleviate gas pains from not only my bowel but it has been shown to help with the gas pains from the CO2 gas. It evidently worked because I never had any chest or shoulder pain from gas. I progressed through liquids, pureed, and now am on regular diet. I am scheduled for my first fill Tuesday and I can't wait because I am able to eat more and have hit a plateau with the weight loss. My first office visit with Dr. Lambert was the week before Christmas and I weighed 241. Today I weigh 206. So it is going well I think, just ready for the fill to get the weighloss jump started again and also to alleviate the hunger. This was by far the easiest thing I have ever done so far to this point.

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it is nothing like that! no choking...major gas pain for a few days till it works itself out, and some pain at the incision sites...that's about it!! you can kinda feel someting is "there" and restriction when you eat (even liquids for me) but that is what it's supossed to do!!

good luck!!

lisa :)

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it is nothing like that! no choking...major gas pain for a few days till it works itself out, and some pain at the incision sites...that's about it!! you can kinda feel someting is "there" and restriction when you eat (even liquids for me) but that is what it's supossed to do!!

good luck!!

lisa :)

did anyone use an electric pillow for the gas pain??

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