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yikes! as a nurse, i know that pain + upper right abdomen = potential gallbladder problems... just never thought that it could happen because of the band! i have a dull to sometimes sharp pain in my upper right abdomen area just under my ribs. it is sore to press on with my fingers. i haven't noticed it being more painful after eating, but that is usually a sign, especially after fatty foods. i read up alot on the subject, and how it relates to the lapband, and was surprised that weight loss is a HUGE contributing factor for development of gallstones. it has to do with your gallbladder not contracting enough (i.e. through missed meals, small meals, etc.) therefore the stones develop.

risk factors include:

-women between ages of 20-60 (yes!)

-obesity (yes!)

-bariatric surgery (yes.)

-birth control pill (again.)

-dieting/fasting (yep.)

-rapid weight loss, more than 22 lbs in one year (yes again.)

-native americans, mexican americans, northern europeans


-cholesterol lowering drugs

anyway, below was taken from an article i found on the topic:

*Rapid weight reduction is one of the most significant risk factors associated with gallstone formation. Approximately 25% of persons who lose weight through very-low-calorie diet programs or bariatric surgery will develop gallstones.* (http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/124/5/533-a)

i go to the doctor tomorrow. it may be something else, but i suspect green mr. gallbladder is at fault!

anyone else had this problem? blah! :((

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risk factors include:

-women between ages of 20-60 (yes!)

-obesity (yes!)

-bariatric surgery (yes.)

-birth control pill (again.)

-dieting/fasting (yep.)

-rapid weight loss, more than 22 lbs in one year (yes again.)

-native americans, mexican americans, northern europeans


-cholesterol lowering drugs

Krisi Ann,

I haven't had gallstones yet, but thanks for the headsup. I can say "yes" to seven of the nine risk factors!


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yikes! as a nurse, i know that pain + upper right abdomen = potential gallbladder problems... just never thought that it could happen because of the band! i have a dull to sometimes sharp pain in my upper right abdomen area just under my ribs. it is sore to press on with my fingers. i haven't noticed it being more painful after eating, but that is usually a sign, especially after fatty foods. i read up alot on the subject, and how it relates to the lapband, and was surprised that weight loss is a HUGE contributing factor for development of gallstones. it has to do with your gallbladder not contracting enough (i.e. through missed meals, small meals, etc.) therefore the stones develop.

risk factors include:

-women between ages of 20-60 (yes!)

-obesity (yes!)

-bariatric surgery (yes.)

-birth control pill (again.)

-dieting/fasting (yep.)

-rapid weight loss, more than 22 lbs in one year (yes again.)

-native americans, mexican americans, northern europeans


-cholesterol lowering drugs

anyway, below was taken from an article i found on the topic:

*Rapid weight reduction is one of the most significant risk factors associated with gallstone formation. Approximately 25% of persons who lose weight through very-low-calorie diet programs or bariatric surgery will develop gallstones.* (http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/124/5/533-a)

i go to the doctor tomorrow. it may be something else, but i suspect green mr. gallbladder is at fault!

anyone else had this problem? blah! :((

I had my gallbladder out when I was 19.....(MANY years ago). There is an old saying that you get gallbladder problems if you are "Fair, Fat and Forty" but I was only 14 when my painful attacks started and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. It seems I have the Dr. Atkins diet (I went on the FIRST time when I was 11) to thank for my trouble. My surgery lasted 6 hours, I still have a huge 10 inch scar on my abdomen and was in the hospital for 2 full weeks! Nowadays things are much simpler. Sometimes gallstones can be disolved with ultrasound, but even if you have to have the gallbladder removed, it is done laproscopically (MUCH smaller scars) and you only have to stay overnight. My how things have changed!

The upside is that I now never have to worry about gallstones (or my appendix...since they removed it at the same time)!

Good luck with your gallbladder!!

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I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. Mine had developed into pancreatitus, because my doctor kept sending me home from the ER with antacids!!! I knew it was NOT heartburn. It was KILLING me! So, if you do start having symptoms, DO NOT put it off. Get it out!

My outpatient gall bladder surgery, turned into a 7 day stay in the hospital, with no food. Had to let my pancreatitus clear up, before they could remove my gall bladder! It was by far worse than childbirth! I've never experienced pain like that in my LIFE!

I researched it a lot, when I first started having the attacks. One easy rule to remember, (and it can also be added to) is what they call the 4 F's.


I wasn't 40 but the other 3 applied to me. I had gone on a diet, and lost 36 pounds, that's when the attacks started. So, if you start losing, and start hurting...beware.


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I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. Mine had developed into pancreatitus, because my doctor kept sending me home from the ER with antacids!!! I knew it was NOT heartburn. It was KILLING me! So, if you do start having symptoms, DO NOT put it off. Get it out!

My outpatient gall bladder surgery, turned into a 7 day stay in the hospital, with no food. Had to let my pancreatitus clear up, before they could remove my gall bladder! It was by far worse than childbirth! I've never experienced pain like that in my LIFE!

I researched it a lot, when I first started having the attacks. One easy rule to remember, (and it can also be added to) is what they call the 4 F's.


I wasn't 40 but the other 3 applied to me. I had gone on a diet, and lost 36 pounds, that's when the attacks started. So, if you start losing, and start hurting...beware.


I also have the pain in the upper part of stomach but I've had the gallbaddr and appidence removed 7 years ago. I'm fity two, female, not fertile and yes fat.

Was lapbanded Oct 2006 and have lost 60 pounds, wonder what my pain is coming from?? I'm just sorta thinking something I ate, too much of maybe. My stomach does swell as the day goes on. The pants I were in the morning will not fit in the evening. I've tried to narrow down some of the things I'm eating/drinking but no answer yet.

Any suggestions??

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I also have the pain in the upper part of stomach but I've had the gallbaddr and appidence removed 7 years ago. I'm fity two, female, not fertile and yes fat.

Was lapbanded Oct 2006 and have lost 60 pounds, wonder what my pain is coming from?? I'm just sorta thinking something I ate, too much of maybe. My stomach does swell as the day goes on. The pants I were in the morning will not fit in the evening. I've tried to narrow down some of the things I'm eating/drinking but no answer yet.

Any suggestions??

I really can't say. I do know that my doc told me that after gall bladder removal some people experience "fake attacks." They hurt, yet not as severely as the real ones, but same location and everything. I have had several of these. Totally different than heartburn. Feels like the onset of an attack, but usually subsides pretty soon.

The pants not fittin gin the afternoon, as opposed to morning, is probably water retention. Do you take any kind of diuretic? If not you could try one, and see if that helps. I'm certainly not a doctor, so take any of my suggestions with a grain of salt! LOL :P


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I really can't say. I do know that my doc told me that after gall bladder removal some people experience "fake attacks." They hurt, yet not as severely as the real ones, but same location and everything. I have had several of these. Totally different than heartburn. Feels like the onset of an attack, but usually subsides pretty soon.

The pants not fittin gin the afternoon, as opposed to morning, is probably water retention. Do you take any kind of diuretic? If not you could try one, and see if that helps. I'm certainly not a doctor, so take any of my suggestions with a grain of salt! LOL :P


Good idea, thanks,


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  • 2 years later...
yikes! as a nurse, i know that pain + upper right abdomen = potential gallbladder problems... just never thought that it could happen because of the band! i have a dull to sometimes sharp pain in my upper right abdomen area just under my ribs. it is sore to press on with my fingers. i haven't noticed it being more painful after eating, but that is usually a sign, especially after fatty foods. i read up alot on the subject, and how it relates to the lapband, and was surprised that weight loss is a HUGE contributing factor for development of gallstones. it has to do with your gallbladder not contracting enough (i.e. through missed meals, small meals, etc.) therefore the stones develop.

risk factors include:

-women between ages of 20-60 (yes!)

-obesity (yes!)

-bariatric surgery (yes.)

-birth control pill (again.)

-dieting/fasting (yep.)

-rapid weight loss, more than 22 lbs in one year (yes again.)

-native americans, mexican americans, northern europeans


-cholesterol lowering drugs

anyway, below was taken from an article i found on the topic:

*Rapid weight reduction is one of the most significant risk factors associated with gallstone formation. Approximately 25% of persons who lose weight through very-low-calorie diet programs or bariatric surgery will develop gallstones.* (http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/124/5/533-a)

i go to the doctor tomorrow. it may be something else, but i suspect green mr. gallbladder is at fault!

anyone else had this problem? blah! :((


I have no gall bladder problem, but just want to share some of my knowledge in curing gall bladder problem or gallstone. I had read in the article that you can remove your gallstone in natural and effective way, it can easily flush your gallstone, you should search for natural treatment it can really help you and will avoid the removing of your gall bladder.

Hope it can help you

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I lost mine at 24 after 8 yrs of attacks. No one figured it out because my pain radiated to my mid stomach (not side). They kept telling me it was an ulser or constipation. Attacks got much worse at 23 when I lost 40 lbs on a diet. Just keep in mind you can be a man ,not 40, not fertile and still have these problems. If you feel pain it is a simple ultra sound to tell you. It does happen alot with people who lose weight <_<

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I will probably be having mine out in early January, but it isn't because I have any gallstones. My gallbladder just stopped working, presumably due to my large weight loss. If I had had gallstones I would have had to of had it out last January when we discovered it wasn't working. I'm only having it out now because I have to get a cyst off the back of my neck and I want to get my port moved, so I decided to have all 3 done on the same day which will save me money when it comes to relocating he port.

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Very Very Interesting!!!

At 1:15 am this morning I woke up from a dead sleep with the WORST stomach cramps I have ever had in my life, felt like contractions. I got up and walked and walked and it did not get any better. The the pain moved to my mid "band' area and to the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. After about 20 mins of PAIN and tear starting to flow, my Husband take me to the ER. They took my blood and X-rays of my tummy, was very scared it might be my Gall Blader or even my band. The blood work came back fine, the X-rays showed that I was completely impacted. I was sent home with Constipation?????....My blood pressure is Always REALLY good, when I got to the ER it was 143/99, said it was due to the pain. I took a "pre surgery" lax to clean out my system, but my stomach is still sore.....In ready these post, I am still very concered that this might not have been my issue, being this is not the first time this has happened, just not to this degree......Also, in read gall bladder symptoms, they say it is right shoulder pain, the ER Doctor asked me if my left shoulder hurt. I even repeat him and told him I though the system for gall bladder was right....I do have left should pain ALL the time, but this usually only occurs when Im hungry......


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Very Very Interesting!!!

At 1:15 am this morning I woke up from a dead sleep with the WORST stomach cramps I have ever had in my life, felt like contractions. I got up and walked and walked and it did not get any better. The the pain moved to my mid "band' area and to the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. After about 20 mins of PAIN and tear starting to flow, my Husband take me to the ER. They took my blood and X-rays of my tummy, was very scared it might be my Gall Blader or even my band. The blood work came back fine, the X-rays showed that I was completely impacted. I was sent home with Constipation?????....My blood pressure is Always REALLY good, when I got to the ER it was 143/99, said it was due to the pain. I took a "pre surgery" lax to clean out my system, but my stomach is still sore.....In ready these post, I am still very concered that this might not have been my issue, being this is not the first time this has happened, just not to this degree......Also, in read gall bladder symptoms, they say it is right shoulder pain, the ER Doctor asked me if my left shoulder hurt. I even repeat him and told him I though the system for gall bladder was right....I do have left should pain ALL the time, but this usually only occurs when Im hungry......


Ok, Not sure what is going on but I had the SAME thing happen to me last night. Friday my system was "cleaned" out and last night my back started hurting and then my stomach and then my chest. Called the ER Nurse back and told them that I have not went since Friday when I cleaned my sysem out. She said that I may need to jump start my system. She told me to repeat what I did on friday. The pain got SO bad that I got sick, I can honestly say that I truely threw up, I now know the other times that I thought I threw up that it was PBing.....I am going to make a Doctors appointment today and see what is going on. I would really hate for it to be something other than constipation....Why only at night??????


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