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Scheduled for Aug 24, anybody else?

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Amen sista. I can't wait to go shopping ANYWHERE BUT Lane Bryant. I think their annual profit margin will drop by 50% after I stop shopping there! I think we all share the same feelings of nervousness, excitement and being a little scared. But in the end, it will all be worth it - that's what everyone says.

BTW- Welcome Wannabeabrickhouse! See ya on the 25th:)

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Good luck to all of those being banded on Aug. 23, 24, 25 & 26! Mine's on the 24th so maybe I'll have a chance to meet some of you. I think of the way I'll probably look :o oh my gosh! I'm sure my hair will be a mess, it always is no matter what I do anyway, wish I had a wig....hee-hee.

Where are all you from? I'm from Roanoke VA and will be leaving the 26th.

Good luck!!

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True! I'm planning on being pretty hot. :lol: In fact I decided today that when I reach my goal weight I am going to buy myself a convertable Mini Cooper. B) QueenBee I'll pick you up, we can cruise and we'll look hot together.

Carolyn, I like QueenBee am also a San Diegan. I look forward to meeting you! Are you going to be traveling back for fills? Or did you find a doctor near you?

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Hi everyone!

QueenBee and I met Carolyn the morning after her surgery and you could not tell she'd had surgery the day before. We thought she was someone else's support person.

Carolyn, you made me feel so much better and confident with my decision. I hope you had a good trip home and don't have to evacuate with that horrible storm. Please keep in touch, hopefully we can arrange our first fills for the same time and see each other again. B)

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Hey Sweeties (brickhouse & queenbee),

You and QueenBee are great! Bill and I made it home safely, finally got home at 11:30 pm (our time, 8:30 yours). A bit bushed. You 2 gals both looked gorgeous right after surgery, hair and make-up to perfection. It was so much fun to laugh and talk with both of you. Keep in touch and fill me in on your wonderful up-coming trip to New England! Take care!!

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Hey Carolyn!

So glad you made it home safely! How are you feeling? BTW- as WBABH said, we were truly relieved when we found out you had your surgery the day b4 and were looking so great!

I cannot believe how easy everything was. This liquid diet is a little rough, but hey it'll be worth it right? ;)

Well, keep us posted on how you're doing and best of luck!!!

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