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I'm looking into getting the band

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I discussed with my doctor about getting the band. She thinks it's a good idea. I've been reading a lot about it since. I've made my appointment to go to the seminar. I've been reading a lot of comments on this siite. Some things incourageing and some scare the crap out of me. Like the chess pains because of the gas. I'm already paranoid (probably spelled wrong but you get the point) about a lot of things because of my weight that would really scare me. On the positive side, I have read a lot of sucess stories which does make me want to take that step. My daughter had a birthday party for her daughter this weekend and I walked around with my camcorder. Someone thought it was my turn to be on camera. Well when I played it back needless to say I didn't like what I saw. It's funny you never really think you look a certain way until you see the picture. Congrats to all of you who have taken that step and doing well. I hope to be one of you soon.

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Good luck on your journey. If you are willing to work hard and keep your expectations of the band realistic, it should be very rewarding. As you read through people's stories, please keep in mind that this is a SUPPORT forum - meaning people tend to come here when they have a problem. Going to the seminar is a great step. You cal also try looking around in your area for a support group to talk to people who have had this done and get an idea what their experiences have been like.

You specifically mentioned the gas pains as being something that frightened you and they really shouldn't as it is not a crippling pain. To me it was more like having a sore muscle. Walking around to move the air out and the pain meds they give you at the clinic are enough to get through the worst of them.

Again, good luck. And you if have questions about anything you can always post them here.

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I wanted this surgery so bad, I think I would have endured any pain! LOL I did have some pretty bad gas pains, but they are not in the stomach. Mine were in my neck, and shoulder. It didn't last forever, and it was not UNBEARABLE pain by any stretch of the imagination. If you walk walk walk a lot, and do NOT drink any carbonated beverages the night before surgery, or the DAY before surgery, you should be fine.

Everything else was a BREEZE. I would do it again a thousand TIMES! LOVE MY BAND!


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I discussed with my doctor about getting the band. She thinks it's a good idea. I've been reading a lot about it since. I've made my appointment to go to the seminar. I've been reading a lot of comments on this siite. Some things incourageing and some scare the crap out of me. Like the chess pains because of the gas. I'm already paranoid (probably spelled wrong but you get the point) about a lot of things because of my weight that would really scare me. On the positive side, I have read a lot of sucess stories which does make me want to take that step. My daughter had a birthday party for her daughter this weekend and I walked around with my camcorder. Someone thought it was my turn to be on camera. Well when I played it back needless to say I didn't like what I saw. It's funny you never really think you look a certain way until you see the picture. Congrats to all of you who have taken that step and doing well. I hope to be one of you soon.

I apologize if I posted in the wrong place. I haven't been able to think of anything else since I discussed this with my doctor. I came across this site and thought this would be a good place to get some insight. May be someone else felt like I did before they got the band and could give me some advise. Thanks for your comments, they really helped.

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I apologize if I posted in the wrong place. I haven't been able to think of anything else since I discussed this with my doctor. I came across this site and thought this would be a good place to get some insight. May be someone else felt like I did before they got the band and could give me some advise. Thanks for your comments, they really helped.

My aim in pointing out that this was a support forum was so that you would know that the stories here were not always a balanced view of people's experiences, but rather leaned towards when things were going wrong. You are absolutely welcome to post here if you are upset about something or just want information. Oh dear, now I feel terrible.

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Hi Ghbandster,

I'm sure you will find that MOST ALL of the people on this forum felt the SAME way you are feeling right now. It's exciting, and scary at the same time. The best thing to do is RESEARCH it like mad, and come here and talk to people, just like you are doing.

I would also suggest getting a copy of Dr. Ortiz' book, "Lap Band for Life." You can order it from Amazon.com. It is GREAT. I wasn't able to put mine DOWN until I had read every page! LOVED IT.

Now, please do not take offense to Clynn's post. I don't think her words quite came out the way she meant for them too! LOL Clynn is a VERY VERY sweet person, and I know she would not wanted to offend you in the least. She's a great person to have as a friend, and is VERY knowledgeable about the band. It's hard to read tone into words on message boards! LOL

Donna :rolleyes:

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Hi Ghbandster,

I'm sure you will find that MOST ALL of the people on this forum felt the SAME way you are feeling right now. It's exciting, and scary at the same time. The best thing to do is RESEARCH it like mad, and come here and talk to people, just like you are doing.

I would also suggest getting a copy of Dr. Ortiz' book, "Lap Band for Life." You can order it from Amazon.com. It is GREAT. I wasn't able to put mine DOWN until I had read every page! LOVED IT.

Now, please do not take offense to Clynn's post. I don't think her words quite came out the way she meant for them too! LOL Clynn is a VERY VERY sweet person, and I know she would not wanted to offend you in the least. She's a great person to have as a friend, and is VERY knowledgeable about the band. It's hard to read tone into words on message boards! LOL

Donna :rolleyes:

Bless your heart Donna, those were beautiful words. Perhaps if I read what I was writing before I posted I wouldn't end up with my foot in my mouth.

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Bless your heart Donna, those were beautiful words. Perhaps if I read what I was writing before I posted I wouldn't end up with my foot in my mouth.

LOL....It happens to me all the time!! :huh:


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My aim in pointing out that this was a support forum was so that you would know that the stories here were not always a balanced view of people's experiences, but rather leaned towards when things were going wrong. You are absolutely welcome to post here if you are upset about something or just want information. Oh dear, now I feel terrible.

Oh no, don't feel bad. I'm sorry if I sound offended because I wasn't. I have been reading post on this board all week long and is very impressed with everyone's experience . I have been very encouraged by what I've read. I welcome all comments. I found out my appointment for the seminar is friday. I have a training class friday and I don't want to cancel my lap band appointment. I'll see if I can reschedule my last training class so I can go to the lap band seminar. I'm sure you are a very nice person as Donna stated.

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