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Surgery July 26th- Anyone else?

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I don't know where the July surgeries thread went for Dr Ortiz- I can't find it? I am on my preop and getting real nervous. How are others doing? Want to talk to someone who knows I feel?

My surgery is scheduled for July 20..I am in NC and having it done locally. The surgeon has done over 1000 gastric bypass surgery and started doing lapbands in Jan. 2007. I have read how folks are hungry after the surgery. I have been on Slim Fast for a total of 10 days prior to my surgery and I haven't been hungry..just trying to find things to do instead of eating (which I did before). My surgeon has me on ice chips, clear liquids x 2 days, then full liquids x 7 days, then starting the 2nd week soft foods such as grits, egg drop soup...don't think it sounds all that day but will keep you posted.

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I don't know where the July surgeries thread went for Dr Ortiz- I can't find it? I am on my preop and getting real nervous. How are others doing? Want to talk to someone who knows I feel?

Hi there - I was wondering how you are - I'm in 7/27 - now on the pre-op too. Yikes, it's tough but getting easier for me after the first fews days. I've been shopping alot - just to be out of the house ! LOL. I'm getting nervous too, but more on the excited side. Write back ! Singer.

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Hi there - I was wondering how you are - I'm in 7/27 - now on the pre-op too. Yikes, it's tough but getting easier for me after the first fews days. I've been shopping alot - just to be out of the house ! LOL. I'm getting nervous too, but more on the excited side. Write back ! Singer.

Not really getting nervous. I've had previous surgeries-hip replacement, back surgery, hysterectomy..so this should be a piece of cake in that respect. Today in Day 10 of the Slim fast and I actually woke up with what I sure was hunger...haven't had that feeling in a long time. My head told me I was hungry, but not the important stomach! I have been freezing veggies from the garden so I can have them later on. My biggest concern is when I will be traveling for my job. I stay in hotels and won't have access to a lot of things so guess my luggage will be filled with protein powder. I found a protein water from Stacker 2 with 20 gms of protein and no calories. Don't know what it tastes like, but guess I will find out. Our center suggests UNJURY for extra protein..it can be ordered on-line. Lets keep in touch as we will be close in time of our procedures.

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Hi there - I was wondering how you are - I'm in 7/27 - now on the pre-op too. Yikes, it's tough but getting easier for me after the first fews days. I've been shopping alot - just to be out of the house ! LOL. I'm getting nervous too, but more on the excited side. Write back ! Singer.

Hey Singer I don't know what happened to our original July surgery, but there is another one. I want to make sure we meet. I will be getting out of the hospital the day you are having your surgery. Are you pre-oping the morning of your surgery?

My email is cwrn1@msn.com so we can exchanged more info. See ya soon.


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