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Diet Question alcohol

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I have a question about the diet after having lap band surgery. While some may think this is a stupid question it is something I need to know. Are you allowed to drink alcohol after having the band? I know alcohol is high in calories but I enjoy going out after work and having a couple of drinks with friends. Does the band affect how much you can drink or what it feels like to have a couple drinks?

Thank you

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I have a question about the diet after having lap band surgery. While some may think this is a stupid question it is something I need to know. Are you allowed to drink alcohol after having the band? I know alcohol is high in calories but I enjoy going out after work and having a couple of drinks with friends. Does the band affect how much you can drink or what it feels like to have a couple drinks?

Thank you

You can drink alchohol again. It isn't something where your going to be pounding drinks to get smashed though. If you want to have a few NON carbonated alcoholic drinks to unwind though, you can. But yes, it is full of empty calories. You just can't have any carbonated alcoholic drinks (sodas, beer, champagne)

The band does not malabsorb like other weight loss surgeries. Therefore, it technically wouldn't affect how fast you feel the effects. Although some say they do get tipsy quicker, but I believe it is a psychological thing since they are misinformed.

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Why no carbonated drinks? I can't see why champagne would be any better or worse than wine.

My mum drinks champagne at family events, has done as long as I can remember and she had a gastric reduction 20 years ago.

Yes empty calories,and as Jenna said, some say you get drunk quicker - probably because you'll have eaten less.

I'd say give it some time, then take is slowly - one or two drinks over the course of the eveneing. sip slowly and the MINUTE you feel 'wrong' STOP!

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Why no carbonated drinks? I can't see why champagne would be any better or worse than wine.

Just a guess here, but I think it has something to do with the drink goes straight through the banded small part of your stomach to the larger part. There may be a higher chance that gas will build up down there and have a tough time coming up. I would equate "tough time" with pain.

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The carbonation bubbles are thought to "expand" and stretch the pouch. Therefore, needing fills faster and more restricted and eventually resulting in low weight loss due to constant pouch expansion. Others have told me that it is also uncomfortable. At least, this is the theory. And I am not about to test it.

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