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Why bother with lap band

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As a newbie to this forum, first let me say that this forum is wonderful. I am seriously considering getting banded here in Toronto Canada and have already had my initial consultation. Having read most of the forums here especially the post op food forum, I was wondering why even bother with lap banding when most people are having to eat properly now after their surgery. I read about how some people are having protein shakes for breakfast, and small portions for lunch and dinner and very little snacking, no drinking with their food, chewing properly.....if I ate this way before getting banding, I would be losing tons of weight. I'm not trying to be condescending about this but I'm just thinking why spend $15,000 on a lap band when if I just ate properly the way I should be after lap banding, I probably wouldn't need the surgery.

My problem is portion control and I'm looking to this surgery as a way to control the portions but not limit the foods I eat. Thoughts?


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As a newbie to this forum, first let me say that this forum is wonderful. I am seriously considering getting banded here in Toronto Canada and have already had my initial consultation. Having read most of the forums here especially the post op food forum, I was wondering why even bother with lap banding when most people are having to eat properly now after their surgery. I read about how some people are having protein shakes for breakfast, and small portions for lunch and dinner and very little snacking, no drinking with their food, chewing properly.....if I ate this way before getting banding, I would be losing tons of weight. I'm not trying to be condescending about this but I'm just thinking why spend $15,000 on a lap band when if I just ate properly the way I should be after lap banding, I probably wouldn't need the surgery.

My problem is portion control and I'm looking to this surgery as a way to control the portions but not limit the foods I eat. Thoughts?


First of all, if you have the surgery done by Dr. Ortiz in Mexico the cost is only $8500. (Most of us would spend three times that amount on a new car, why not spend it on your health?) I just had the surgery done by Dr. Ortiz and he, and his whole clinical staff are wonderful. I felt like I had much better care than I would have gotten in the U.S.

Secondly, while it's true about portion control, chewing and eating slowly being the keys to losing weight, most of us don't do those things because there is no immediate consequence. The band causes immediate consequences. It is aversion therapy. You feel the consequences of eating too fast, not chewing properly and eating too much, so you don't do it again. It in essence, forces you to eat the right way. If people could do the right things on their own, there would be no need for diets, diet pills, the diet industry..... etc.

Human nature being what it is, most of us need help!

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First of all, if you have the surgery done by Dr. Ortiz in Mexico the cost is only $8500. (Most of us would spend three times that amount on a new car, why not spend it on your health?) I just had the surgery done by Dr. Ortiz and he, and his whole clinical staff are wonderful. I felt like I had much better care than I would have gotten in the U.S.

Secondly, while it's true about portion control, chewing and eating slowly being the keys to losing weight, most of us don't do those things because there is no immediate consequence. The band causes immediate consequences. It is aversion therapy. You feel the consequences of eating too fast, not chewing properly and eating too much, so you don't do it again. It in essence, forces you to eat the right way. If people could do the right things on their own, there would be no need for diets, diet pills, the diet industry..... etc.

Human nature being what it is, most of us need help!

I couldn't have said this any better. Good job

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Hi, I'm also a newbie and read the forum alot. I agree, people who want and get lapbanding need the help of the restriction. I'm currently raising the money to have it done by Dr. Ortiz and hope to be banded before the end of the year. I feel that I'm addicted to food. I don't eat very healthy, but I do love "diet" food. [salads, yogurt, cottage cheese...] My problem is portion control and total control overall. I'll eat every spare minute if I can. Being full doesn't matter, I'll eat more. I said years ago [and many failed diets ago] that I'm going to HAVE to be restricted somehow before I lose weight and keep it off. [remember the Fobi-pouch? I thought back then that it would be perfect for me] Is there anyone else who feels this way about food? Am I alone? I can force myself to stay on a diet and lose weight but within a short time I gain it all back. My last diet was LA Weight Loss 2 years ago... did really well and lost almost 40lbs and have since gained it all back plus. I truley believe that the band is going to work for me, hopefully soon!!! Darlene

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With all due respect, I think you answered your own question when you said why bother with lap banding, and then admitted that you have difficulties with your portion control. If was a easy as one day saying, "well today's the day I am going to control my portions and not overeat", they wouldn't need any of these weight loss surgeries. I think the reason most people get this surgery is because it completely forces you to eat properly - or you will suffer with the consequences. From the sounds of it, you won't have a choice but to eat better and smaller portions....unless you like PBing and feeling awful. I wish you the best of luck in your decision. I also have struggled with my weight since having 3 children. I've been researching having the surgery as well. Still haven't decided if its for me, but leaning towards not getting it.

Also my question to anyone else who has had the surgery in TJ - the cost of the surgery is $8,500, but what is the cost of your airfare and travel to the closest fill location? How much is it per fill? I would think anyone considering the surgery should take that into consideration as well. For me personally, I am in Ohio and would have to drive to Pennsylvania to get a fill - not really economical for me if I wanted to have the TJ surgery.

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I think another part of it is hope. Every time I started a new diet no matter what it was, how jazzed up I got over it, and what I did to prepare at the back of my mind was the thought of "what makes this different from the 1,000's of other diets I've tried and failed?" In the end, the answer was nothing.

With the band it's not about willpower but about the outside (well, inside actually) influence imposing itself on me and encouraging me to be good and change my eating habits permanently. That is what made this different from all those diets and gave me the hope that this could actually work.

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How many times have most of us said "I am starting my diet again" Then say it again, and again..... With the lap band, while we may at times make poor choices with food, we are really always on our diet. With good restiction you are not able to eat that appetizer, meal and dessert and then start the diet again on Monday. For 9 months I was able to follow the rules of the lapband. I was making much better food choices. I could easily share a meal and skip dessert and I never pb'd. I excercised regularly. I came withing 15 pounds of my goal. I lost my band 3 weeks ago and I want to cry everyday when I think about it. I truely miss it. All the bad habits are creeping their way back into my life. I am back to struggling with dieting. While I had to make my own choices with food, the lapband did not allow me to overeat. This is where the struggle is for most of us. If finacially I could, I would be rebanded in a heart beat. And of course it would be by Dr. Ortiz and his staff, as they are the best!!


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How many times have most of us said "I am starting my diet again" Then say it again, and again..... With the lap band, while we may at times make poor choices with food, we are really always on our diet. With good restiction you are not able to eat that appetizer, meal and dessert and then start the diet again on Monday. For 9 months I was able to follow the rules of the lapband. I was making much better food choices. I could easily share a meal and skip dessert and I never pb'd. I excercised regularly. I came withing 15 pounds of my goal. I lost my band 3 weeks ago and I want to cry everyday when I think about it. I truely miss it. All the bad habits are creeping their way back into my life. I am back to struggling with dieting. While I had to make my own choices with food, the lapband did not allow me to overeat. This is where the struggle is for most of us. If finacially I could, I would be rebanded in a heart beat. And of course it would be by Dr. Ortiz and his staff, as they are the best!!


Would it be too nosy to ask why you had to lose your band ? I am scheduled to be banded on 7/18 by Dr. Ortiz and of course am very interested in hearing all of the pros and cons right now. Thanks, Pam

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Would it be too nosy to ask why you had to lose your band ? I am scheduled to be banded on 7/18 by Dr. Ortiz and of course am very interested in hearing all of the pros and cons right now. Thanks, Pam

2months after 1st fill suddenly got so tight unable to eat. I was unfilled and refilled 5 weeks later. For the next two months I was having issues with horrible reflux. I had two slight unfills, finally getting completely unfilled. After 2 months being unfilled still with reflux and no medication working to relieve it I knew something wasn't right. Went to TJ, had an endoscopy and barium test. Endo showed "possible" slip, but then barium test didn't show slip, but nothing was going through stoma. Not barium or water. No wonder I couldn't eat or drink. Still really don't know the reason, but scar tissue had formed under the band which may have been the cause. Band had to be removed because I was already unfilled and trying to do liquids and there were no other options.

You really are in good hands and as I've already said, I would do it all over again if I could.


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2months after 1st fill suddenly got so tight unable to eat. I was unfilled and refilled 5 weeks later. For the next two months I was having issues with horrible reflux. I had two slight unfills, finally getting completely unfilled. After 2 months being unfilled still with reflux and no medication working to relieve it I knew something wasn't right. Went to TJ, had an endoscopy and barium test. Endo showed "possible" slip, but then barium test didn't show slip, but nothing was going through stoma. Not barium or water. No wonder I couldn't eat or drink. Still really don't know the reason, but scar tissue had formed under the band which may have been the cause. Band had to be removed because I was already unfilled and trying to do liquids and there were no other options.

You really are in good hands and as I've already said, I would do it all over again if I could.


Hello Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your band! Did Dr. Ortiz say whether you could get the band again sometime in the future? Your weight loss was awesome, are you able to maintain it now? I hope to be banded by the end of the year by Dr. Ortiz. I hope things go better for you!! Darlene

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Hello Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your band! Did Dr. Ortiz say whether you could get the band again sometime in the future? Your weight loss was awesome, are you able to maintain it now? I hope to be banded by the end of the year by Dr. Ortiz. I hope things go better for you!! Darlene

I could get the band placed in the future, and they said probably the VG band. Since it is bigger if I had the same issues, there would be more room to work with. I would love to be rebanded but I think financially now it will be impossible to afford another surgery after paying for the band, fill trips, the removal, and my husband was also banded all in a 9 month time span. Maintaining has been difficult. I find myself eating things I wasn't able to so well with the band. I'm really trying to work on portion control now that there is no band telling me to stop. I need to continuously remind myself of everything I had been learning.

Good luck to you.


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Also my question to anyone else who has had the surgery in TJ - the cost of the surgery is $8,500, but what is the cost of your airfare and travel to the closest fill location? How much is it per fill? I would think anyone considering the surgery should take that into consideration as well. For me personally, I am in Ohio and would have to drive to Pennsylvania to get a fill - not really economical for me if I wanted to have the TJ surgery.

I just finished planning my fill.

It's going to cost me $100 for the fill, $106 for the flight (Southwest summer bargain), and whatever method I decide on for border crossing, either $65 or $130, so, the cost is less than $350 and it will be under flouro by the "awesome" staff at OCC. I am doing a 1 day trip. I didn't consider a fill center simply b/c my surgery was so great that I want to return to the same place.


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I just finished planning my fill.

It's going to cost me $100 for the fill, $106 for the flight (Southwest summer bargain), and whatever method I decide on for border crossing, either $65 or $130, so, the cost is less than $350 and it will be under flouro by the "awesome" staff at OCC. I am doing a 1 day trip. I didn't consider a fill center simply b/c my surgery was so great that I want to return to the same place.


Apple Blossom, congratulations on the successful surgery !!! Mine is scheduled for this Wednesday, July 18. I have a question about the trip for fills, isn't there a cheaper way to get from San Diego airport back down to the border? Does the trolley go down there? Pam

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You can make it from the San Diego Airport to OCC and back for under $20 dollars using bus/trolly/taxi. Look around this forum for detailed instructions. But the bus/ trolley is about $5-6 and the two taxi rides are $5 a piece. And if you want exercise as we all should, you can walk to and from the clinic and save even more.

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  • 5 weeks later...

You have some very valid points. Let me share my experience.

Eating less and exercising more is the key to weight loss. Any 'program' that you join or become part of that is ultimately the way to lose the weight. With the band it is easy to learn to eat around it and consume a large amount of calories. Just because you have the band does not mean you can eat anything you want. It will control the portions if filled right. There will be foods that will be more difficult to eat after the band. Different for everyone.

However what it does do is give you an extremely painful reminder if you eat too much. I went without a fill for 4 months due to my schedule, began eating everything like chocolate bars and cheesecake and my weight went up and down 5 lbs. Without the band in that time period I would have gained 15-20 lbs. with the garbage I was eating. That says something right there.

At times I have wondered if spending the money was worth it. Then I look at the scale and see that in 10 months I have lost 90 lbs. Is the band perfect? NO. YOU have to use the band as a tool, much like using a hammer on a nail vs. a keyboard on a nail. With the right tools and mindset you will loose weight. I am currently following the weight watchers program which is helping drop weight even faster. The combo works well.

Surgery in Toronto vs. Mexico. I investigated Toronto as my wife's family lives there. I went with Mexico for 2 reasons. (1) Cost, (2) Dr. Ortiz is the best in the world. He has performed more surgeries than anyone. What I would find is a local clinic or doctor who will provide after care fills, etc. in Toronto. Then you would have the best of both worlds.

Good luck to you.


As a newbie to this forum, first let me say that this forum is wonderful. I am seriously considering getting banded here in Toronto Canada and have already had my initial consultation. Having read most of the forums here especially the post op food forum, I was wondering why even bother with lap banding when most people are having to eat properly now after their surgery. I read about how some people are having protein shakes for breakfast, and small portions for lunch and dinner and very little snacking, no drinking with their food, chewing properly.....if I ate this way before getting banding, I would be losing tons of weight. I'm not trying to be condescending about this but I'm just thinking why spend $15,000 on a lap band when if I just ate properly the way I should be after lap banding, I probably wouldn't need the surgery.

My problem is portion control and I'm looking to this surgery as a way to control the portions but not limit the foods I eat. Thoughts?


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As a newbie to this forum, first let me say that this forum is wonderful. I am seriously considering getting banded here in Toronto Canada and have already had my initial consultation. Having read most of the forums here especially the post op food forum, I was wondering why even bother with lap banding when most people are having to eat properly now after their surgery. I read about how some people are having protein shakes for breakfast, and small portions for lunch and dinner and very little snacking, no drinking with their food, chewing properly.....if I ate this way before getting banding, I would be losing tons of weight. I'm not trying to be condescending about this but I'm just thinking why spend $15,000 on a lap band when if I just ate properly the way I should be after lap banding, I probably wouldn't need the surgery.

My problem is portion control and I'm looking to this surgery as a way to control the portions but not limit the foods I eat. Thoughts?


Dear Proy,

For one more response to your question, read my post in response to "Considering the Lap Band".

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I struggled with making the decision to have the surgery for several months before finally taking the plunge and setting a surgery date (8/29). I constantly am looking for that perfect "diet" that would rescue me and my weight. I've tried every diet, every pill, every gimmick, every work out program, every diet book, drink, supplement, counseling, hypnosis, etc. I've finally come to a point in my life where if I'm not on some program telling me what to eat or not eat..I have no idea what to cook. I just want to be normal and to eat like a skinny person. I want to eat a variety of foods but in "normal portions." I don't want to always think about calories, or the ingredients, or measurements, or the carb count. For the first time in my life I want to focus on other things. I'm hoping that the band will give me that freedom. I'm tired of eating cardboard foods with nasty chemicals and artificial ingredients. I want to learn to slow down while eating and to actually savor flavors instead of inhaling and shoveling food in my mouth as fast as I can. I'm hoping the band will recondition my brain to learn moderation.

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Hi, I'm also a newbie and read the forum alot. I agree, people who want and get lapbanding need the help of the restriction. I'm currently raising the money to have it done by Dr. Ortiz and hope to be banded before the end of the year. I feel that I'm addicted to food. I don't eat very healthy, but I do love "diet" food. [salads, yogurt, cottage cheese...] My problem is portion control and total control overall. I'll eat every spare minute if I can. Being full doesn't matter, I'll eat more. I said years ago [and many failed diets ago] that I'm going to HAVE to be restricted somehow before I lose weight and keep it off. [remember the Fobi-pouch? I thought back then that it would be perfect for me] Is there anyone else who feels this way about food? Am I alone? I can force myself to stay on a diet and lose weight but within a short time I gain it all back. My last diet was LA Weight Loss 2 years ago... did really well and lost almost 40lbs and have since gained it all back plus. I truley believe that the band is going to work for me, hopefully soon!!! Darlene

Darlene, Its as if I was reading sometime I had written about myself. I understand the eating all the time thing and being full doesn't matter. I am glad to know I am not the only one. Have you had your Lap Band yet? I am only in the "thinking about getting one" phase. I would love to but the cost is one thing and my insurance does not pay. Nice to hear from someone like me.

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I had my lapband surgery on 8/6, so I'm early on in the recuperation, but here's my sense of things at this point. I went to my informational seminar to learn about this process in November 2006, then spent 6 months clocking into a weight loss program, which was an insurance requirement, and then once I had finished that, the doctor's office submitted the paperwork for pre-approval by insurance. That was about May 15, 2007. At that time I weighed in on his scales at 297. I'm about 5'8". Today, I weigh in (on my home scale) at about 272. Before the surgery, I lost about 18 pounds, cause he wanted me on a liquid diet--which I changed, after consulting with the nutritionist, to semi-liquid, because it ended up being 2 months, and I knew I couldn't do it. As I was losing the pre-op weight, people were asking me, why band, if you can lose this way. But in my heart I knew that if I didn't, it would be very easy to slip up into my old ways. When I married in 1968, I weighed 136 pounds. By 1991, I was at 177, having lost 60 pounds once by low carbs, and 60 pounds by WW. The problem was, and I knew it all along, and WW really confirmed it, is that I have eaten in these last 16 years, to fill holes in my heart, and other sadnesses and stresses. As I am on full liquid diet until this Wednesday, when the dr. will hopefully allow me to move to "mushy," I'm paying particular attention to when I feel sad, and I quickly recall that that was when I would usually eat. Most of us with weight problems know, in the end, that lots of dieting issues are really psychological issues. And it takes a lot of mental energy to lose weight. I'm not out of the woods yet. I still have low moments, which I think I will fight a little better when I return to work later this week--I've never been good staying at home, and particularly when I feel pretty fit and otherwise fine.

Having said all this, I think your exploring the idea fully before doing it is good. Because it is not a quick fix. It's a long term deal. When my husband accompanied me to the first seminar, he had been urging me to have gastric bypass, but after hearing about both approaches, we both felt lapband was right. But I admit I was the reluctant follower. He pushed me because my Dad died of congestive heart failure, and I was approaching 300 pounds. This is not easy, but then nothing worth doing is really easy. I just try to go one day at a time, knowing that in the end, I will be healthier. The one message I would leave you with (and one I remind myself of each day) is that this is not a quick fix, and you must be committed to make major changes in your life. For me, I didn't have a lot of choice, because as I am 6 months away from turning 60, my metabolism has slowed to a crawl, and nothing else was really working. Take care. Paula

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How many times have most of us said "I am starting my diet again" Then say it again, and again..... With the lap band, while we may at times make poor choices with food, we are really always on our diet. With good restiction you are not able to eat that appetizer, meal and dessert and then start the diet again on Monday. For 9 months I was able to follow the rules of the lapband. I was making much better food choices. I could easily share a meal and skip dessert and I never pb'd. I excercised regularly. I came withing 15 pounds of my goal. I lost my band 3 weeks ago and I want to cry everyday when I think about it. I truely miss it. All the bad habits are creeping their way back into my life. I am back to struggling with dieting. While I had to make my own choices with food, the lapband did not allow me to overeat. This is where the struggle is for most of us. If finacially I could, I would be rebanded in a heart beat. And of course it would be by Dr. Ortiz and his staff, as they are the best!!


How did you know that you lost your band? Did it just slip?


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  • 4 weeks later...


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Read her second post. She was unable to get any food whatsoever through the band due to the formation of scar tissue, and had to have it surgically removed.

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